The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 363 - The Votes Against

[-In the Great Hall of Unity-]

After the unexpected and shocking interference of some unidentified creatures.

Members of the Altum Council heightened their security before continuing their important session.

A momentary silence occupied the entire hall.

The Alpha King of all Alpha Werewolves broke the silence by starting the conversation.

"Why would other supernatural creatures have the interest to take the seer and disrupt the Altum Council's important session? Unless, you acquired the services of the seer by force or against her wishes." King Alcyd directly accused King Magnus without any hesitation.

"How dare you accuse me of slavery? And insult my good name!" King Magnus raised his tone as he hit the table with his fist.

"King Magnus, the Alpha King of the werewolf kingdom had a valid question." King Cornaith defended King Alcyd before Magdeline could even utter a single word.

The king of the elves continued,

"Do not be too defensive regarding such matter. Because the way we look at it … there is truly an issue or a possibility that you may have taken the seer against her will. Especially there is a magical barrier which I cannot penetrate as I try to look further regarding the seer you employed." 

Magdeline added which it did not help the case of King Magnus, 

"Who is this seer, King Magnus? Seers have been hiding since the death of their last Grand Seer. So, we would know the motives of the assailants." 

King Magnus clenched his fists because he does not want to be linked to King Lionel nor be associated with him.

Any association with the King of Vampires may lead votes against him and consequences which will be detrimental for his own kind.

"Why is it so important? Can't it be simple as she had bad relations with others or some group of supernatural beings that want her due to her abilities? And no relation to me whatsoever." King Magnus tried his best to distance himself from the extraction of the seer and to avoid any further suspicion of him.

"But you cannot deny your involvement, King Magnus! The seer was taken without force and no one got harmed. There were no signs of resistance. Meaning, she was basically saved from your employment or rather … service." Queen Venus pointed out.

Slavery or an individual serving someone against their will is a sensitive issue amongst fairies and elves since they were creatures before that were enslaved by the Dark Lord.

In ancient times, Elves and Fairies were enslaved by the Dark Lord along with the other supernatural creatures.

Until the rise of the first supreme ruler, the late Emperor Odin, who saved everyone from the evil clutches of the Dark Lord. 

Saving most of the supernatural creatures from slavery and extinction.

Forging relations and unity amongst supernatural beings against the dark horde were one of the legacies left by the late Emperor Odin.

This was the reason why some members of the Altum Council were trying to demand answers from the king of warlocks.

"I employed the seer by her own will. I wouldn't bring her if she was forced. She was not even chained! In fact, I was protecting her from the vampires who was hunting her. Vampires have been more active than usual … these days! This should be the issue we are talking about, not my seer! Her abduction is my problem and not yours to make!" King Magnus emphasized on the agenda and priorities of the members of the Altum Council.

Both King Arceus and King Gazelle agreed with King Magnus.

"I agree with King Magnus! I hope the others won't get derailed with the real issue at hand. The things we need to resolve rather than talking about the abduction of someone which does not involve our kingdom." King Arceus conveyed his thoughts.

"For the first time, I have the same sentiments with the king of the barbarians. We do not have the luxury of time to wait things get worst. From the constant horrors and violations which the king of vampires continuously doing. Vampires have threatened the safety and lives of our own people. Are we going to do something about it or not?" King Gazelle was becoming more impatient regarding one of the issues he wanted to be resolved.

When King Magnus was about to sigh for relief, Queen Venus issued a shocking proposal to the other members of the Altum Council.

"I would like to cast a proposal of surveillance project in every kingdom for monitoring and protecting each other from the vampires." Queen Venus raised a proposal.

It made King Magnus more nervous because it will be more difficult for him to act upon the demand of King Lionel from him.

At the same time the fear of being associated with the king of vampires.

King Magnus wanted to complain but if he further complain about it, then he may sound more suspicious.

The other members started to contemplate on the value and significance of the proposal which Queen Venus raised.

