The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 361 - Escaping From The Extraction Team (Part III)

[-In King Lionel's Castle-]

It has been a day since King Lionel ordered Ingrid to dispatch Malia's body.

Thus, the king of vampires wanted to know what transpired regarding his request from Ingrid.

Sitting on his throne watching each vampires whisper and talk about the issues involving other covens of vampires.

News regarding the other kingdoms reacting to the outbreak of vampires, has finally spread.

Antagonizing other kingdoms may have put other coven of vampires in a vulnerable state.

Though, the king of vampires reassured the safety of other covens through tasking 2 henchmen per allied coven.

For those covens who have not sworn allegiance to King Lionel will not receive any help nor protection from their king.

This was one of the reasons why many vampires prefer to swear their allegiance rather than losing support and protection from their king.

Despite his tyranny and evil plans, many vampires prefer to be under his protection rather than to be persecuted by other creatures and fend for themselves.

Unlike being under the protection and care of their king, vampires are actually being protected and provided with provisions needed by each coven.

Whispers …

Talks …

And the usual drinking of blood, in courtesy of the hosting of King Lionel.

Making sure everyone were being fed with preferred blood type while everyone is in his court.

The sight of his grandson, Berrick, standing by his side looking at the creatures that he hated.

Berrick thought to himself …

'As soon as I am done with my plans in ruining the family of Viktor … I will wipe out each one of you! Have your drink now and I will take my pleasure in eliminating you all. No one will be safe from my wrath!' Berrick looked at the crowd in the royal court.

Looking serious and unhappy.

"You are looking gloomy as always, grandson of mine!" King Lionel remarked at Berrick.

"Pretending to be happy and excited is not part of our deal. So, don't even think about making me enjoy at the presence of these … creatures … your coward puppets." Berrick did not hesitate to respond with a snide comment towards the allies of King Lionel.

Some of the vampires in the court over heard Berrick's snide comment due to their sharp hearing ability.

It did not suit well to their hearing and made them glare towards the direction of the former Alpha of the Silver Aurora Pack … Berrick.

"Just like your son! I think he got his feisty attitude from you. Same words and attitude he showed when I brought him here." King Lionel was reminded at the similarity of the father and son.

Both Berrick and Lucas have a lot of similarities which King Lionel noticed.

Mostly with their attitude and manners.

Hearing all these things about his son made Berrick lighten up and his attention was redirected at his grandfather.

"You mean … you also introduced him in front of your allies?" Berrick curiously asked the king of vampires.

King Lionel chuckled at the curiosity of Berrick.

"Yes and I even gave him a high position in my trusted circle. I made him a member of the most elite group which is known as the -Harbinger of Death- and they have the role to lead each of my henchman."

A confusion clouded Berrick's mind, "He accepted the role of leading your henchman?"

'Why would my son cooperate with these vampires unless …' he thought to himself.

"Yes he did … with some persuasion, of course! I saved his guardian wolf. A feral werewolf who won't leave his side and he calls him Fluffy. Apparently, I heard … this particular werewolf stood by your son and daughter since they were young. Very unique werewolf who serves as their guardian ever since. So, saving this werewolf allowed me to have a leverage on your son." King Lionel elaborated the reason on how he got Lucas to cooperate with him.

Berrick nodded after understanding his son's reasons. 

"Guardian wolf …" Berrick contemplated on who was this guardian wolf that his grandfather was referring to.

Then it dawned on him … Captain Randall.

A man he entrusted his children with.

Making promise to look after his children.

"Oooh! He really did fulfill his promise …" Berrick realized who the guardian wolf was.

Unexpectedly, for the first time in the longest time … he finally smiled. 

Even though, it was just for a moment.

Some vampires was surprised that the grandson of their king knows how to smile.

"Looks like something made you smile. Would you care to share?" King Lionel also noticed.

And it surprised him to see Berrick smile even for a moment.

Berrick shook his head and replied.

