The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 386 - Lovers Quarell (Part I)

*** Days Before ***

Right after the confrontation between Prince Ranku and his mate, Alpha Marcus.

Prince Ranku flew his way back to his private manor.

Rushing his way to his private manor.

"Ranku!!!!" Alpha Marcus tried to stop his mate from flying away.

Unfortunately, the royal prince was too upset to even listen for what he has to say.

-Moments after-

At the arrival of Prince Ranku …

The entire staff of the manor were in fear for their royal prince.

Because it was rare for them to see him angry and upset.

Especially in tears.

No one had the courage to even talk to him.

They avoided to make any eye contact with him.

His aura was emitting with such fury and anger.

It was known to many that the temper of the royal family was more lethal than any Alphas.

Thus, seeing their royal prince angry puts them all in a risky position.

The most senior staff member who is considered to be the head butler of the private manor was hesitating to approach their royal prince.

"MISTER ALFREDO!!!" Prince Ranku called for the head butler.

Immediately the head butler rushed to the master's bedroom to where the royal prince was.

As he entered the room, he saw the entire room messed up.

Things all over the place.

Some hole the wall.

Broken mirror.

Shards from the broken glasses and the wrecked window were scattered on the floor.

"Oh, dear! Send a code -Defcon 5- to the royal princess. We need her assistance now!" Mister Alfredo instructed the maid behind him.

"Where are you, Mister Alfredo?!? Come here … NOW!!!" Prince Ranku was yelling loudly.

Inside the walk-in closet of the royal prince, the head butler saw their prince putting some of the clothes of Alpha Marcus inside the travel bag. 

And some hanged long sleeves were being removed from its original place.

"How may I help you, sir?"

"Take these all out! I want it all out of this house. I don't want to see it nor smell it. Is it understood?" Prince Ranku gave a firm command.

There was no room for any questions.

His eyes was filled with anger.

So, the head butler complied with the command of the royal prince.

"At your command, sir!" Mister Alfredo immediately complied.

One after another, Mister Alfredo took all the things which was piled up and stuffed by Prince Ranku.

Intended to be thrown.

As they got out of the huge walk-in closet, Alpha Marcus was panting and sweating by the door.

"Mister Alfredo, put all those things down." Alpha Marcus displayed a powerful and intimidating -Alpha's Aura- towards the head butler.

But the royal prince over powered his mate.

"Mister Alfredo, THROW IT ALL OUT!!!! I DO NOT NEED THOSE GARBAGE IN MY ROOM!" Prince Ranku insisted.

"Forgive me, Alpha!" Mister Alfredo remained formal towards the Alpha and continued walking out.

Alpha Marcus sighed in frustration.

At the sound of the door closing, Alpha Marcus tried to approach the royal prince but Prince Ranku kept his distance from his mate.

"Will you stop this non-sense and childish behavior, Ranku?"

"Non-sense? Childish? Huh?!?" Prince Ranku was completely upset.

"If you will only let me explain and listen to me …"

"What's there to explain? It's very clear! You are using me for your father's scheme against the Alpha King."

"EXACTLY! My father's … not mine!" 

Making an attempt to reach out to his mate.

"What not yours?!? You are the Alpha of Sunstar! According to the letters and the secret notes you have sent to your father, YOU AGREED TO IT. REASSURING HIM!" Prince Ranku yelled.

He continued while in tears, "You are clearly in cahoots with your father! I am just a piece of your plans. One of your stepping stones! Is this how you will repay my feelings and devotion for you?"

"I completely fell for you! I FUCKING LOVE YOU!!! BUT WHY? WHY?!?!"

Prince Ranku's mate wanted to clarify himself and reassure his mate that the feelings were mutual.

He also loves him too.

But there was too much anger surrounding Prince Ranku.

"Ranku … I …" Alpha Marcus wanted to comfort his mate and explain himself.

Unfortunately, the prince was completely emotional. 

He took a huge shard of glass and threatened the Alpha.

"If you are not going to leave … my house! I WILL KILL MYSELF! I WILL END THIS MISERY OF MINE!" Prince Ranku has lost his rationality and became …

Complete mad!

Prince Ranku was completely convinced that Alpha Marcus was just using him for their own schemes and ambition.

Holding on to his own perception.

"Alpha! Please … give him some space and time … to think … and calm down." Mister Alfredo advised the Alpha.

After giving up, Alpha Marcus listened to the head butler and left the manor.

Giving the prince some space and time to calm down.

He planned to return once things cool down.

Hours passed …

Days have passed …

There was no hint of calling him back to the prince.

'Damn it! I've had enough, I will go back inside!' Alpha Marcus was determined in confronting his mate again.

He has been waiting for the prince to request for his return and hoping that his mate would realize that it was all just a misunderstanding.

But he has been going back and forth checking by the gate of the manor of Prince Ranku.

And Mister Alfredo kept giving him bad news.

So, he had decided to confront the royal prince.

Surprisingly, Prince Ivan arrived.

"Do not force it, Alpha Marcus! You will not solve anything if you force him to hear you out or listen to your explanation." Prince Ivan remarked.

"Then … what should I do? Absolutely … I will not accept his rejection. I do not want to lose him." Alpha Marcus genuinely expressed his feelings for Prince Ranku.

"Well … did my younger brother uttered any rejection towards you?"

Alpha Marcus realized, despite the anger of Prince Ranku, not even once the prince mentioned about rejection.

"See! So … just wait further … Let me handle this!" Prince Ivan smiled at Alpha Marcus.

He further suggested.

"I will send for your return once you have taken a bath and cleaned yourself up. You look like a mess, Alpha! And you stink! You will drive my younger brother away if he smells that you are stinking and looking this awful."

For the first time, Alpha Marcus never felt this way.

So helpless …

So desperate …

At the same time … grateful for the help of someone else.

"Thank you! I will wait patiently …" Alpha Marcus replied.

Prince Ivan was contemplating on a serious matter.

"Oh boy, I have a huge task ahead of me!"



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