"We need a majority vote for this to be implemented. The conditions and operations of this proposal will be further discussed upon its approval." Queen Venus explained.

She continued, "All votes in favor …"

In order of those who raised their hands were …

First was Queen Venus.

Second was King Cornaith.

And then followed by King Alcyd and Magdeline together at the same time.

Though, the others were hesitant regarding the matter.

Because others were not sure if it was a good idea to let others monitor their borders and have some risks of putting themselves in a vulnerable position.

For King Magnus, he was the most hesitant because of the fears he had which may put him in a very bad position.

Risking everything he worked hard for.

So, when both King Arceus and King Gazelle raised their hands in favor.

He also had no choice but to raise his as well.

To diffuse any suspicion about him.

"That does it … Everyone is in favor regarding my proposal." 

Queen Venus continued the discussion and elaborated how her proposal will be implemented.

Everyone listened to her.

But King Magnus was more busy thinking about how he could manage his relations with the vampires and the Altum Council.

Making it more difficult for him.


Days after the meeting of the Altum Coucil …

[-In The Council Room-]

After the official session in the royal court,

The officiating of some new appointees and the first day of Prince Alarick as the returning Prime Minister of the Werewolf Kingdom concluded in a very intense manner.

Many Alphas did not agree with the changes of Prince Alarick because things were more in favor to the royal family rather than the other wolf packs.

But Prince Alarick reminded everyone their positions and the role of the royal family.

Since the royal army are mostly deployed for the protection and reinforcement of other wolf packs, the new prime minister justified his actions before taking everything into voting.

Reminding everyone that whoever votes in favor to his proposals will eventually reveal their cooperation to the throne and to the royal family.

While, the votes against to his proposal will only mean one thing … opposition to the royal family.

Opposing the royal family doesn't mean rebellion.

Politics in the royal court allows any other wolf pack to oppose.

Since they practice democracy and fair leadership.

But in times where true loyalty is being measured, these were the times where it reveals each wolf pack's true intentions and loyalty.

Princess Shiveena and Prince Alarick remained in the council room after the short session they had with the other officials.

"I cannot believe Sunstar would openly oppose us like that." Princess Shiveena stated the actions of the former Alpha within the royal court.

"Do not take it too hardly, Shiveena! Their Alpha was not able to vote. Alpha Marcus was not available to cast a vote for the Sunstar Pack." Prince Alarick's reply to Princess Shiveena's worry.

"But that young Alpha of Jade Pack is truly gutsy to lead the votes against your proposals for change." 

"You cannot blame him, we demoted most of their allies. Including his father! It was expected from him. What surprised me … is the growing influence they have in the royal court. They almost reached a half of the total votes. If Alpha Marcus was present, the votes would have been tied." Prince Alarick became serious.

Contemplating on the growing influence of the Jade Pack amongst the allied wolf packs.

"Alcyd would be returning any time by now." 

"If our problems with the Jade Pack and the other Alphas were not enough. How will we explain to Alcyd regarding the possibility of Selene being alive?" Princess Shiveena became more concerned with the problems they have to deal one after another.

Unaware, that someone has arrived unexpectedly.

Noticing his scent was too late for Princess Shiveena to think over the words she just uttered.

"What did you just say?" a familiar voice demanded for an answer.

"Alcyd, you are back!" Prince Alarick stood immediately at the arrival of their Alpha King.

Unfortunately, Alcyd ignored his older brother and focused his attention to Princess Shiveena.

"Say that again! Who is possibly alive?" King Alcyd repeated his question.

Looking at his younger sister seriously.

Not sure if it was the right thing to do.

Princess Shiveena looked at Prince Alarick for help or assistance. 

Her eldest brother only nodded, giving her the signal to tell him what they know.

"It's … Selene …" Princess Shiveena slowly revealed to her brother.

"Selene is alive?" King Alcyd uttered in disbelief and shock.



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