Finally, they have defeated and outsmarted Malia.

Not losing any lives in the process.

Though, most of them were badly wounded and some … unconscious.

Freddie rushed to Malia's side.

Seeing her in Booth's arms.

"Why is she bleeding? Isn't she supposed to be healing on her own?" Freddie pointed out.

"Calm it down, you … rogue wolf! Her body is transitioning from being dark to normal. Can't you see she is healing but … slowly? She used up a lot of her magic power and strength."

Magenta kneeled beside Malia so she could heal her wounds.

"Wait … can you heal first the vampire elder outside? She may not survive it if we leave her in that state." Lucas appeared holding his rib.

For a moment, Magenta resisted and hesitated to help any vampires.

With the persuasion of Lucas, she gave in and helped the vampires.

"Please, show to us that fairies are better than vampires." Lucas tried to convince Magenta.

"Fine! I wonder why your words did not work on your sister." Magenta teased Lucas as she disappeared from her position.

On the other hand, 

While they surround Malia, the spirit of Malia was trapped somewhere else.

Somewhere in a dark and cold place.

No light could penetrate,

Until a gleam of light shone from above.

Waking up from darkness, she opened her eyes.

And saw no one.


"Is anyone out there?" 

'Where the hell am I?' Malia thought to herself.

'Last memory! Last Memory!' Trying to remember her last time before blacking out.

Then she remembered saving Booth from getting a hit from their monstrous opponent.

Standing and moving around.

There was nothing but darkness.

Wondering where she was.

It seems that the light only shone around her and moves wherever she goes.

But her surrounding remained dark and vast.

Moments after wandering endlessly.

She felt the exhaustion and toll on her body.


"Hello?!?!?! Can anybody hear me?!?!?!" Malia yelling loudly.

'What the hell is this place? Am I dead? Oh please … I want to …'

Then her surroundings started to show different scenes.

A man she was starting to recognize.

'Please … do not leave me like that again! I do not know if I will be able to handle it again.'

'It's all yours, love! Only yours!'

'LIFE should never be taken away because only of grief. Many would love to be alive but their time was cut short. We need to live life to the fullest and be grateful that we have another day to spend. While others do not have that luxury to have.' Malia looked at someone familiar with such radiance.

'Please promise me … you will stay by my side forever and choose to be with me.' A familiar voice was uttered by the man from the scene flashed around her.

'If before I was lost in my anger and grief … But now, I found my way because of your love!'

'You are my life now! I love you … Selene!'

'With all my life!'

'I love you too … Alcyd!' a faint whisper of Selene while Alcyd was asleep.

Caressing his face while he slept peacefully.

Tears fell down from Selene's eyes …




After their victory, everyone gathered at Selene's bed.

Worried …

Her older brother pacing back and forth …

"Will you stop moving around?" Magenta held the shoulder of Lucas to stop him from walking back and forth.

Amelia and Ingrid stood at the other side.

Opposite from Magenta's.

"Remy is taking care of the defenses of the fortress. Just in case, some surprises and unexpected visitors arrive." Ingrid informed their Grand Elder.

Their Grand Elder only nodded her head but her focus remained at Selene.

"I do not understand! Why is she not waking up? Why her pulse is getting weaker by the hour? I thought she will not die after I plunge the magical dagger into her heart." Booth wondered.

The usual aura of Selene was starting to get weaker.

"It only means her life force was greatly damaged from the darkness and transitioning back to normal. This is why dark magic and any form dark powers have its price to pay."

Magenta continued, "Technically yes! The magical dagger supposed to remove the darkness within her. To remove it from its total control. But it's actually up to her … if she can get out from wherever she trapped all this time. While her darkness reigned over for weeks!"

"What?!?!" All the men in the room reacted together in unison.

"Trapped where?" Freddie asked this time around.

"The limbo …"

"Limbo … what?" Lucas was clearly confused from the replies of Magenta.

"Why would my sister be trapped in there?" 

"You have to understand … When her darkness took over, her good version or what we call the -light version- is buried deep down where it can never surface again. But imagine removing all the darkness that buried her … the soul got lost somehow and must find its way again. Usually those souls remain … on a limbo!" Magenta explained.

She continued to explain and elaborate further.

"Limbo is a place where soul travels while waiting if they go to heaven or to hell. A place where souls with unfinished business resides."

"What if her soul chooses to remain there?" Ingrid gave an important query.

"Technically, that's not how it goes! According to what was taught to me by the GREAT ORACLE when I was young … there is a certain duration of time that a soul can only stay within the limbo. Thus, it will have to be given its destination. Whether it is on hell or heaven." Magenta clarified.

"In other words … death!" Amelia understood what the fairy was pointing out.

"WHAT?!? She could still die if she cannot return to us?" Booth exclaimed.

Things got more worrisome for Selene.

Everyone was thinking the same thing.

'Will she be able to return from the limbo?'



Check my -Wall of Appreciation- dedicated for my readers! It changes time to time. I am planning to include some new things to show my appreciation for my readers. Just always check my -Wall of Appreciation- that is located on the {-auxiliary volume-} right before {-Chapter 1-}.

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