The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 300 - Anti-Magic Weapon

[-Inside the hideout of a vampire coven-]

Struggling as she was, Malia does her best to keep herself from the temptation of going completely dark at the sight of a wounded friend, Booth.

'Give in to the power!' the whispers inside Malia's head was becoming more difficult to tame.

It kept ringing and echoing all over her mind.

"No! No! I won't …" Malia desperately struggled within.

Then the sight of the double ended sword of Booth was in front of her.

A realization came into her mind that anti-magic weapons can cancel out any magic essence.

Her powers maybe strong but holding on to an anti-magic weapon may allow her to stop the urge of going completely dark.

This was something that Booth did not expect as well.

If anyone tries to wield an anti-magic weapon aside from its chosen wielder, usually the unchosen one who dares to wield it would feel a burning sensation against their skin.

When Malia reached for the anti-magic weapon of Booth and held it.

Instead of holding unto the grip of the anti-magic weapon, she held on to the blade.

Trying to cancel out the growing urge of dark power uncontrollably within her.

"Malia! What are you doing?" Booth was surprised at the sudden plan of Malia.

Despite being wounded, he wanted to stop Malia from hurting herself but Malai insisted on it.

Because for her, it was the only way at the moment to suppress the growing dark power that wants to completely take over.

Being triggered due to her extreme emotions, once it began spiraling within her … it becomes too difficult for Malia to resist.

A shocking scene it may be for Booth. 

Though, the more shocking part of it … Malia was unaware that her left hand was holding on to the grip of his anti-magic weapon while she aimed on hurting her right palm with the blade of Booth's anti-magic weapon.

Indeed, it was the first time for someone to hold an anti-magic weapon who is not a member of the Rogers.

Only members of the Rogers Family could wield such weapon.

Unexplainable …

Shocking …

And fascinating for Booth it was.

The pain from his wound no longer bothers him because he was too focused and marveled at the scene in front of him.

Unaware to the situation, Malia was more focused on stopping herself from going completely dark.

When her magic started to stabilize again after hurting her own hand from the blade of the anti-magic weapon, Malia could not help herself but celebrate momentarily.

"Booth … I did it!!! I fought my urge to go completely dark." Malia expressed enthusiastically to Booth.

But the hunter friend of Malia was still stunned at what just took place in front of him.

With Malia still holding the anti-magic weapon on her hand.

As if it was just some ordinary weapon she was holding.

"Do you realize what you are holding right now?" Booth asked.

"What?" Malia wondered 

"That is my anti-magic weapon and no one supposed to wield it aside from me. But you are holding it right like some ordinary weapon. Don't you feel any burning sensation while holding it?" a curious query from Booth.

"Oh! Well … I don't feel any pain or burning sensation. Though, my hand kinda stings from the wound I inflicted to myself. Other than that, I feel fine." Malia explained to Booth.

Booth was still in disbelief and amused from what transpired in front of him.

"This is definitely a first!" Booth amused.

"Will you just focus on yourself instead of thinking about anything else?" Malia was more concerned with Booth's wound.

Due to her genuine concern for Booth, the hunter was distracted with Malia's undeniable concern for him.

Malia wanted to cast a reversal spell but she was reminded that it was a dark spell and she could not afford to use a dark magic when she just restrained her dark urges.

Instead of using a reversal spell, she casted a spell that stops the bleeding of Booth's wound and temporarily protects the wounded area from any further damage.

"Let's get out of here!" Malia helped Booth in getting up.

All the attention which Booth was getting from Malia was being relished by the hunter. He was enjoying the moment with Malia.

He could not help it but feel good about it.

"Hide that smile of yours. I may change my mind if you dare tease me at this moment. Because this is not the place for your silliness." Malia warned Booth about his mischievous personality.

"Yes Ma'am!" Booth smiled at Malia as he held on to her.


On the other hand …

The other hunters from the Rogers Family were busy eliminating one vampire after another.

Aj was leading the bunch.

Despite their small number, they clearly dominated and wiped out the vampires from the entire hall.

"Looks like I am the one with the most points. 25 so far!" Aj confidently showed the rings he picked up from the possession of each vampires that turned into ashes.

For them, one must show any accessory owned by the vampire they killed with markings from their coven.

Because it is known that each coven has their own symbol on their certain accessory which signifies their membership within such certain coven.

One of the other hunters expressed his disappointment upon hearing that AJ once again won in their Hunters Game.

