The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 330 - Golden Moon Pack Thrives (Part V)

Hours Later … 

A day after the sudden attack …

Beta Garrett quickly responded to the sudden danger which threatened the residents of the Golden Moon Pack and its members, he issued a tight security on their territory's borders.

Keeping a strict lock down all around its territory. And a full force patrolling unit to ensure no remaining threats around the borders and within their territory.

Only one representative per household can leave their homes and proceed to the -Town Center- for the relief goods and basic provisions which were all provided by the Mayor.

In collaboration with the Beta.

Since the funds were mainly from the treasury of the Golden Moon Pack.

Jane's father, still remains as the mayor of the Golden Moon City.

Each residents and members of the Golden Moon Pack were provided with the appropriate care and relief needed for the situation.

Temporarily, the restrictions and lock down were set for 3 days only.

Until things can be completely secured and no lurking threats around the territory.

[-In the Mansion of Golden Moon Pack-]

Since Scarlett was feeling better and has regained her senses.

Athena immediately requested for her to be transferred in her private quarters.

Scarlett shares her huge private quarters with her mates, Lance and Caleb.

While being under a bed rest, per instruction of Athena.

Lance was serving Scarlett all her needs and providing her all the care she needed.

Though, Scarlett wanted to help in the patrol and security of the border rather than being kept in her room.

"Please, I am totally fine! Let me get out of the bed already." Scarlett requested to Lance.

Unfortunately, Lance refused Scarlett and reminded her with Athena's instructions.

"Remember, Athena's instructions were for you to stay in bed and rest for a while. Going against her orders will only be defiance to her command. Not being in your full strength will only cause liability in a battle or cause problems to other warriors. Because you will become a burden if you insist on participating while you are still in recovery." Lance reiterated and emphasized on Athena's words and reminders.

Scarlett sighed in defeat upon hearing Lance.

A sound of the door opening and closing.

Scent of Caleb was already apparent few meters away.

"Caleb! How is everything?" Scarlett curiously wondered.

She continued, "Have you eaten already? Who is taking charge with the patrolling units at the moment?"

A tension between Caleb and Lance was evident.

The serious look and glares of Caleb towards Lance could cut anything into half.

While Lance remained guilty and silent towards his older brother.

Guilt …

And shame … 

For his irresponsible and careless actions.

Caleb could no longer contain his anger.

"Why are you here? You really do have guts to stay around Scarlett after endangering her like that. Now you see how your risky behavior and being irresponsible can cost us. The life of our own mate! BECAUSE OF YOU …" Caleb grabbed his younger brother's collar.

But Scarlett reprimanded Caleb.

"ENOUGH! Let your younger brother go!" 

Immediately, Caleb released Lance from his tight grip.

A complete guilt was painted all over the face of Lance.

"It's okay! Caleb is right! It's my fault. I will just give you two some privacy … I will go for patrol task." Lance was about to leave.

Until Scarlett's voice became serious and domineering.

"You are not going anywhere, Lance! You will stay by my side. And Caleb, stop blaming Lance. This was no one's fault. If I was not there, the orphan kids may have died in the hands of the vampires." 

But Caleb disagreed, "If it wasn't for Lance stupid and careless graduation party, no one would be at risk … at all! We could have focused in patrols and tightened our security. Instead we got distracted by his irresponsible decisions. Just like always! Self-centered and careless! When will you grow up?"

Insulting his younger brother in front of their mate.

Lance had enough of his older brother's hurtful words.

"Pft! You think you are all that high and mighty? Better than the rest of us? You prefer doing your duty than staying by your mate's side. Even being an older brother, you suck being one! Letting others do your responsibilities instead of you." Lance loud retort towards his older brother.

"Say that again to my face, you prick!" Caleb was suddenly triggered.

Pulling his younger brother's collar again.

Two brothers who were about to throw punch at each other. Until …

"STOP THIS NONSENSE! Or I swear I will leave the both of you. I will reject you both!" Scarlett uttered some shocking words.

Both brothers stopped.

They let each other go and responded to Scarlett in unison.

"You do not mean that."

But Scarlett's expression was unwavering.

"No, I am serious! I am tired of you both fighting. Starting tomorrow, I will stay in Selene's old room in the staff wing before she transferred to the master's bedroom."

The two brothers wanted to complain but Scarlett seemed to be set on her decision.

"Until the two of you learn how to work together as one, respect each other and learn how to treat each other nicely then I might return here with you two. And if not … then I will pursue in rejecting you two. Whether you two like it or not! This is the only way to make you two stop from going at each other's throat. I want my mates to provide me some peace of mind, not some chaotic time."

No one could speak from the two brothers because Scarlett was making sense.

And they just realized how they were behaving around her.

"You do not have to move. What if we promise you, that we would no longer fight at all?" Caleb stated.

While Lance added, "And we will no longer argue in front of you. Would you stay?"

"No … I will transfer! And I will only return if I see the changes with my own eyes." Scarlett insisted.

The two brothers became disappointed.

"How will we sleep without you near us?" Lance complained.

"This will be your punishment. For both of you!" Scarlett pointed out.

Unknown to them, a bigger problem was being faced by their Beta.


Author's Extended Note:

Please! Subscribe for the [-privileged feature-] of my story even if it is [-tier 1-]. It will help me qualify for feature rewards and additional exposure in Webnovel Official social platforms. I humbly request for your fantastic support since it will help me and my story a lot. 

I beg of you, to my dear readers! Let us aim for 1,000 privileged subscribers for my story.


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