The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 391 - Mission: Take-Down (Part III)

[-Third Floor of the Fortress-]

Before they marched to the where Malia was.

The challengers of Malia devised a plan to successfully take her down.

--First, to conceal their presence through the ability of the vampire Grand Elder, Amelia.

Her ability of {-ILLUSION-} …

An ability to distort the perception of reality. A distortion of the senses, which can reveal how the brain normally organizes and interprets sensory stimulation. Although its effectiveness may vary and depend on the mental fortitude of their target.

--Second, upon their arrival to the location. 

Certain roles were assigned to each of them.

Long-range attacks: Ingrid

All long ranging attacks were assigned to Ingrid. Her {-Crystallization-} and {-Ice Element-} Abilities will serve better for long-ranged attacks,

Mid-range attacks: Lucas

All middle ranging attacks were assigned to Lucas. Hoping for his {-Explosion-} and {-Fire Element-} Abilities would reinforce the close-range and long-range attacks. 

In addition, he could shift into his wolf form just in case he finds an opportunity to pin down her younger sister.

Close-range attacks: Remy

All close ranging attacks were assigned to Remy. 

Her crushing ability and expertise in close combat would serve her as the best individual for the role.

She would be dealing with throwing impactful close-ranged attacks.

--Third, once they spot Malia, simultaneously … they will attack her based on their respective roles.

While Amelia will keep her distance and remain in focusing as the defensive force of the group.

--Lastly, the moment Malia is pinned down or completely occupied with the others, Booth must plunge the magical dagger on Malia's chest.

On their way to where Malia was. 

So much hope was placed for the success of their mission.

As they opened the door to the third floor, they were welcomed to the training and experiment grounds of Malia.

Candles lit everywhere and scattered all throughout the area.

Ancient writings could be seen on the floor.

Scanning the area, in search for Malia.

"Where is she?" Remy wondered.

Going deeper in the hall of the third floor.

The vibes around become darker and darker.

Every beat of their heart could be heard.

Nervousness …

Anticipation for any attacks …

Sensory skills were activated.

Since Lucas has the best sensory ability compared to Remy and Ingrid.

He concentrated in finding his younger sister.

"Lucas? Have you found her exact location?" Ingrid asked.

As he focused more.

Positioned at the far back, Amelia surrounded herself with fog to keep herself hidden from the Dark Malia.

Just when Lucas finally detected Malia.

"She's behind us!" Lucas alarmed everyone.

It was too late for Ingrid to react.

Malia caught Amelia and choked her in the intention of killing her.

"Haven't I warned you? If you go against me, I will not think twice in disposing any of you!" 

"Amelia!!!!" Remy exclaimed.

Crushing her throat and summoning flames.

Fire covered the entire body of Amelia.

"Next!" Malia looked towards Ingrid and the rest.

A huge ball of fire was shot towards their way.

Until Malia realized …

"Clever!" Malia noticed the ruse she fell right into.

The group of Lucas in front of her which she thought entered was entirely made of illusion.

A sudden kick from her side.

Catching the feet before it hits her face.

But a punch with the ability to melt and crush its target was thrown just few inches away from her.

A telekinetic force field stopped the punch an inch away.

Remy was immediately thrown to the side … hitting the stone pillar hard.

It was too late for Malia to realize the simultaneous attacks being thrown her way.

Her feet frozen by ice.

Immobilizing her for a moment.

Receiving the explosion blasts from her older brother.

Instantly, she picked herself up and saw herself bleeding.

A sudden change in the air.

From dark into complete vibes of death surrounded the hall.

Shutting down all the candles.

Even the real Amelia, positioned outside the door sensed the drastic change in the air.

"Retreat!" Amelia screamed from outside.

"Are you afraid to die?" Malia uttered surprisingly.

Appearing out of nowhere from behind Amelia.

"Ugggh!" Amelia felt a stabbing wound from behind.

A sharp solid rock blade penetrated through Amelia's body from behind her.

Seeing Amelia paralyzed from her wound.

Malia whispered, "You won't be helping anyone anymore!"

And Malia disappeared once again.

Falling to her knees. Amelia's vision started to blur.

Crawling to the side, she could sense the fast approaching reinforcement from Booth and his team.

Lucas felt his younger sister throw combination of attacks.

All of them were quickly evaded.

"You are indeed my brother! Evading my attacks are impressive!" Malia commended her brother for being quick in his feet.

Ingrid summoned ice blades thrown at Malia.

A fire barrage countered the direction of the ice blades.

Instantly, Ingrid lost her ability to breathe and was lifted from the ground by unknown force.

"Ggghhhahhh!!" Ingrid struggling with her own life.

Kicking mid-air for her own life.

When Remy thought she could sneak behind Malia.

She was completely wrong.

"Since you're asking for death wish …"

Malia trapped Remy in a powerful gust of wind.

Cutting her flesh non-stop while being trapped inside the gust of wind.

Screams from Remy echoed the halls.

"Aaaaahhh!!!" Remy screamed in pain.

"Death for all of you is too easy! Let me watch you all writhe in pain before all of you die." Malia declared her ruthlessness.

"STOP THIS, SELENE! THIS IS NOT YOU!" Lucas begged his younger sister.

"On the contrary, this is me! I have never felt so alive. So liberating!!!" Malia's response to her brother's plea.

Then she continued.

"Now, brother … how do you want to die? Since you are my last remaining family member … I will reward you with a quick death." Malia looked at her brother with the intent to kill.

From that point, Lucas understood the warning of Melody regarding the lethal presence of his younger sister.

A complete detachment from her humanity.

Morphed into monstrosity.



Check my -Wall of Appreciation- dedicated for my readers! It changes time to time. I am planning to include some new things to show my appreciation for my readers. Just always check my -Wall of Appreciation- that is located on the {-auxiliary volume-} right before {-Chapter 1-}.

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