Lucas hugged his sister.

Shielding her vulnerability from any prying eyes.

"I missed him so much! Why does it hurt so much?"

From that point on …

Freddie yielded to the realization …

There will be no man like Alcyd in Selene's heart.

Her love for him was so strong that it did not matter if she will get hurt along the way.

As long as she get a glimpse of him.

It would be enough.

After venting her emotions, Selene released herself from the arms of her older brother.

Wiping her tears off from her face.

Regaining her composure.

"We need to hurry and get Melody out of here. I know for sure, they will do everything to stop me from getting out of the royal palace. Especially after the stunt which I pulled off in their wedding dinner." Selene told her older brother.

"You are right! Let's go!" Lucas agreed with his younger sister.

But Selene held her older brother to stay still.

"No need to go anywhere. Now, I have my memories back and my old self. I can access and activate the {-Shadow Walk-} of Fluffy, better than you … brother!" Selene informed her older brother about the extent of the ability of their guardian wolf to walk through shadows.

'Fluffy! Fluffy! I know you can hear me … Take Melody and let her come with you through the shadows.'

Activating the full extent and capability of Fluffy's ability.

Hence, upon hearing the call of Selene.

Fluffy rubbed his own muzzle against Melody's touch.

"Wooah! What's wrong?" Melody was a bit surprised by the sudden behavior and activeness of Fluffy.

Dragging her skirt towards the shadow.

"Hey! That's my skirt … Let go of my skirt! Hey!" Melody was forced to follow along with Fluffy.

In her surprise, they walked through the shadow and she squeaked in nervous.

"Daaaddyyy!!!" Melody whined like her childish self.

"Who you calling daddy?" Lucas heard Melody screaming her lungs out.

Catching her after falling from the shadow above.

With Fluffy jumping all over Selene.

Expressing his own delight in having her back.

"I missed you too!" Selene hugging their guardian wolf.

On the other hand, Lucas and Melody started arguing.

"I was referring to my father! You can put me down, now!" Melody complained.

Lucas gave in to the request of his mate.

"Malia!!!" Melody ran immediately towards Selene.


"You got me worried! What happened to you? Where were you? Where is Booth? Why is he not with you … did something happen to him?" Melody wondered.

"You have too many questions! Booth is waiting for us, just right outside the borders of the royal palace. It's a long story, we will discuss about it later! First, we need to get out of here, quickly!" Selene stated the urgency of their escape.

"What? Why?" Melody was confused.

"Freddie, it will be a …" 

The rogue werewolf did not let Selene finish in her request.

"I know what to do, I will be your decoy! They won't harm me. Tear a piece of your cloth and I will wrap it around my wrist." Freddie complied with Selene's request.

"Thank you, Freddie! See you in the Golden Moon City …" Selene gave a parting hug towards Freddie before they handed him their piece of cloth to deceive their pursuers.

"Melody, you ride on the back of Lucas. While I ride on Fluffy's."

"Wait! What now? Riding who?"

Selene rolled her eyes with Melody's train of questions and complaints.

"It will be easier if you shift into your wolf form." Lucas retorted.

"Ever since my witch powers ascended and when I miraculously saved you, I lost my ability to shift. Including …" Selene had a hard time admitting about losing her spirit wolf.

Instantly, Lucas understood what Selene meant.

"No way! Your spirit wolf?"

"Yeah … we better go now! So, shift already and leave this palace." Selene tried to change the harsh topic.


The moment Lucas shifted into his huge wolf form.

Melody saw Lucas in his wolf form.

A beautiful and mesmerizing sight to behold.

His fur was enchanting for Melody to see.

"WOW!" astonished seeing Lucas in his mighty wolf form.

"Melody, no time to be fascinated." Selene complained to her best friend.

She made Melody float and guided her at the back of Lucas.

And then she easily rode on Fluffy's back like she used to.

"Time to get outta here!" Selene signaled for their departure.

Freddie went on his separate way while Selene and her group rushed towards the opposite way from Freddie.

Hiding their scent away.



[-In the Royal Dining Hall-]

Everyone was still in shock.

Tension was still high.

Members of the Jade Pack and the allies of Laura were all in outrage for the behavior of King Alcyd.

Prince Alarick and the other siblings of King Alcyd tried to control the situation.

There were screaming, shouting and arguing all over the place.

Cussing …

Debating …

Confusion …

Everything was in chaos in the royal dining hall.

This was a sight which Laura never imagined for her wedding dinner to conclude. 

Contemplating on the things which transpired at the sudden appearance of Selene.

The one true love of the father of her child and … now, her husband!

When the Alpha King roared and released his Alpha King aura.

Forcing everyone to yield from his command as the Alpha King.

{-Alpha King Aura-}

Once it is activated, lower forms of werewolves will yield in recognition of the Alpha King's might and power.

Whether they like it or not.

Unless they would prefer harming themselves. Because if a werewolf resists to the Alpha King's Aura and refuses to yield. Usually, the werewolf will be weakened and lose its consciousness if they keep resisting from its commanding presence.

Only yielding will keep a werewolf safe.

At the same time, King Alcyd released a powerful Alpha's roar.

Making everyone fall into their knees.

Others shook in fear and nervousness.

This was the first time that their Alpha King used his roar to force his will.

"I AM STILL THE ALPHA KING … if you all have forgotten!" 

"I already sent the guards with Jackson in pursuit of Selene." Theo informed his Alpha King.

"That's great … Theo!" King Alcyd commended his Delta.

Before he could even step any further.

Amber screamed for help.

"SOMEBODY HELP!!! It's Laura … she's bleeding!!!" Amber panicked.

King Alcyd was torn whether should he pursue Selene and get her back.


Help his wife and his unborn child.

'DAMN IT!!!'



Check my -Wall of Appreciation- dedicated for my readers! It changes time to time. I am planning to include some new things to show my appreciation for my readers. Just always check my -Wall of Appreciation- that is located on the {-auxiliary volume-} right before {-Chapter 1-}.

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