"It's nothing! I was just going over what you said regarding my similarity with my son." Berrick kept the information about Captain Randall.

Just in case Captain Randall had a family or relatives alive. He doesn't want them involved with his own scheme and his grandfather's evil plans.

At least this way he could repay the kindness and favor which Captain Randall has impressively shown towards Berrick's children.

'Oh, Captain Randall … How can I repay your undying service and kindness?' Berrick contemplated into.

Then the arrival of Ingrid made other look towards her direction.

As always, she looked regal and intimidating.

Her beauty may look timeless and fierce compared to others.

Looking like in her late twenties rather than old.

Since she was turned into a vampire during her twenties. Thus, her age stopped aging. 

Right at the moment, King Lionel turned her into a vampire.

"Ingrid! Finally you have arrived. I have been waiting for you. Where have you been?" King Lionel sounded relief at the sight of Ingrid.

Immediately, Ingrid approached the king and paid respects to him.

"So, have you done what I have asked of you?" King Lionel asked.

"Yes! My king … I have done what you asked of me …" Ingrid blatantly lied at King Lionel without any hesitation.

Grand Elder, Amelia, was amongst crowd and smiled at the decision of Ingrid to be part of her new secret little coven.

Only few souls know about Amelia's secret coven of vampires.

Because King Lionel view Amelia as his rival in vampire politics but he could not eliminate his own aunt.

The woman who raised him as her own.

But when King Lionel turned into a vampire, the first person he turned into a vampire was his aunt.

Amelia looked at her nephew with a little bit of resentment.

'I never asked for a life like this.' Amelia thought to herself as she made an eye contact with King Lionel.

After long years of resisting and running away from his nephew, Amelia was captured and forcefully turned into a vampire.

Despite her resistance, she was still turned into a vampire. 

Against her will.


Meanwhile …

Outside the borders of the metropolis, a city fully populated of humans.

After sprinting at full speed, Lucas asked Fluffy to rest for a while.

He could sense that they would need a bit of rest.

Carefully, Lucas carried Melody and placed her down on the ground, after placing the bag as a pillow for her head.

"We need to rest a bit, you need your full strength just in case we encounter danger." Lucas rubbing Fluffy's fur.

Then Melody was starting to wake up.

Nervousness took over and Lucas tried his best to think for a good reason that he could use in explaining to his mate.

"Uggghh …" Melody groaned.

Opening her eyes and seeing starry sky.

And remembered her last moments before losing consciousness.

Having no strength to even yell at Lucas.

Melody directly raised her head and looked around for Lucas.

Seeing him hesitating to approach her.

"Before you go mad at me! Let me explain …" Lucas carefully begged at Melody.

She glared at him with an angry look.

"You better explain before I do something I regret. If you weren't only Malia's older brother, I would have killed you now."

"Some group of creatures are after me. And if I did not bring you with me. They could have used you as their leverage against me. You are now my weakness. If before I can easily go all-out but now … the thought of leaving you in a risky situation … I cannot bear the thought of it." Lucas explained himself.

"In other words, kidnapping me is your best solution? What a great way of thinking!" Melody mocked at Lucas.

"Then what would you prefer me to do, huh?" Lucas asked Melody.

"First of all, we could have talked about it first before rushing into things. Second of all, I am a daughter of the president of Hunters Association. I have plenty of resources at my finger tips and now you just pulled me away from those things. Leaving me completely in a more risky and vulnerable state. And lastly, you do not decide for my life!" Melody complained.

Fluffy looked away as things get more intense between the two mates. 

Moving to a different spot, giving the two some privacy on their own.

Until a familiar presence alarmed Fluffy but it was too late for him to warn Lucas and Melody.

Group of werewolves leaped toward him and a vine of thick roots constricted Fluffy's movements and forcefully wrapped around Fluffy's muzzle.

Disabling his movements and ability to howl.

"Gotcha, buddy!" Chloe greeted Fluffy while caressing its fur.

At the same time the voice of Lucas and Melody arguing few meters away was clearly evident.



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