The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 420 - Locked Inside (Part II)

[-In the Golden Moon Mansion-]

After Melody put Selene and Alcyd into sleep.

Others wanted to complain but Melody explained herself.

"Selene felt betrayed and hurt from the foolish decisions of your Alpha King but I can sense also how miserable the Alpha King deep inside."

Upon hearing her mention about having the ability to sense the feelings of their Alpha King, they all wondered.

Confused to how she could sense the misery of their Alpha King.

"Do not ask if how I can sense his misery but his heart is filled with torment and longing for Selene. If they do not get the chance to speak their heart out and have a time on their own. I am afraid there will be more consequences and deep pain which they will carry for a long time." 

She furthered, "I am still mad for how stupid your Alpha King can be. But I think everyone deserves the chance to redeem themselves. But I must say … Selene is deeply hurt too. Forgiveness will not come easy."

Everyone understood Melody's concern.

"I agree with you, dear! So … will you bring our Luna and the Alpha King to their room? Before they start waking up." Lady Sonja instructed the executive officers of King Alcyd.

"Don't worry … the effects of my enchanting song will wear off within few hours. We still have time to transfer their bodies and lock them up in their room." Melody reassured Lady Sonja regarding the effects of her voice.

They complied with the plan of Melody.

On the other hand, Booth and Lucas were also spectating from a distance.

When they wanted to intervene, Chloe immobilized their ability to move.

*** Few moments before Melody's plan ***

At the realization of their inability to move.

Chloe emerged from the shadows.

"Do not interfere with things you are not part of." Chloe referred to Booth and Lucas.

"That's my sister there! How can I not interfere when all of you seems to be okay with the things done by that foolish mate of Selene?" Lucas retorted.

"To hurt my sister! And you call yourself … her best friend? Am I right? You are supposedly her best friend." Lucas recognized Chloe as Selene's best friend.

"It's not for you to determine if an individual deserves a second chance or not. Because if I remember it as well … you have no right to act righteous. When your hands are covered in blood." Chloe's words were pertaining to the sin of Lucas.

The death of her father was one of the sins of Lucas which he was trying to repent from.

Booth wanted to move his head but the spell casted on them makes it impossible to move at all.

Hearing Chloe's resentment towards Lucas made it difficult for Lucas to point out the sins of Alcyd.

Chloe continued, "One cannot act too righteous when there are things to reflect on first. It will be hypocritical to condemn someone when you have not cleared your own sins. Am I right, Lucas?"

Guilty as he can be … there were no follow up nor rebuttal to the words of Chloe.

It was a bull's eye aimed at him.

Perfectly making it impossible for Lucas to utter a single word.

Due to the words thrown by Chloe.

Everything was completely true.

*** Back in Present ***

[-In the Master's Bedroom-]

Few hours after Selene and King Alcyd was transferred to their own room.

The moon shone at its brightest.

With stars scattered all over the sky.

Despite the window being open, for the cool wind to enter the room.

A barrier was placed by Chloe.

In order for the two to be locked inside.

** King Alcyd's POV **

It has been years since I felt this comfortable in my bed.

I always have been longing for her.

Her warmth …

Her scent …

And her touch …

But somehow, for tonight … I feel different.

Just like before.

As I open my eyes, there she was …

Lying down peacefully.

Her captivating beauty.

'Is this a dream?'

'Is it really for real?'

She has returned!

She is alive!

My mate!

My only love!

If only I could make her feel how sorry I am.

How stupid I was … to think I can replace the void she left in my heart when she disappeared.

How can I make it up to her?

How can I make her stay?

Then her words came ringing into my mind.

'You married someone else! And you even have a child with her!'

'Why would I stay? How can I be with you? Now that you have made it impossible for me to do so.'

Selene's words implied her intention in staying away from me.

Looking at her like this while she is asleep.

How I wish we could stay like this … together!

Not apart from each other.

My hand reached out for her face.

Feeling her warmth once again.

I have missed this!

The feeling of her skin under my touch.

And her intoxicating scent which makes me completely captivated.

Most of all … just her alone … her entire being …

I am enamored of her!

My lips could not resist feeling her luscious lips.

The moment my lips tried to reach for hers.

Her eyes opened.

Meeting with mine.

She pushed me hard as she could but I resisted against her push.

"What are you doing?" Selene complained.

"Kissing you? Kissing what's mine." I demanded for my right over her.

"You do not have the right to kiss me anymore! I am not yours anymore! I AM NOT YOUR WIFE!"

Her words were like an acid that melted my heart. 

With so much pain.

I refused to accept her words.


I continued with my claim on her.


Her tears fell from her eyes which tells me I have caused so much pain to her.

I released my grip on her and turned my eyes away.

Those look in her eyes.

The pain …

The blame …

And all the things I have put her through because of what I have done …

I cannot endure those look in her eyes.

Then something I never expected came out from her mouth.

"I reject you, Alcyd McSigurd … as my mate!"

A heart-wrenching pain took over my senses.

Selene is rejecting me?



Check my -Wall of Appreciation- dedicated for my readers! It changes time to time. I am planning to include some new things to show my appreciation for my readers. Just always check my -Wall of Appreciation- that is located on the {-auxiliary volume-} right before {-Chapter 1-}.

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