The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 384 - Greed Of The Dark Witches (Part I)

Somewhere far away from the Werewolf Kingdom,

A heavily guarded main headquarters of the Hunters Association.

Surrounded by armed guards.

Mostly were serving the new president.

Coming from the same family of hunters, -The Vitre Family-

Since the appointment of President Tony Vitre, he assigned new guards around the main headquarters.

The entire compound was fenced and strictly guarded.

One of the structures or buildings within the compound was known as … 

-Museo Encantro-

Named after the very first president of the Hunters Association.

A place where important and magical artifacts were being kept and sealed.

In such dark night, each guards were attentively and strictly doing their rounds in their assigned areas.

"I heard the president is leaving soon with his entourage." One of the guards told his fellow guards.

"Yeah! And we will be left here to do our duty as guards." 

"Don't you miss hunting dark creatures? Mostly vampires?"

"I also miss it but the new president assigned us to be the new guards here in the main headquarters. So, if he tells us to do this … then we have no choice but to obey his command."

"I know! I know! But come on … don't you miss it?"

Their fellow guard joined their conversation.

"Be careful what you wish for dude! Because at least we get to see another day. Unlike the two of you, I have a family now. So, I prefer this kind of assignment rather than going for a dangerous hunting mission."

Nodding along to the opinion of their fellow hunter.

What they don't know …

Just nearby the compound of the main headquarters.

A group of dark witches were fast approaching.

"Mia! Are you sure about this?" one of the dark witches asked.

"Will you stop doubting my decisions? All of you must keep this circle and keep summoning dark energy. And do not hold back or cut the linking spell. Viktor and I … will attack the main headquarters with the help of the combined dark magic essence of you all." Mia elaborated to other dark witches.

She continued, "If ever this infiltration becomes successful, then all of you will gain more magical power than before."

At the mention of gaining more magical power.

It fueled the greed of the dark witches accompanying Mia.

Believing to her dark plans for their future.

All of them entrusted their future and believed in the dark powers of Mia.

Each dark witch focused on the task given by Mia. Hoping for Mia to succeed.

The former Alpha King prepared to assist Mia.

King Viktor, in his cursed werewolf form, was exuding in dark aura and savagery.

Mia equipped the cursed werewolf with a black magical collar that will amplify his durability, strength, and agility.

At the same time, Mia wore the dark ring which magically links her to the magic essence of her allied dark witches.

Their commonality was their greed for more power.

And inside the walls of the compound of the main headquarters of the Hunters Association was something that would allow them to succeed.

Right after her preparations, Mia gave a signal to the cursed Viktor for them to begin.

"Viktor, Let us begin!"

Excitement was very apparent all over Mia.

Viktor growled in response.

Under the bright moon, where things seemed to be tranquil and went by like the usual nights.

Then from out of nowhere, a rain of dark flames began.

"What's that?" 

At the realization of an attack.

"Incoming!!!!" Screamed by one of the guards.

Watch tower activated its alarm.

Ringing loudly.

Thus, chaos began.

Explosion all over the place.

More hunters scattered and took cover from the raining dark flames.

Some hunters went outside riding a protected jeep with some wielders of anti-magic weapon.

In their attempt to find the intruder who was trying to cause havoc in the main headquarters of the Hunters Association.

The dark witches, allies of Mia, formed a circle in the woods.

Nearby the compound of the main headquarters.

Movements of the hunters were detected by these dark witches.

Aside from constantly gathering dark energy to provide more dark magic essence to Mia.

These dark witches were also capable of multi-tasking.

Such as defending themselves and diverting the attention of the other hunters.

"We cannot let the wielders of anti-magic get near us!" one of the dark witches informed the others in the circle.

"Yes! Let us collectively summon a giant -Dark Golem- for them to deal with."

-Dark Golem- is an animated anthropomorphic dark creature which can be brought to life through dark magic.

Unlike the usual -Golem- creatures, this one can last longer and has stronger exterior which can be more difficult to defeat.

Especially at night.

"Not just a dark golem! Add some dark winged-monster to reinforce the -Dark Golem- that will help us wreak havoc."

At the sight of the summoned dark creatures, the group of hunters took a pause on their tracks and parked their vehicles at the side.

A face-off between the hunters and the summoned dark creatures were about to begin.

Meanwhile, inside the compound of the main headquarters.

Panic ensued.

Other hunters calling for more reinforcement at the sight of the summoned dark creatures appearing from a distance.

From that same moment, a shadow appeared right at the entrance of the -Museo Encantro-

Both Mia and the cursed Viktor emerged from the shadow.

"Finally! We are in the location." Mia uttered in excitement.

Instantly, they knocked out the nearby guards assigned to secure the entrance.

Blasting off the knobs and chains of the entrance.


Forcefully making their way inside.

More darkness surrounded inside.

Once Mia and the cursed Viktor entered the premises, a surprising light blinded their eyes.

"Arrrghh!" Mia covered her eyes.

Viktor roared in anger.

"That will not intimidate me … oh, Viktor!" a familiar voice registered to Mia's mind.

"Mother!" Mia angrily mentioned her mother.



Check my -Wall of Appreciation- dedicated for my readers! It changes time to time. I am planning to include some new things to show my appreciation for my readers. Just always check my -Wall of Appreciation- that is located on the {-auxiliary volume-} right before {-Chapter 1-}.

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