The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 347 - Hunters' Raid (Part I)

[-In Berrick's Private Chamber-]

Deep in his thoughts, Berrick didn't notice the presence of his grandfather, the king of vampires approaching to his private chamber.

There were two henchmen guarding his door.

Immediately, the henchmen bowed at the sight of their king.

As the door opened, Berrick was taken aback at the unannounced appearance of his grandfather.

The king of vampires arrived, informing him about a task in proving himself worthy.

"Prove me your worth and you will see Lucas!" King Lionel said without any hesitations.

This did not come across well for Berrick.

"Why would I need to prove myself and do your bidding without seeing my son? How would I know if you really have my son for that matter?" Berrick refused to accept any orders from his grandfather without seeing his son first.

King Lionel smirked at the words uttered by his grandson.

Expecting for him to demand such proof.

Ingrid handed over some of the things of Lucas.

Piece of shirt which belonged to Lucas was handed to Berrick for him to confirm the scent of Lucas.

"Those things are some of the belongings of your son. His scent is very much apparent and evident on those things. Like that shirt on your hand right now. His scent is still warm and fresh which proves you that I have him under my care … at my will!" King Lionel pointed out to his grandson the idea of Lucas being under his care.

Confirming the scent of his son.

It reminded him of the little sweet boy running around the house and asking him to play with him.

Those moments they shared as father and son.

"Where is he? Why is he not here?" Berrick became serious and demanded for his son.

"I told you … prove your worth to me and you will see him. And do something reckless and stupid like … going against me! Then you will permanently not see him and your daughter, for good! Just like your … dead wife." King Lionel cold heartedly elaborated his command.

Former Alpha, Berrick was in fury upon mentioning the death of wife and threatening the life of his children.

As he made an attempt to lunge at his grandfather.

King Lionel released a painful invisible force towards Berrick.

Making him experience the excruciating pain of his powers.

Screams resonated all over the room.

Until King Lionel released him from the pain.

Gasping for air and was surprised at the level of power that the king of vampires have.

Berrick reevaluated his own plans at the moment.

"Oh, grandson of mine! It's futile to make an attempt on your grandfather's life. I forgot to tell you … I am the oldest vampire in the history! MOST POWERFUL, STRONGEST AND FASTEST among the rest. So, if I were you … do not even think about crossing me at all. It will only be futile." King Lionel elaborated his prowess and strength to his grandson, Berrick.

The members of the -HARBINGERS OF DEATH- stood proudly behind their king.

Looking at his grandson on the ground trying to recompose himself.

Breathing hard and at the same time, contemplating for his options, Berrick realized how truly dangerous his grandfather is.

"If … I do this … will I prove myself worthy? Will it be enough to see my son … and my daughter?" Berrick asked.

King Lionel realized that his grandson may not cooperate if he finds out about his daughter.

It made him decide to stir Berrick towards his own personal enemies, the hunters.

"Our deal is only about your son … not including your daughter." King Lionel told Berrick.

Berrick wondered, "I thought you have my daughter too?"

"Hmm … I will be honest with you, I only have your son." Confidently lied by the king of vampires.

"How about my daughter?" 

"Regarding with your daughter, hunters killed her when they raided us before. They tried to use her as their hostage. When we failed to comply, they killed her right on the spot." Unwavering lie of King Lionel.

Fabricating his own way in trying to manipulate his own grandson.

Ingrid and the others feigned ignorance upon hearing their king lie. 

Not showing any hints of surprise in their face.

It made the lie of their king more convincing, when they showed a proud look painted on their eyes.

Upon hearing this, Berrick was lulled into the lies of his grandfather.

Clenching his fist in anger.

Thinking … why would the hunters kill his daughter? And it dawned on him that because of the presence of his grandfather. They may have seen her as a threat to mankind.

"You are in luck because as of this moment, there are group of hunters trying to raid us. Making an attempt to hunt vampires and obliterate us completely. So … I want you to prove your worth by eliminating, ALL OF THEM!" King Lionel gave out his orders.

"Is that all I have to do? Just to prove myself?" 

"Yes! And lastly, my most trusted vampires will observe your task. If someone escapes, your task will be incomplete. In other words, you must eliminate them … ALL!" King Lionel emphasized the important part of his command.

That no intruder will be left alive.

Suddenly, a change in Berrick's eyes.

Flickering into its beastly form.

Due to his anger and emotions.

Claws coming out and him slowly growing bigger than his previous form.

Shifting slowly into his wolf form.

A shock in the eyes of other vampires.

Witnessing the new form of Berrick.

From a normal four-legged wolf form.

Here he was, standing twice his normal height.

Larger built and form.

But his skin covered in white diamond with his claws sharper than ever.

"I bring you … the wolf form of a Hybrid! My grandson!" King Lionel proudly presented his grandson to his trusted vampires.

Being proud at the monstrous sight of his grandson.

"Lead me to them!" Berrick uttered before howling loudly.



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