[-In Melody's Penthouse-]

The other hunters assigned to guard Melody was all knocked out by Fluffy.

While Melody was preoccupied with her own stuff in the kitchen, Lucas woke up and instructed Fluffy to use its ability {-Shadow Walk-} in knocking out the hunters assigned to guard Melody.

Including the rookie member whom Malia defeated some time ago. 

All of them were easily knocked out by Fluffy through taking them out in a surprise attack.

None of them were able to defend themselves.

So, no matter how loud Melody screamed for help, nobody would come for her rescue.

"Help me!!! Somebody !!!" Melody suddenly realized that there was no help coming for her.

Thus, she decided to use her powerful voice.

Despite the warning of Malia to never use her voice against someone without Malia's supervision because Melody has no control over her power yet as well. 

The level of intensity and potential of her powers were still being studied carefully.

Her hesitation to go all out due to the fear that she may harm Malia's older brother.

The beastly look in Lucas' eyes and its flickering brightness seems to scare Melody.

But his touch around her wrist seems to have a spark and unexplainable effect on her sensations.

She wanted to resist further but his touch had a pleasurable feeling within.

As if it was making her want for more.

"Mate! You are my mate!" Lucas kept mentioning about Melody being his mate.

Unfortunately, Melody had no idea about mate bonds of werewolves.

She did not pay attention much about the discussion regarding supernatural creatures.

Making her clueless about the words being uttered by Lucas.

Realizing that Melody was clueless and feeling scared.

A voice within his mind encouraging him to mark Melody right there at the moment.

His beastly eyes shone brightly and his fangs sharpened.

Preparing to mark his claim towards his mate.

'Mark our mate already!' exclaimed by the voice in his head.

It was the first time Lucas heard this voice dictating him what to do.

Before he could even implement his intention to mark his mate.

Melody released a deafening scream.

Immediately, Lucas released his grip on Melody's wrists.

Covering his ears and flinching in pain.

Rendering Lucas immobilized.

And agonizing in pain.

Melody kept screaming.

Once she stopped screaming, Lucas was already on the ground disoriented from the effects of her voice.

When blood started to drip from his ears.

And Lucas starting to lose his consciousness once more.

Guilt and a sudden panic crept within Melody.

"Oh my!" Melody felt certain guilt and worry seeing Lucas in pain.

She could not explain but she was suddenly feeling concerned and worried for Lucas.

"I did not mean to hurt you! I just wanted you to let me go. And you looked like … you were about to eat me. Oh my! Oh my! Wake up!" Melody was panicking at the sight of Lucas bleeding and in pain.

If her voice could inflict damage and pain.

It could also heal someone through activating her enchanting voice.

Adjusting the notes of her voice, utilizing its enchanting sound … wounds and certain ailments can be cured just listening to it.

That is why many humans are going crazy over her voice because of the positive effect it creates to their health and mentality.

She closed her eyes and began to focus in tapping her healing voice.

< Hmmm … > Melody began to hymn at the beginning.

Then an enchanting voice started to resonate around the room.

Even Fluffy who was guarding outside went to check on the beautiful and enchanting voice exhibited by Melody.

Doing her best to fix the damage she has done and pain she inflicted towards Lucas.

Fluffy crouched and was entranced with Melody's singing.

In the middle of her singing.

The bleeding on Lucas' ears stopped and he stopped flinching in pain.

Regaining back his senses.

As he opened his eyes, Lucas witnessed the beauty of his mate and her enchanting voice.

Melody was closing her eyes in focus.

Lucas could not contain his feeling as he kept looking at her.

'Kiss her! Kiss our mate!' the voice won't stop encouraging him.

Then there he was.

Lifted himself to reach for Melody's lips with his own.

At the end of her song, she suddenly felt the lips of Lucas against hers.

Such warmth …

Unexplainable butterfly feeling from the pit of her stomach …

Melody wanted to say something.

Instead of words to come out from her mouth.

She hiccupped.

"You are so beautiful! You are like an angel sent from above." Lucas genuinely expressed his attraction towards Melody.

Speechless and astonished.

There were no words could come out from her mouth.

At the same time, Fluffy was cover its eyes through its own paws.

Lowering its gaze from the sight of Lucas kissing Melody.

"W-why did you kiss me?" Melody was finally able to let out words from her chest.

The older brother of Malia held Melody's face and complimented her with all the right words.

Blushing and covering her mouth from the sudden kiss that just happened.

Staring at each other's eyes.

As if time stood still and nothing else mattered except the two of them.

Resisting the extraordinary sensation she was feeling.

Her heart won't stop beating faster.

'What the hell?!? Why am I feeling this way towards him? Oh no! Oh no! He is the brother of Malia. Oh my! What will Malia think of me if she finds out? That her brother and I …' loudly thought by Melody.

Worry started to visit Lucas' mind.

'You are a bad kisser! She is not reacting the way she should. Let me takeover! I will kiss her right!' the voice within Lucas requested to takeover but Lucas refused.

"Did I do something wrong?" Lucas wondered.

"YES!!! YOU KISSED ME, you idiot! Oh my GOD! Your sister will kill me. If she finds out!" Melody was freaking out.

"Selene will not kill you! My sister would understand because you are my mate." Lucas reassured Melody.

"What's with this mate? You keep calling me mate? I have a name … my name is MELODY! Not mate!" Melody had no idea what Lucas was talking about.

"So Melody is my mate's name. What a beautiful name!" Lucas held her hand and gently kissed it.

He continued, "I am Lucas … at your service!"

Melody was totally in shock.

'What in the hell is happening?!?!?!?!?!' looking confused at the sudden turn of events. 


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