Waiting for the last member to arrive.

The other members started to greet one another.

"I must say, I am surprised to see your message … Magdeline. After all the years of silence even after the death of your sister, Grizelda. I wonder what made you accept the role of -Grand White Witch- and joined forces with the same creatures who led your sister to her death." King Cornaith did not hesitate to ask.

King Arceus added, "Yeah! I am also curious about it. What made you agree?"

"I was actually expecting you would make your own faction against the werewolves because of the death of your sister. But alas! Only silence from you. And now, you are here to convene us." King Gazelle expressed his own thoughts.

"There are many things I could point out but time is too short for me enumerate and explain my actions." Magdeline responded to their query.

King Alcyd did not let Magdeline finish, he interjected.

"You hypocrites have the audacity to demand explanation from Magdeline but you cannot explain yourselves for ignoring our call for help when we asked for support from the members of the council." He did not hesitate to vent his own emotions and thoughts towards the other members of the council.

Immediately, Magdeline reprimanded the Alpha King for his actions.

"It's okay, Magdeline. The young Alpha King will not understand our decision at the moment but for the kingdom of elves. We felt that the ordeal you were facing at those times were not urgent enough to demand our presence. Lastly …" King Cornaith hesitated to share his last reasoning.

As he looked at the other kings who coughed in pretense of their ignorance.

Magdeline noticed the feign ignorance.

"Lastly what? Explain it to me! Because that exact ordeal you mentioned … I LOST MY MATE!! YOU STILL DEEM IT NOT URGENT ENOUGH!" King Alcyd stood due to his raging emotions.

Slamming the table with his fist due to his anger and intense emotions.

Blaming the absence of the other members of the Altum Council, partially, for the supposed death of Selene and failure of her rescue.

"King Alcyd … calm yourself! Restrain yourself because we are in the great hall of unity. Such action and tone are discouraged in this respected great hall." Magdeline tried her best to calm the Alpha King.

He grumpily returned to his seat.

For a moment, King Cornaith thought over the next words he would utter towards the emotional Alpha King.

He understands the Alpha King's feelings and resentment towards them. But he could not endure the fact that he would be blamed partially and held accountable for the failure of rescue of the mate of the Alpha King and her supposed death.

"I think, Magdeline was not totally honest with you." King Cornaith pointed out.

Causing a surprise on both Magdeline and the Alpha King.

From the look on King Cornaith's eyes, Magdeline understands what the king of elves meant.

"This is not the time for that … King Cornaith!" Magdeline reiterated the importance of their meeting.

But King Alcyd was oblivious about something that the others were aware of … except for him.

"Ask … Magdeline! She knows why the members of the Altum Council did not respond accordingly to the request of King Alcyd." King Cornaith informed the Alpha King.

Instantly, King Alcyd looked at Magdeline with confused look on his eyes.

And Magdeline knew that she has no choice but to explain it to Alcyd.

Taking a deep breath before explaining it to the Alpha King.

"The Great Oracle sent them all a message. Preventing them to join because of a warning he gave them." Magdeline feared that King Alcyd might misconstrue the intention of the Great Oracle.

She continued, "Even I don't know why he did it … He did not explain to me why … But according to the message. Destruction and darkness will be absolute for those will come … to the aid of the werewolves."

King Alcyd could not believe that the respected Great Oracle would do such a thing.

"He separated me and my mate and now … I find out he … was one of the reasons why the rescue of Selene failed!" King Alcyd uttered in disbelief.

Before things got more intense.

Someone entered the great hall of unity.

[-- Last Arrival --]

A woman with an enchanting beauty wearing pink dress with a floral fabric.

Showing some hints of her intimate parts.

Exposing her alluring body and figure.

Both King Arceus and King Gazelle could not deny her beauty and lusciousness.

Especially her voice.

"I am the new queen of fairies …" 

"Venus! I mean … Queen Venus!" Magdeline greeted the new queen of fairies.

Everyone bowed to Queen Venus.

Showing her the highest respect, next to the late Emperor Odin.

King Alcyd wondered who the woman was.

'Who the hell is she and why they suddenly gave her an immediate respect? If she is the new queen … do they know her?" Loudly thought by the Alpha king.

He felt irritated at the moment because of what he was just told about the Great Oracle.

Processing everything at the moment.

Making him look like uninterested of her.


Meanwhile …

In the castle of King Lionel.

The king of vampires assembled all his allies and the elder vampires.

"I am here today … to introduce to you all … a new ally to our cause!" King Lionel declared.

As soon as the huge door of his immense throne room opened.

A man with red eyes and sturdy built walked the red carpet with the henchmen behind him.

"MY GRANDSON!" King Lionel introduced to everyone.

Hoping to unite all vampires and strengthening his forces.

Due to the growing factions among vampires, having heir to his throne will stabilize his own court of vampires.

Upon reaching King Lionel, he uttered to his grandfather.

"Where are my children? You promised me their safety and showing them to me in exchange of my allegiance to you." His grandson whispered next to him.

"Of course, Berrick! I must know first if you are a man of your words." King Lionel replied.

While Berrick looked at the shocked reaction of the audience of King Lionel, the king of vampires took a glance at Ingrid.

Giving her a look regarding Lucas.

Ingrid made a nervous look.

Signifying the absence of Lucas at the moment.

Which made the king of vampires clenched his fist.

Because Lucas was a crucial key to his plans in getting Berrick to agree in his diabolical plans.

The former Alpha of Silver Aurora Pack …

And the father of Lucas …

And Selene!


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