The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 359 - Escaping From The Extraction Team (Part I)

Lucas was utterly confused at the words of Elle.

"What are you saying? Why are they here? No one knows …" Lucas conveyed his disbelief at the warning of Elle.

As he tried to gather his wits, he saw Freddie looking guilty and reflecting on his misdeeds.

"Oh! What did you do, you filthy rogue!" Lucas stepped forward but Elle stopped him.

"You have no time to reprimand him for his past actions. They are after you too! Bring your mate with you …" Elle advised Lucas.

She continued by discreetly telling him, "But I guess you have to put her down before taking her with you."

Upon hearing Elle's words, it made sense to Lucas.

He had to bring Elle with him … no matter what!

Finally, Lucas has decided to act upon the advice of the seer to him.

Going towards the room of Melody.

Despite Melody locked the door, Lucas used his magic to easily unlock the door.

Melody was surprised that her room got unlocked without her permission.

Her eyes could not believe what was going on and she was confused at the random actions of Lucas.

"Where are your things, your clothes, bag and stuff?" Lucas asked Melody directly.

In her confusion, she just pointed at her walk-in closet.

"Wait! Why are you messing around with my things? Hey!" Melody complained at Lucas.

Swiftly, in a blink of an eye, Lucas knocked Melody to sleep and put her gently to bed.

"Forgive me, love! I have to do this …" Lucas whispered to the unconscious Melody.

Then he continued preparing her basic stuff for their travel together.

While Lucas was busy inside Melody's room, Elle tried to distract Ben by asking him stuff and using her flirting skills.

Freddie was too busy reflecting on his actions and contemplating to how he would tell to the woman he loved that he lied to her.

A lot of things running into his mind.

Whether his best friend would forgive him?

Would she be happier with Alcyd?

What life she will have with him? 

Knowing that the Alpha King is engaged with someone else.

Only Elle knows what was currently going on.

When Lucas was finally ready to leave, he summoned Fluffy from the shadows.

Immediately Fluffy was prepared for the command of Lucas.

Lucas tied the travel bag of Melody around Fluffy's furry neck.

Before he carried Melody, doubts and fears invaded Lucas' mind.

For the first time he became unsure of himself.

And felt anxious about someone else's feelings over him.

*** Flash Back ***

Few hours ago, before Elle arrived in Melody's penthouse.

Melody was walking back and forth.

Lucas offered Melody to take a seat.

"I need to think about what I have to say to your sister. How will I explain this to her?" Melody nervously stated.

"There is nothing to explain, she will completely understand and be supportive of us. Especially her best friend is my mate!" Lucas confidently pointed out to Melody.

Suddenly Melody got irritated with Lucas constantly saying that she is his mate.

"PLEASE! Stop saying I am your mate." 

"But … you are!" Lucas felt disappointed and hurt at the words of Melody.

Melody had no clue or idea about werewolves' concept of mate.

"Ugggghh!!! Just stop it, don't call me mate. IF you call me one more time, I will LEAVE YOU AND PUT YOU FAR AWAY!!!" Melody threatened Lucas.

Lucas disappointment got worst and feared that Melody may reject him.

'Shhh!! Don't antagonize our mate … I will blame you if she rejects us. Just go along with her wishes for now.' The voice of the spirit wolf of Lucas becoming more prominent as time goes by.

Though, Lucas had no time to have a chit chat with his spirit wolf because he was more concerned with Melody.

His eyes won't leave the sight of her.

Pacing back and forth.

Contemplating on … how will she deal with Malia's reaction once she finds out regarding the claim of Lucas on Melody?

'Damn! I don't know how to deal with this mate thing. No one taught me about this! I don't even know how to convince her in going through with our mating process. She is not even a she-wolf.' Lucas loudly thought to himself.

His spirit wolf heard his thoughts.

'First of all, you must engage with her in a simple physical contact. Like holding hands … Or offer her your lap! Our mate needs to sit! That's it! Go! Offer her to sit on your lap. That will be a great move in forging connection with our mate.'

