The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 319 - Elle's Vision

[-In the penthouse of Melody-]

Booth assisted Malia back to the couch.

Trying to make her explain the scene she saw.

As Melody worriedly looked at Malia, Elle was curious to what was happening.

She remained quiet and just watched the situation unfold itself in front of her.

Malia shared the scene she saw.

And it angered Booth because werewolves caused for the suffering and misery on Malia.

Including the betrayal of her supposed brother.

Not knowing the entire picture, Booth became upset for those responsible of her suffering and misery.

"I will skin some werewolves, tomorrow!" Booth declared as he stood.

But Malia grabbed his wrist.

"Please … stop over reacting! The fault of one individual must not be a burden of the others. It still a fragment. We need to clear it up." Malia plead to Booth.

For a moment, Booth calmed down.

Nodding to Malia which confirms his cooperation with her request.

Then Melody stated something to them, "Where is your werewolf friend? Fr- Freddie … was it? When we actually need him, he is nowhere to be found."

"He knows my scent so he will find his way back to us. And it is not difficult to find your address." Malia responded to Melody's statement.

She continued with her words, "I just could not understand why I was stabbed from behind by someone who was claiming as … someone important"

Malia became careful with her words because not everyone was aware of the claims of Lucas.

Only Melody and Booth was aware of it, recently.

Though, Malia still have to be careful because this information may cause some things she may regret.

When Booth went to get some water for Malia, his hand accidentally brushed against Elle's hand.

Another vision visited Elle upon the friction of Booth's hand against hers.

This time it was about Booth.

Elle grabbed Booth's wrist and told him the vision she saw.

"Your betrayal will be the ruin of your family. A deserter that will choose his own greatest desire. Bringing chaos upon chaos …" Elle did not finish her words.

Choosing to withhold some of the vision she saw. 

Since it can still be changed.

It stunned Booth and the others.

"Ruin of my family? Chaos upon chaos? What do you mean about those vision?" Booth grabbed Elle with force.

"BOOTH!!!" Malia reprimanded him.

"Forgive me! How I wish I can explain but as I said. These visions I have is based on your decisions. I cannot pin point but one of your decisions will lead to something which my vision showed. I have no control over this! It just happens to me and invades my senses." Elle apologized from her actions.

"Elle's vision is really something, huh? Can you check on me, if you can see something about me?" Melody approached Elle and touched her hand.

And there was nothing.

Elle's eyes remained … normal and steady.

"Sorry … I do not have control over these visions nor the ability to command it."

Malia heaved a sigh.

"Booth will you get me a water please? Do not pressure Elle. Her powers are not for you to play with." Malia tried to sort things out with her friends.

"And for you … missy! Try to learn how to control your powers. And do not casually utter the visions you see. If you have no control over it … the more you should not easily utter a single word about it. Do you understand?" Malia gave Elle some advice.

The seer nodded to Malia.

"For now … you stay with us. To keep you safe from the vampires trying to go after you." Malia told Elle.

"Ben, will you kindly show Elle to her room." Malia instructed Ben.

When things calmed down.

Silence surrounded Malia and Melody.

Clearly, Malia was trying to contemplate and assess everything going on with her life. This was obvious to Melody while sitting beside her sister.

Looking at Malia … closing her eyes and was deeply entranced with her thoughts.

Until, the arrival of Freddie broke the silence.

"You left me in the venue." Freddie remarked.

"Excuse me! You were nowhere to be found. We could not find you. Do you think we have telepathy to immediately call for you when needed?" Melody was sarcastic with Freddie.

She continued,

"Where were you anyways? You disappeared right after when we left that Ivan guy …"

Freddie thought of something to make it less suspicious.

"I carried that Ivan to the ambulance because it seems like he had some hallucinations and breakdown. So most likely he may have been spouting some non-sense." 

Malia stood after hearing Freddie's explanation.

"He was actually making some sense. And I saw in my memory that your supposed younger brother … Georgie was it? He knew that Ivan guy and if he is truly your younger brother. Then he knows about Ivan." Malia looked serious as she walked closely to Freddie.

Observing his reactions.

Even Melody knows this expression of Malia. 

An expression where she is trying to determine someone's words.

Before Freddie could answer, Malia followed up another question.

"I just had another glimpse of my memories. A werewolf wanted me dead! Most likely a royalty or a king of werewolves because he was sitting on a throne. Why would the king of werewolves want me dead? Tell me … Enlighten me!" a serious tone on Malia's voice.

Due to his inability to answer immediately. 

Being put on the spot made him nervous.

Malia knew a spell that stings someone when that individual refuses to answer.

After performing the incantation of the spell.

A burning and stinging sensation marked on Freddie's wrist.

"Ow! Ow!" Freddie complained as he held his arm.

He continued, "Make it stop! Ow!"

"So you are refusing to tell me?"

"It's not a refusal. It's more of keeping you safe, you idiot!" Freddie anguished as he replied.

"I can protect myself so you do not have to ensure my safety. Truly, I am grateful for our supposed friendship. But there are things that I hate, when someone thinks they can play with me and refuses to tell me what I want to know. So you will tell me the truth or should I yank it out from you?" Malia demanded from Freddie.

Melody wanted to stop Malia but Booth, who just came from the kitchen, stopped her.

"Let them be …" Booth stood satisfyingly witnessing Malia handle the situation with Freddie.

It made Freddie groan in pain.

Then, Malia loosened the pain inflicted on him.

A sound of relief could be heard.

"You can be brutal like the old times." Freddie mentioned.

"Well, I got worse! Now … tell me!"

"I am not acquainted with all of the friends of my brother. I don't know all of his friends. Did you see me with Ivan? Because to be honest I have not met the guy since the fashion event."

Freddie continued but he sighed before revealing to Malia.

"The former Alpha King of Alpha Werewolves wanted you dead. Because you were supposed to be the next chosen one that will rule over the entire supernatural population … the supreme ruler of us all! Many creatures want you dead because you are a threat to their existence." Freddie revealed.

Hoping that it was enough to satisfy Malia. Freddie wished for it to be enough.

While the rest was shocked about the revelation of Freddie.

Unaware that Freddie chose to limit the truth to share.


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