The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 343 - Shiveena's Intervention

*** Before Prince Ivan left for the mission ***

[-In the Royal Hospital-]

After Princess Shiveena shared to Prince Ivan regarding the revelation she had about Alpha Marcus and his father's plans, her younger brother could not decide whether they should tell Prince Ranku or not.

Though, Princess Shiveena wants to tell her youngest brother about it and put an end to the schemes of Alpha Marcus' father.

"Why do I feel like … most fathers of Alphas are so ambitious?" Princess Shiveena remarked.

She continued, "I think Ranku must know about this!"

"And tell him what? That his mate is currently scheming something behind his back? Conniving with the father to topple down the influence of the Alpha King, our other brother!" Prince Ivan tried to make Princess Shiveena realize the precaution that they must do.

Still … the princess was adamant in wanting to tell Prince Ranku.

"We must confront Alpha Marcus about it and try to make him explain or enlighten us with the situation." Prince Ivan expressed his own opinion regarding the issue.

His sister snorted and was clearly opposed with Prince Ivan's idea.

"Let him lie his way out of it. Giving him the chance to hurt our brother." Princess Shiveena's tone was agitated upon mentioning the possibility of Alpha Marcus ingenuity.

"Actually if we tell Ranku about it without clarifying things with his mate then … eventually we will be hurting him still. Breaking them apart will hurt our brother greatly." Prince Ivan pointed out something which Princess Shiveena failed to realize.

Without fully realizing the weight of the pain they may cause towards their brother.

"I think Ranku needs to know! We are not trying to break them apart. We just want to make him vigilant and careful with his mate." Princess Shiveena insisted.

Her younger brother looked at her in disbelief that Princess Shiveena kept insisting on doing something which may cause pain and misery towards their brother.

"What! Stop looking at me as if I did something so terrible. I am just saying, Ranku needs to know because …" before Princess Shiveena could say any further.

Suddenly, Prince Ranku entered the room.

"What do I need to know?" Prince Ranku demanded from his siblings.

Taken by surprise, Princess Shiveena could not utter the words she wanted to say to her younger brother.

Unknowingly, Prince Ranku overheard Princess Shiveena's statement regarding her suggestion to tell Prince Ranku regarding what she discovered about the former Alpha of the Sunstar Pack and his mate, Alpha Marcus.

Instead of focusing his attention to the condition of Prince Ivan, he became more interested and curious about what Princess Shiveena has to say.

Prince Ivan tried to divert the attention of their youngest brother.

"I am here in the hospital bed. Not seeing each other for quite some time. No greetings at all, at least hi or how are you?" Prince Ivan looked believable with his attempt.

"I heard you talking about me and my mate. Just spill it already! Judging with your tone and by the look on your face. There is something that I need to know." Prince Ranku was persistent on making his sister say it.

It was clear for Prince Ivan that their brother is now more interested to know about the discovery of Princess Shiveena.

"Fine! I found out that your mate … and his father … are scheming against Alcyd through conniving and aligning with the former Prime Minister Morris. And that is why, Alarick is currently doing something to solidify the influence and power of the royal family once more." Princess Shiveena disclosed her own discovery.

Telling everything to Prince Ranku.

"Impossible! I would have known. And how the hell you got this information. Who told you this rumor? Have you checked the authenticity and reliability of your source?" Prince Ranku refused to believe his sister.

This made Princess Shiveena roll her eyes and handed over to him some piece of letters which she intercepted.

"You cannot deny the official seal and penmanship of your mate. You can smell his scent from the paper which tells us that he wrote those things. By the things he wrote, he was just using you for his interest and reassuring his father that he is still in cahoots with him." Princess Shiveena wanted to say more.

But Prince Ivan stopped her.

He faked a cough while directing his glance to Prince Ranku.

Emphasizing the current dilemma of their youngest brother.

Upon seeing the clear evidence against his mate. 

Prince Ranku was dumbfounded and in great disbelief.

Shocked …

And hurt at the same time …

Learning about the treachery of his mate.

No matter how much he denies it. The letter shows the treacherous side of his mate.

Remembering all the times they spent together.

'He just used me!' he loudly thought to himself.

For the longest time, his siblings saw his tears fall as he crumpled the letter.

Gritting his teeth and clenching his fist.

The royal prince has decided to confront his mate about this matter.

Before he could even leave the room.

His wrist was grabbed by Princess Shiveena.

"Where are you going?" she asked.

"I will confront him regarding this! Once he fails to give a satisfying explanation, I will end things with him." Prince Ranku informed his sister.

"Why don't you cool down for a while? And we have to plan out what we need to do next. Plus, there is something to …" Princess Shiveena suggested to Prince Ranku but before she could share something more important to him …

"What do you know? You never had a mate! So stop acting like you know what's best for me!" Prince Ranku uttered emotionally.

Their youngest brother stormed out the room.

Leaving his siblings astonished.

"Ranku!" Princess Shiveena failed to make him stay.

"I told you Shivs! We should have clarified things first for ourselves before involving Ranku and revealing it to him. This might lead to something big which we may have no control of. How will you handle this without me? Imagine … we weren't able to tell him about the possibility of Selene being alive."

"Don't blame me! Clearly, he needed an intervention from me." Princess Shiveena defensively explained herself.

"Sometimes, you do more damage than fixing things …" Prince Ivan shared his opinion without any hesitation.

Contemplating on the matter whether she had done the right thing.


Author's Extended Note:

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I beg of you, to my dear readers! Let us aim for 1,000 privileged subscribers for my story.


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