Despite being unsure with the suggestion of his spirit wolf.

He still went through with it.

"Don't you want to sit? If you want, my lap is available too." Lucas offered.

This made Melody stop in her tracks.

She was completely stunned from the offer of Lucas.

'See! I told you … best way to …' the spirit wolf of Lucas wanted to boast around until Melody expressed her agitation.

"There are many chairs and spot in this penthouse for me to sit on, why do you think I would choose to sit on your lap? You are unbelievable!" Melody felt more frustrated at the behavior of Malia's older brother.

Lucas was still clueless to how he was behaving towards Melody.

"Is there something wrong with my lap? You are my mate, there is nothing wrong for someone to sit on her mate's lap" Lucas insisted.

"It is totally wrong! It is not right for me to just sit on your lap and for you TO OFFER YOUR LAP!!!" Melody started raising her voice.

"How will it be wrong if you will be my wife soon?"

"WHAT WIFE?!?!?!?! Why the hell do you think I will be your wife just like that? I barely know you! And why are you jumping into marriage so quickly?!?!?!" Melody was feeling more irritated and frustrated as their conversation goes further.

"Then who are you planning to marry, huh? Tell me and I will tear him into pieces. Tell me WHO?!?!?!" Lucas was becoming more unreasonable with his words.

"Have you gone completely mad? Did your brain somehow shrink into a raisin and you spout absurdity without rationalizing or making sense out of it?"

"What's to think if you are right for me and I am right for you? We are meant for each other! So … One way or another, you will be wife? Maybe not today or not tomorrow, but definitely someday … you will be mine! WIFEY!" Lucas firmly remarked at Melody.

'That's right! You tell her, man! From now on, call her wifey! So that she gets reminded whom she belongs to …' the spirit wolf of Lucas applauded the words of Lucas.

Unfortunately, Melody felt the opposite.

"I can't take this anymore! I give up with your madness!" Melody just gave up arguing with Lucas.

"I have broken Malia's brother! She will kill me … Oh my God!!!" Melody uttered in her worry.

At the mention of Malia possibly killing Melody, Lucas stood in anger.

"She won't dare! Or else, she will face my wrath!" Lucas exclaimed.

Frustration was painted all over Melody's face.

She wanted to cry in frustration.

"You can keep saying it like that but it won't take away the fact … I completely broke Malia's brother into a mad man!" 

She excused herself admitting surrender in dealing with Lucas, "I am going to shower and cool off!"

"Do you want some company?" Lucas blushed at the thought of Melody going to showers.

"DEFINITELY NO! You don't join me, do you understand? Because if you do … I will cut you into pieces myself!" Melody stormed off.

Making her way to the shower.

'Oooohh!!! Our mate is feisty! Me liking it! Hihih~!' the spirit wolf of Lucas was enjoying the banters between Lucas and Melody.

'She did not say we cannot wait for her inside the bathroom, right?' Lucas trying to confirm it with his spirit wolf.

'Well, we can do that but just go in discreetly and let's not push her buttons further. Get inside in stealth mode.'


*** End of Flash Back ***

"I hope I am doing the right thing in bringing you with me." Lucas worriedly thought to himself.

Fluffy rubbed his muzzle against Lucas hand.

Trying to comfort the worried looking tribrid.

In his worry for Melody, he held Melody while he mounted at Fluffy's back.

"Let's go buddy! Go as far as we could go. Away from everyone! We will find Selene once we find a place to settle in. She can handle herself!" Lucas told Fluffy before they left the place.

Fluffy jumped off from the balcony and Lucas helped Fluffy to float around while trying to get as far as they could.

Running away from the group of supernatural ones who may take him into custody.

Lucas was not ready for the Alpha King and his sister to reunite.

This was his way of punishing the family of those responsible for his entire family's demise.

'Selene will be more in danger if I allow the Alpha King to be reunited with her!' Lucas was trying to convince himself from the decision he just made.

To run away...

And keep the truth from the Alpha King…



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