On their way to the dungeons …

Theo wanted to ask the Alpha King what happened with Laura.

And to why the wedding was being rescheduled earlier.

Many questions going over Theo's mind.

But his fear towards their Alpha King took over.

King Alcyd's aura was heavier than usual.

Filled with such intensity.

When they finally arrived at the holding cell where Lucas was chained.

Hanging with his wrists tied.

While Melody was seated next to Chloe.

"Let her go! She has nothing to do with my sins!" Lucas begged towards Prince Alarick.

Prince Alarick and Chloe supervised the interrogation but Lucas feigned ignorance regarding any information about Selene.

Telling the couple that Selene was already dead.

Making his own fabricated lies to how he survived.

Somehow, Melody understood who they were looking for.

"Why are you looking for this Selene? The guy already told you … he doesn't know where this Selene you are talking about." Melody supported the alibi of Lucas.

Knowing that if they find Malia, they would take her away from Melody and Lucas.

Lucas noticed how Melody went along with his lies.

"We are not here to persecute you for your sins. The main purpose of your captive and interrogation is to extract the truth from you. Something tells us that you know something about Selene. It is too impossible that you have no clue about your sister." Chloe clarified to Lucas.

"Why won't you believe me? I already told you countless times. I was separated with Selene and when I woke up, she was already gone. While the vampires took me to their king." Lucas shared the half-truth.

Chloe put a spell on the chains which would hurt Lucas if he lied.

So far, the chain remained normal.

Prince Alarick looked at Chloe.

"He is telling the truth. The chains is not burning his skin." Chloe replied.

"Then … who is the woman whom Ivan saw and heard singing? Ivan mentioned about her having the splitting image of Selene and having the exact voice! So, how will you explain that to us?" Prince Alarick further asked Lucas.

Lucas answered without wavering in his will to deny the truth from those who only wanted to know …

If Selene was truly alive or not.

"Even you ask me countless time … the answer will not bring back the dead. She is the sister of my mate. Daughter of the new president of the Hunters' Association. Yes, she may look like Selene! But even I mistook her for Selene. Though, her name is Malia … not Selene!" Lucas answered.

Immediately, Chloe looked at the chains constricted around Lucas' wrists.

Still …

Steady and normal …

Not inflicting any burns on Lucas' skin nor showing any signs of lies from Lucas.

Disappointment was painted all over Chloe's face.

She was hoping at least for something that would take away the mystery from the disappearance of Selene.

The others waiting outside the cell were even more disappointed to hear no conclusive information about Selene.

Remaining the same …

Clouded with questions and longing for Selene.

Things became more intense at the arrival of King Alcyd.

"Alcyd!" Prince Alarick uttered.

His aura was totally different.

Prince Alarick stepped aside and stood in front of Chloe just in case something went awry.

He also wanted to ask Theo regarding the certain mood of his younger brother.

But Theo only shook his head.

Even the Delta was clueless to what caused for their Alpha King to be in such a foul mood.

"Alarick … you are asking the wrong things. Someone as clever as Lucas. An experienced liar and villain. Because of this bastard … I got separated with the one I love!" King Alcyd stared at Lucas' eyes with such contempt and anger.

His ball of fist was clenched tightly and punched Lucas strong enough.

To hear him groan in pain and for him to bleed.

They could hear some of the ribs of Lucas crack from the blows of punches which King Alcyd was throwing.


"Enough! Stop it … No!! This is madness! Why are you hurting him? I thought you cared for Selene. Do you think she will be happy if she finds out you are hurting her brother?" Melody could not explain but she felt bad for Lucas.

She could not endure the sight of him getting hurt further by the Alpha King.

Everyone looked at Melody at what she just said.

"If she finds out? I thought you believe as well that she is dead?" Chloe reiterated Melody's words.

King Alcyd was already putting pieces together and he was able to figure out the word play of Lucas.

So, he decided to ask Lucas a direct question.

"Is the Malia which I just heard you say … is she Selene?" King Alcyd directly asked Lucas.

At that point, there was no escaping for Lucas nor dodging.

It was a direct question he cannot maneuver his way out from it.

Only silence …

Any word he could think of has no sufficient substance to keep them from knowing.

"I … don't … know!" Lucas wished for miracle that the chain would not burn his skin.

Unfortunately, the chains went red …

Burning his skin.

-Scream from pain!-

"Arrrrrrgghhhh!!!" Lucas could not endure the intense pain.

As he looked at those who were present.

Completely shocked …

And in disbelief …

Those who were outside have heard what just transpired.

Amongst them all … King Alcyd was utterly speechless.

Confirming … 

Selene is still alive.

"Oh my GOD! Selene is still alive!" Chloe exclaimed in shock from the truth.



Check my -Wall of Appreciation- dedicated for my readers! It changes time to time. I am planning to include some new things to show my appreciation for my readers. Just always check my -Wall of Appreciation- that is located on the {-auxiliary volume-} right before {-Chapter 1-}.

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