When Booth and Ben decided to leave for the investigation of the accident.

Freddie volunteered in helping them.

"Can I help with the investigation? You can utilize my uncanny senses if you want. I have wolf abilities that can be proven advantageous for your investigation." Freddie offered his services.

Ben looked Booth if they should bring Freddie.

Waiting for Booth's confirmation.

"Okay! You can help with the investigation." Booth accepted Freddie's offer.

"If that's the case, Elle … the seer, can help us with the investigation too. She mentioned some of her abilities. Her abilities may come handy too." Ben suggested.

"Fine, go tell her! Since we are accepting the help from supernatural beings, why not? Go ahead!" Booth agreed and started making his way.

A tone of sarcasm hinted on his reply and Ben only shook his head as he went to inform Elle for the intention to include her help.

But the mention of seer just proved more problematic for Freddie.

While on their way to the elevator, Freddie further asked.

"You have a seer with you? Why I was not told about the seer staying with Selene, I mean … with Malia? Would Malia approve on bringing her with us?" Freddie was discreetly hiding his nervousness.

Trying to discourage Booth from bringing Elle with them. A seer who can see visions and have extraordinary psychic abilities.

Addition to that … the new generation of seers having light magic abilities.

Proving it to be more cumbersome for Freddie's part.

His true intentions in accompanying Freddie was not to help but the opposite. 

Making sure that the traces he may have left could be tampered with. And reassuring that his involvement would be kept hidden.

And untraceable to him.

"Malia gave the responsibility to me in keeping Elle in check since she will be busy doing her overseer duties. We need to find out as well, why vampires are hunting seers these days? Seems unusual developments with vampires." Booth shared to Freddie regarding the instruction of Malia.

Even though Booth may come from the Rogers Family, hunters working along with other family of hunters were not a strange thing for hunters.

For Booth, he became close to the Vitre Family since he met Malia in one of the dangerous missions he had.

Malia came to his life like an angel. 

Saving him from the danger he was in and from the grief of losing his entire immediate family.

-Moments after- 

During their way to the site of where the accident took place, Freddie remained silent and nervous deep inside.

Hiding his own worry and nervousness of what will be known once they began investigating around.

Especially with a seer helping them.

It was like having a thousand times better than a magnifying glass.

To see things that could not be seen by the human eyes.

Instead of conversing with Elle on their way and introducing himself. Freddie was too preoccupied with his own thoughts.

Unlike the other two hunters, Elle could already sense something was going on with Freddie.

But since she was taught by her mentor … not to pry into the personal stuff of others and not using their eyes for their selfish gains. Because curse may befall on a seer who uses their vision and ability for evil and selfish reasons.

When they finally arrived at the site, the ambulance was already pulled back to the road.

Some police and other authorities were already around the premise.

They went ahead after parking the vehicle on the side of the road.

On their way, Ben showed his badge as a detective.

While Booth showed his FBI badge.

A badge which was earned through connections of his family and not through the normal process.

The Rogers Family is well connected with many politicians and various government agencies.

Having an FBI badge was one of the easiest perks of the Rogers Family. 

Forging documents and manipulating their way through crime scenes were easily done.

"They are with us!" Booth referring to Freddie and Elle.

Ben whispered to Elle.

"Do your thing … We will keep the area secure for you. And here is the shades, to cover your eyes." Ben was being extra concern with Elle.

"Thanks!" Elle accepted the shades and immediately wore it.

So she could start helping them.

Correcting her intentions and having a calm mind were the first things she must do before activating her abilities.

Breathing in and out …

Calming her mind …

Elle entered inside the ambulance and touched the walls. 

Then the floor … the driver seat … 

Slowly she dove into her vision.

Booth and Ben were outside conversing with one of their fellow hunters.

"The driver of the ambulance could not give us any concrete details because it turns out … he has an alcohol in his system. So he might be facing some lawsuit for his misconduct there! For the passengers. The medical officer assisting the driver died on scene. According to the initial forensic results." Said by their fellow hunter.

"In other words … you are no help to us!" Booth pointed out.

"Well … at least I provided you some information that you can start with. We can say there is a foul play because the wound inflicted to the driver is not from the accident related. It was actually from a supernatural being." 

"How did you get from that conclusion?" Ben curiously asked.

"Tess used her second whip. Wrapping around the wound area and poof! It reacted to it. Only supernatural caused or inflicted wounds can make her whip vibrates. Good thing, Tess was just in the city. Don't know why but she was around. Good thing!"

Their fellow hunter left the two.

"Looks like Tess is around to monitor me. Grandfather seems to be really upset at what happened with AJ." Booth disclosed to Ben.

"At least, you will try to clear yourself about it. It was not your fault why he died and eventually losing that anti-magic weapon." 

"Tell that to my grandfather! It is better we solve this before they accuse me of being an irresponsible hunter." Booth remarked.

And he wanted to ask Freddie something but he was no longer standing beside them.

"Where is that guy?"


"Freddie. Where is he? I want to ask him about something since he offered to help us." Booth wondered.

Unaware to what happened, while they were busy talking regarding the accident, Freddie followed Elle inside the ambulance.


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