The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 415 - A Henchman's Oath (Part I)

[-In King Lionel's Castle-]

Ingrid was dragged by two henchmen while she was rendered immobilized for a moment.

At their entrance to the vampire court, other henchmen of King Lionel were in standby.

Seeing one of their most respected members amongst the henchmen, being dragged by the other henchmen.

Some lowered their gaze to avoid such pitiful sight.

Because there is only one thing that awaits or to expect from this.

King Lionel was clearly unhappy and angry.

"So … the ungrateful and defiant Ingrid has returned!" King Lionel announced to everyone.

Antoin was surprised at the sight of Ingrid getting dragged.

Before he could even utter any single word, King Lionel instructed Antoin to use his powers to prevent Ingrid from using her powers against the king of vampires.

"Your Highness! I don't think Ingrid will inflict any harm towards you. She would not do that!"


Everyone trembled at the voice of their king.

Angry and upset!

"You are not asked to speak in behalf of Ingrid. I am only giving you an order, nothing else!" King Lionel reiterated his command towards Antoin.

Hesitating at first but eventually, he had to comply with the command of their king.

When Ingrid finally regained her senses, she saw the other henchmen of King Lionel standing at the side of the vampire court.

Realizing she was brought in the presence of their king.

And there he was …

King Lionel with all his might.

Upset at the sight of Ingrid.

"Oh, Ingrid! Do you know why you were brought here in such manner?" King Lionel asked Ingrid.

The two henchmen made her kneel in front of their king before releasing her arms.

Ingrid noticed the absence of Hanzo and Petro.

Antoin was the only member of the -HARBINGERS OF DEATH- present at the vampire court.

Trying to check if her powers were accessible.

And nothing would come out from her palms.

Confirming the ability of Antoin in effect.

Ingrid had no choice but to admit her own defiance against the king of vampires.

The man who treated her like his own daughter.

"I was left with no choice …" Ingrid uttered while lowering her gaze.

"LEFT WITH NO CHOICE!?!?!" King Lionel's voice emphasized such power.

He left the seat of his throne and swiftly went in front of Ingrid.

Before he could do something that would hurt Ingrid, Antoin blocked his path using his own body as a shield of Ingrid.

Others could understand the bond between the two vampires.

Antoin and Ingrid may not be siblings but the two were the closest to each other like true siblings.

No one dared to intervene in defense of Ingrid.

Only Antoin had the courage to defend Ingrid.

King Lionel stopped in the middle of his wrath.

Holding back the motion of his hand to release a full swing with such force.

Trembling in fear for their king.

Though, Antoin took all his courage in facing their king. 

"Tell me … why you had no other choice?" King Lionel demanded answer from Ingrid.

"Because … I believe that the next chosen one will alleviate the condition and status of our kingdom. The welfare of vampires will be more taken care of. And we will be seen more positively. Rather than …" Ingrid stopped in the middle of her explanation.

"Rather than what?"

An emphasis on King Lionel's curiosity.

"Rather than monsters!" Ingrid looked away.

Other henchmen of King Lionel were gagged upon hearing the remarks of Ingrid to their king.

'That's absurd!'

'How can she?!?!'

Different reactions were heard at the side after her response to King Lionel.

"You think we are monsters?" King Lionel asked again.

Even Antoin was surprised at the words of Ingrid.

She hesitated once more before saying what was in her heart.

"We are not monsters … BUT … YOU TURNED US INTO ONE!" Ingrid's words caused mixed reactions amongst the other henchmen present at the vampire court.

Some understood the reality and sense from Ingrid's words.

While some disagreed from what she just mentioned.

Immediately Antoin kneeled and begged for their king's mercy.

Knowing that their king might kill Ingrid at that moment for her shocking words.

Coming from someone whom their king trusted for the longest time and the most amongst all Henchmen.

Her thoughts and views reflected a lot from his leadership towards the vampires.

Preventing to lose his own cool or else he will only prove Ingrid right about her statement.

"YOU UNGRATEFUL ONE! I treated you like my own daughter and gave you everything! And this is how you repay me … betrayal and treachery? FORGETTING YOUR OATH AS A HENCHMAN?!?!"


King Lionel continued, "Her fate will be sentenced in front of a council. For the meantime, lock her up in the prison and prevent her from feeding. She will be deprived to quench her thirst upon my notice."

"Your command shall be done!" In unison the other henchmen replied.


Antoin was instructed to make sure his order will be implemented or else he will issue a death warrant on Ingrid.

The vampire had no choice but to comply with their king's order.

As soon as Ingrid was sent away, King Lionel called for one of the henchmen.


"Yes, my king?"

"I want you to head immediately to the royal palace of the werewolf kingdom. Utilize your expertise in espionage and masking your own scent. And find out where did the children of Berrick went. Once you have found their location, prepare a team and DISPATCH the daughter of Berrick."

He gave his final order to the henchman.


Dalton, one of the veteran spies of King Lionel paid heed to his command.

"Your command shall be done, my king!"

Dalton started to move in compliance with the orders of their king.

The order to find and kill Selene!



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