Suddenly, two vampires appeared from the shadows aiming at AJ.

Instantly, the female hunter near AJ swiftly moved and used her long bladed whip to kill the vampires.

"Woah!" one of the hunters reacted.

"That was close, AJ! Nice job there, Tess!"

"Thanks Brock! Lucky me, I guess …"

As he turned around to check on what just happened, he was unhappy to know that his fellow hunter saved him from a supposed sneak attack from the vampires hiding in the shadows.

"Oh, no! Damn it …" AJ complained in disbelief.

"Well … I got 24 points, plus +1 from saving you making it 25 then because you almost got hurt from the vampires. Your total points will be deducted with 1 point. For being careless and inattentive with your surroundings." Tess informed AJ.

She continued,

"In other words, I am currently leading with 25 points while AJ has 24 points." 

Others teased AJ for not being the top scoring hunter in their 'Hunters Game'.

Before their teasing go any further, their own anti-magic weapon vibrated.

It alerted everyone and became serious immediately.

Anti-magic weapons only vibrate when there is a powerful supernatural being with an ancient artifact.

From a few distance, a portal suddenly opened.

A mysterious man wearing a hideous mask appeared with a banshee and two flying winged creature.

"Xiara! Our risk paid off… this coven of vampires has fallen. And hunters with anti-magic weapons will be here." Zaeqir commended his fellow dark creature.

Among the dark creatures, Xiara … the most powerful banshee has the ability of foresight but it is only limited within few seconds of glimpse. Though, it only works when a certain query is asked. Only then the foresight could function for Xiara.

Such a -Foresight- ability of Xiara varies depending on the query and the current status quo. Making it not completely definitive and absolute. Thus, risk of failure may occur.

Nevertheless, a powerful ability that may come handy once mastered like Xiara does.

The other hunters stepped back because their anti-magic weapons won't stop vibrating.

Meaning, the group of supernatural creatures that appeared in front of them was not the typical supernatural creatures.

Their anti-magic weapons recognize a powerful dark being with an ancient artifact when it is around.

If the others were being wary of the new presence …

AJ was still fierce and brave enough to step forward.

Directly made an attempt to attack the powerful necromancer.

He was too confident that his weapon will pierce through any type of magic and cancel out any attack from it enemy.

"There is always one stupid hunter amongst the bunch." Zaeqir uttered.

Xiara and the other dark creatures chuckled at the sight of AJ launching an attack towards Zaeqir.

Zaeqir summoned a huge earth pike which appeared beneath AJ.


Blood splattered on the ground.

A large solid pike made of rocks impaled AJ.

"AJ!!!" Tess screamed.

The other hunters grabbed Tess to prevent her from making a stupid careless move.

"Tess! It's too late. Clearly they are too strong for us. We have to retreat!" 

Upon seeing that their opponents were too engaged in checking AJ's body.

All of them made a run from the dark creatures.

While, Zaeqir and the others approached AJ.

"H-h-ow??" AJ looked confused as bled.

Dropping his anti-magic weapon to the ground and touched the large pike impaled to his lower chest.

His vision was starting to blur.

"You see … anti-magic weapons may serve as a powerful weapon. But it does not mean its wielder is exempted from any attacks or powerful magic.  That was your mistake there … relying too much on the power of your weapon." Zaeqir touched the face of AJ as he blacked out.

He further explained, "I only need one anti-magic weapon for my experiment. If I will be able to pull it off, the dark horde would be able to conquer many kingdoms and territories which may serve beneficial to our Dark Lord's cause."

The banshee was distracted, there was a familiar presence from somewhere near.

"I will be back, Zaeqir! I will check on something …" Xiara excused herself.

"Just hurry because I do not have time to stick around here for long." Zaeqir conveyed his intent to Xiara.

Quickly, Xiara went her own way while Zaeqir summoned skeleton monsters and ordered it to cut off the hand of AJ.

Cutting off AJ's hand would become the means for the necromancer to pick up the anti-magic weapon that fell to the ground.

Blood flowed down from the amputated portion of AJ's limb.

As the skeleton minions picked up the anti-magic weapon, the winged creatures above dove towards the flowing blood.

They fought over in taking turns of drinking AJ's blood.

AJ's lifeless body steadily stuck on the huge thorn-like pike made of rocks from the ground.

"Now! Let's see what to do next?" Zaeqir mentioned at the sight of the anti-magic weapon in front of him.



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