The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 368 - Still Alive (Part II)

When things were shocking enough already to know Selene was still alive.

Now, finding out she has been under the roof of the hunters.

And not just with the ordinary hunters but with the family of the new president.

"What?!? Why are you giving her missions? Isn't the life of hunters dangerous?" King Alcyd pointed out the dangers which hunters encounter during their missions.

"Alcyd! They have no idea who she is. Let's just be grateful that she was protected and kept safe by the hunters. It could have been worse if she was found by the dark creatures." Prince Alarick tried to reason out with his younger brother.

There were many questions needed answers.

Like why Selene could not remember them and how she lived with the hunters.

Most important of all … 

"Where is she? Why Selene is not with you?" King Alcyd curiously asked.

Melody sighed in disappointment.

"If you mean Malia … she went for a raid … to attack the vampires which tried to take her older brother and their guardian wolf as hostage. Lucas was not told about it because she knew that Lucas will stop her about it." Melody answered.

Upon hearing the plan of Selene.

Lucas was greatly worried.

"NO! Why didn't you stop her? Does she know the forces she is up against with?" Lucas became clearly worried.

His concerns and worries were evident on his face.

"I tried but she is stubborn! It's been days already since she left for their target. She brought an army of hunters with her." Melody explained.

"An army of hunters is not enough! King Lionel's forces are way too powerful than any army! She is going to a pointless mission." Lucas revealed another surprising information.

Prince Alarick and the others were surprised once more.

"Wait … you mean … Selene is on her way to attack King Lionel? The king of vampires? Why would you think Selene is on her way against King Lionel? And how would you know regarding the forces of King Lionel?" Prince Alarick expressed his own curiosity.

"Because …" Lucas hesitated to share what he knows.

"Lucas! Your sister's life is at stake!" Chloe yelled at Lucas for hesitating to share at all.

"Wait! Wait! I am confused. I was told she is only going to raid a vampire coven just like she used to. The location you gave her regarding the coven you stayed, she said it's only an ordinary vampire coven." Melody was looking confused at the words of Lucas.

"It's not that simple … the location I gave her … if only I knew she would do this … I wouldn't have disclosed the location to her …" Lucas was looking more worried.

He continued, "If Selene was found by the family of hunters, I was found by the henchmen of King Lionel. The king of vampires turned me into one of his henchmen. Selene is raiding the territory of King Lionel, not some ordinary coven of vampires."

One shocking revelation after another was being disclosed to everyone.

King Alcyd was having difficult time to process everything.

It was too much.

All at once.

Including his issues with Laura.

"Where is the territory of King Lionel?" the Alpha King sounded serious.

Maintaining the distance between of King Alcyd and Lucas from one another, Prince Alarick had to make sure that his younger brother would not do something careless and he would regret in the end.

"No one survives to those who are uninvited to his kingdom." 

"Then what do you suggest?" Prince Alarick asked.

"Let me go and check if they got my sister. If what they have done to her." 

King Alcyd and Chloe did not want to agree with this but Lucas reassured them all.

"Do not worry, I will kill them if they did something bad to my sister. Now you know she is alive …"

Chloe immediately refused.


"Let him be! And we will keep his mate in the royal palace as our hostage." Prince Alarick suggested.

"WHAT?!? As if I will let you …" Lucas refused as well.

"That's right! Alarick is right! Bring your sister back here and we will release your mate safely." King Alcyd agreed with the suggestion of his older brother.

"I don't care what you want! Help me reunite with my mate and I will grant you the chance to be with your mate again. For today, enjoy seeing her because tomorrow … you will leave to get your sister back." King Alcyd conveyed to Lucas his command stating his unnegotiable intent.

He furthered before leaving,

"Theo! Double the guards in this cell and bring Lucas' mate after an hour to one of the private chambers for the guests. So that, while we wait for Lucas to bring Selene back … we will hold his mate as our leverage." King Alcyd instructed his Delta.

Leaving him upset and agitated.

The sound of the chains bustling from the movements of Lucas.

Others followed their Alpha King.

While Prince Alarick and Chloe were left behind along with Georgie.

"You do not have to worry about your mate, Lucas. She will be taken care of while you are gone. Your mate is our only insurance policy for you to cooperate with us." Prince Alarick was straight forward with Lucas.

Immediately, Lucas could grasp the intention of King Alcyd. 

Being forced to do something which he doesn't want to do was truly a challenge for Lucas.

"If I were you, just cooperate already! If you think Alcyd made your sister unhappy and miserable, you are wrong! She was happy and had fun with us … until you came into the picture … ruining all the good things she had. If you think Alcyd brought her misfortune, you are terribly wrong! Because it was you … who caused her all this pain and misery … Leaving her alone with your foster mother and forcing her to leave the side of her mate … And for her to go through all this struggles and misery were all because … of YOU! I hope you realize that …" Chloe did not hold back with her words and each word stung like an acid in Lucas' ears.

Chloe left with a shock on Lucas' face.

Making Lucas realize all the things he brought to his sister's life.

The most shocking of all revelations …

How unaware Lucas was with the impact of his actions and decisions towards Selene …

Piecing it all together …

Even he could not deny the heartbreaking truth in Chloe's revelation.



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