The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 317 - Seeker Of The Truth (Part III)

*** Moments after Freddie found Malia ***

[-In the Castle of King Lionel-]

Ingrid hurriedly returned to the castle of the vampire king.

Whom she served with complete loyalty.

Finding out that the sister of Lucas was alive after all. 

A concern that they could not deny.

Especially King Lionel, the king of the vampires.

Returning from the mission given to her, Ingrid made everyone leave the throne room of King Lionel.

Everyone left immediately upon her request.

Others wondered at the sudden behavior of one of the feared henchman of King Lionel.

"King Lionel … we have a problem!" Ingrid kneeled in front of their king before reporting to him.

As King Lionel gestured for her to stand.

She started giving her report from what she witnessed and discovered.

The king of vampires slammed the arm of his throne.

"Damn it! When I thought things were already going my way … If that is the case, I must hasten my plans before that woman claims her throne as the supreme ruler of all supernatural being." King Lionel shared to Ingrid.

Among the henchmen and newly formed 5 -Harbingers of Death- who are considered as most powerful members of the henchmen, Ingrid was the most trusted member and closest to King Lionel.

Being a member of henchmen of the king of vampires requires someone to have a supernatural ability, experience and skills in combat.

Ingrid wanted to comfort their king whom she treated like her own father.

"King Lionel, what are we going to do now? Should I assemble a team to assassinate her? While she has not yet awakened her complete form as the next supreme ruler." Ingrid suggested to their king.

But King Lionel had something better in mind.

"No, we will not assassinate her. Based upon the vision, I will have a contribution in awakening her powers. So I would prefer to keep her at bay and secure any leverage I can use against her. And there is something I have in mind." King Lionel was already contemplating for the scheme he had in mind.

Curious as she may, Ingrid remained observant and silent.

Not causing any disrespect towards their king.

"What should we do about Lucas?" Ingrid asked.

The king of vampires looked at her after mentioning his great grandson.

"Did Lucas noticed your presence around?" King Lionel's query towards Ingrid.

His most loyal henchman hesitated in her answer.

Trying to be careful on choosing the right words. Making sure she won't upset King Lionel.

Indeed there was a doubt within Ingrid if her presence was divulged or discovered by the supposed sister of Lucas.

"To be honest, King Lionel … I am not so sure."

"What do you mean … you are not sure?" King Lionel requested for clarification from Ingrid's response.

"Somehow the sister of Lucas was alarmed with my presence despite my effort. Upon confirming the shocking information which I just found out, I may have caused them to be alarmed. But I immediately flee before they could have the chance to catch me or even know that I was there." Ingrid clarified and was very defensive from the choice of her words.

"Basically, he is unaware of you knowing."

"Most probably, King Lionel!" 

King Lionel stood and gave his instruction to Ingrid.

"Act normally around him! Keep an eye on him and do not include him in any important strategy meetings. Inform him and the others that Lucas answers directly to me. Nobody else! Is it understood?" 

"Yes … Your command shall be done!" 

"One last thing, Ingrid. Do not harm him … He still has a use for our domination! His power and strength are very needed for the coming chaos. He has a key role in my plans for the future." King Lionel gave his final instruction to Ingrid.

King Lionel left his throne room, leaving Ingrid wondering about the future plans of King Lionel.

-Moments after-

Lucas arrived with Fluffy.

Trying to keep his cool.

Walking his way around the halls within the castle of King Lionel.

"Where were you?" one of the henchmen asked.

"Why? Do I have to report to you?" Lucas tried to ignore the henchman who was instructed by Ingrid.

"Ingrid was looking for you. She told me to inform you that you are expected in the throne room as soon as you arrived." 

Lucas acted rudely towards the henchman because Lucas never felt comfortable around the vampires who attacked and killed his entire wolf pack.

Including his parents.

The only vampire he was showing any gratitude was Ingrid, for somehow saving Fluffy with her medical skills.

But despite his gratitude to her, Lucas was deeply resentful towards the legion of vampires that obliterated his family's wolf pack. 

He may have blamed mostly towards the former Alpha King regarding the death and annihilation of those people he cared the most. But some portion of the blame and resentment was placed towards the legion of vampires.

The only reasoned he stayed was his resolve to know more about what happened in the past and knowing more about his enemies.

Even once he never considered the legion of vampires as his allies.

'Keep your friends close and your enemies closer! Knowing their weakness and strength will be greatly useful for the future battle to come.' Loudly thought by Lucas as he made his way to the throne room.

*** In the Present ***

One of the henchman reported to Ingrid.

Begged for her help after failing in his mission.

"What? You failed to capture the seer." Ingrid became worried for her fellow henchman.

Because one of the things which King Lionel hates was failing in the mission he expected to be done smoothly.

That's why he sent two of his skillful and experienced henchmen … to make sure that the capture would go smoothly.

"A powerful witch came into the rescue of the seer. I had no match against a hunter wielding an anti-magic weapon and a powerful witch at his side. There is a limit to what I can do." 

Ingrid nodded and tried to comfort her peer. "I understand! But we have to think of a way to explain this to King Lionel."

"Where is he? Is he not around?" 

The henchman scanned the throne room checking if their king is around.

"King Lionel is in the dungeon … with you know who …" Ingrid uttered.

"Right now? Don't tell me …" 

"Yes! King Lionel is trying to hasten his plans and right now, that man will serve useful to the cause of our king." Ingrid explained.

Her fellow henchman could only nod in agreement with her.

Meanwhile …

Somewhere under the castle. 

King Lionel entered the cell of this mysterious guy.

"My patience is running thin with you …"

"Even you tell me about Lucas … I will not help you! I promised my wife … I promised her … the love of my life … I will remain steadfast to our own cause! Eliminating the darkness that endangers the life of the innocent." 

"Oh … well … Your daughter is also alive! What if I tell you … the sacrifice of your beloved will be put to waste. If I kill both of your children …" King Lionel threatened the weakened man in front of him.

The eyes of the man turned into fury red.

"DON'T YOU DARE !!!!!" he screamed towards King Lionel.

"Then … your cooperation is needed if you want them kept alive."

He continued, 

"The lives of your children or those lives unrelated to you? Who is more worthy to save?" King Lionel smirked.

Complete sinister painted on his face.


Author's Extended Note:

Please! Subscribe for the [-privileged feature-] of my story even if it is [-tier 1-]. It will help me qualify for feature rewards and additional exposure in Webnovel Official social platforms. I humbly request for your fantastic support since it will help me and my story a lot. 

I beg of you, to my dear readers! Let us aim for 1,000 privileged subscribers for my story.

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