The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 303 - Rogers Family (Part II)

[-Main Headquarters of the Hunters Association-]

Boss Emil seemed to undermine the initial plans of the newly appointed president of the Hunters Association.

"I do not intend to ignore our other targets. Regarding the other dark creatures that preys on innocent lives, of course they will be hunted. That is why we leave them to our allies. If you have forgotten, I have established a good relationship as well with few supernatural beings. It may seem unorthodox for the association but …" President Tony was not able to finish his explanation when Boss Emil reacted to his words.

"This is absurd! Relying on supernatural beings? We are hunters for G.O.D's sake! I did not complain when you were officiated as our new president but telling each hunter here today that you want to rely on a relationship with supernatural beings. It is too much to bare! So if you may …" Boss Emil was disgusted at the mention that their new president would recommend alliance with supernatural beings.

The entire Rogers Family was about to leave the current meeting.

But the hunters guarding the convening area blocked each exit points of the room.

"What's the meaning of this?" Boss Emil was unsatisfied with the current response of President Tony from his intention to leave.

President Tony heavily sighed before letting the boss of the Rogers Family know what was in his mind.

Even the boss from the other families were surprised at the sudden response.

The rising tension between the new president and the boss of the Rogers Family could be felt by everyone.

"Forgive me, Boss Emil! But I cannot let you go without hearing my side." President Tony half-heartedly apologized.

"No need! I have heard enough. My hearing could no longer take such further absurdity. What do you take this association for? Your experiment case? I do not know and I cannot speak for all noble families of hunters. The Rogers Family contributed a lot in the creation of this association. I may have been patient and tolerant for allowing you to be the new president of this association instead of one of the founding members of this association. But I would no longer remain silent when you continuously besmirch the hard work and sacrifices that the founding members made for this association to flourish." Boss Emil passionately gave his reasoning.

He even explained further.

"This association was created for the survival of humans. For the greater good of the humans! And you will entrust it all by having a good relations with other supernatural beings. I am not saying we must go war or antagonize them. But we must never lower guards nor extend our hands for a relationship that may risk our entire survival." 

Unexpectedly, President Tony laughed in the middle of the speech of Boss Emil.

Everyone was bewildered by the current reaction of their new president.

Though, Boss Emil was offended by it.

Before he could speak further or vent his anger.

The new president of the Hunters Association explained himself.

"Forgive me, it's just that. No wonder the founding members of this association never actually succeeded in eliminating the threats of humanity completely because of your fear. If only my family had your anti-magic weapons, we could have done better and more … compared to what the entire association have achieved so far." 

A loud reaction came from the various members upon hearing their president claim such a tremendous claim.

More whispers …

Disbelieving reactions …

And even impressed from the words which President Tony just mentioned in front of everyone.

Including, Boss Emil, the chief and head of the Rogers Family.

"How? Impossible? Well … For decades, this association always boxed itself within your comforts and your own way of thinking. Not really going beyond which is the probability of gaining from the alliance with other supernatural beings. In terms of information and additional force, it brings better results for the hunting. It does not mean we are being dependent. We simply benefitting from each other. That is why we form contracts with them and treaties. They help us and we provide them the services they need which we can only offer to them." President Tony elaborated in details.

One of the bosses asked.

"Like what?" 

"First, we can provide information about their enemies. Having common enemies is an ally for us. Imagine how it will help them in eliminating their enemies which can also be our enemies. So, we actually lessen the casualty on our part. We eventually made supernatural beings fight each other. Better for us! 

Second, we can help them conceal their location and territory from the humans.

Last, most important of all … we can promise them not to be hunted if only they give us what we need." A serious tone from President Tony's reply.

"Extortion?" uttered by one of the members.

"No! Not extortion. Trade-offs rather. I call it compromise in order for both to survive. Imagine what we can accomplish." President Tony smiled at everyone proudly while he clarified himself.

"Is that why you have achieved so much these past few years? Hunting more than the usual numbers of targets compared to other families. Even the Rogers family?" mentioned by one of the boss from another family.

Boss Emil glared towards this boss.

"Yes! Because one of our allies … a wolf pack named Jade Pack. We would like to keep the identity of this person but so far this person has become more influential within the pack and their kingdom as well. So … I expect better result from this person." President Tony shared some bits of his secrets.

He asked the boss of the Rogers Family once again.

"Are you still doubting my methods? It may seem unorthodox at first glance but I reassure you with the results. This is why … we can actually focus on the vampires while letting other supernatural beings fend off their own kind for us. With this, we are actually saving more resources and lives of our own members. More hunters alive, more humans safe from terror!" further explanation of President Tony to everyone.

Admitting his own defeat from the argument, Boss Emil returned to his seat grumpily. 

There is no denying it that President Tony had thought things through more than he could imagine.

So as the meeting went by …

Unknown to them, Booth Rogers was on his way back to the residence of the Rogers Family with the other members that helped him in rescuing Malia.

To explain the death of AJ and the missing anti-magic weapon that the hunter used to possess.

In other words, the loss of an anti-magic weapon is far worse than the loss of its wielder.


Meanwhile …

The moment Malia was rescued.

Malia returned with Melody and the rest of her men.

[-In Melody's penthouse-]

Day after her rescue …

Melody was in a festive mood after rescuing Malia through the help of Booth and the other members of the Rogers Family.

She was preparing for their lunch when Malia appeared to ask Melody for something.

"Oh, you are up! Are you feeling hungry? I did not disturb your sleep. I prepared a lot for you. For sure you are famished right now!" Melody was preparing the table for them to eat.

But Malia had something else in mind.

Something was bothering her mind ever since she returned.

If the man claiming to be her brother was telling the truth, what should be her priorities at the moment?

Clearing things out? 

Keep protecting Melody? 

Do her duties as the overseer of the Vitre Family?

Or search for answers?

'What if I should do all of it?' Malia loudly thought to herself while looking so serious.

"Malia, are you okay?" Melody became worried for Malia.

The confused sister of Melody just shook her head and faked a smile.

"Don't forget your medicine! Father said to keep drinking it on time." Melody reminded Malia.

However, Malia became hesitant to take it.

Thus, discreetly … she pretended to take the prescribed medicines.

Faking a smile and acting well enough as if everything was still like the same.

But things were no longer the same … for Malia!

Things have started to change for her.



[1] Chapters issued on April 2021 will be 3x a week temporarily. But the privilege chapters will be released the same number. I apologize for the temporary inconvenience.

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