The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 436 - War Against The Vampire King

[-In King Lionel's Castle-]

Everyone shook in fear at the sight of the vampire king infuriated.

An insult thrown at him.

And a challenge issued by Selene.

In the entire history of vampires, they have never seen such display of provocation towards their vampire king like this.

Such boldness and confidence.

"HOW DARE SHE?!?!?!" King Lionel was in raging anger.

His aura surrounding him could no longer be contained due to his anger.

Dark …

Murderous …

Cold …

All vampires could sense the monstrous aura of their king.

His eyes gleamed in bloody red.

For the longest time, they have not seen the true form of their king.

Legend has it … that the vampire king only show his true monstrous form in battle.

Death follows whenever he reveals his true monstrous form.

Thus, when the color of the skin of their king started to change … everyone feared for the worst.

Immediately, Antoin activated his powers to negate or at least hinder the monstrous transformation of the vampire king.

"King Lionel …" Antoin wanted to remind the vampire king with his temper.

Dalton sighed in relief upon reducing his pain.

But his punishment remains.

Drinking blood would mean more pain and poison to his system. 

In addition to that, every time he would use his ability … writhing pain would also be felt.

Worsening his condition.

He was on his knees.

Miserable …

And restricted by the curses of Selene.

What makes it worst … Selene knew how the vampire king would react if the henchman would deliver the message she had for him.

Turning him into a shock receiver of the vampire king.

"The daughter of my grandson … dares to issue a challenge on me? And insult me in my own court?" King Lionel reiterated in his fury.

Antoin struggled to contain the overwhelming power of their king.

-Raging Roar!-


-Raging Roar!-

Instantly, vampires nearest to the vampire king shrunk in pain.

Including, Dalton.

"I don't need failures and weaklings!!!"

Proving more to the other vampires that their king is a tyrant leader.


Antoin looked worried for the future of their kingdom.

Because war with the second supreme ruler would only mean more enemies.

One of the henchmen, gathered all her courage and spoke her mind.

Kneeling in front of their king before speaking.

"Permission to speak, your Highness!"

"Speak, Caroline!" King Lionel gave permission.

"Our other resources and blood bank are barely keeping up with the monthly rations and distributions within the kingdom. I suggest to move the location of our blood bank and vault. And scatter the vaults in a more strategic locations. Rather than focusing on one." Caroline suggested to their vampire king.

"Fine then! I am leaving it in your hands to implement your plans." King Lionel authorized the suggestion of Caroline.

He continued, 

"For now, I will teach that foolish daughter of my grandson some lesson … which she will never forget." 


"I will show her the wrath of a vampire king!"

Every vampire in the court could hear those unfortunate vampires scream in pain.

Blacking out, one after another.

Their king venting his frustration and anger towards the nearest vampires around him.

Others started to step away and tried to avoid getting caught by the anger of the vampire king.



News spread to other kingdoms that the next chosen one is planning to ascend in her rightful throne as the second supreme ruler.

Sending each member of the Altum Council, a notice about her declaration of war against the vampire king.

To each respective monarchs,

Queen Venus … the queen of fairies.

King Cornaith … the king of elves.

King Arceus … the king of demi-giants.

King Gazelle … the king of dwarves.

And King Magnus, the king of warlocks.

All of them were surprised at the sudden declaration of the next chosen one.

But there was one thing they had in mind.

'Finally! The enthronement of the Second Supreme Ruler.'

Though, the king of warlocks felt pressured to choose his true loyalty.

Amongst all monarchs, he has the track record of flipping sides whenever it serves his interest.

Deciding whether it is still smart to cooperate with the vampire king.

Now that the next chosen one has declared her first move as the Second Supreme Ruler.

Queen Venus was the least satisfied amongst all monarchs.

"Close the borders! Seal each entrance to the kingdom!" Queen Venus declared to her fairy council.

Giving an immediate command to her council.

"But … your youngest sister …" one of the council member expressed her worry for Magenta.

"Let her be! She defied my orders. Now, she will suffer the consequences like Titania and Odin. Protecting the lives of others over their own. Risking their own life for the sake of others." 

Such bitterness from the statement of the queen of fairies.

Members of the fairy council looked at one another.

Worrying for the mind-set of their current queen.

"So, how … how about your other sister? Keeping Princess Pearl in the prison will only spark rebellion and factions within our kingdom. We cannot deny that she has huge number of supporters in our kingdom. Plus, she has not committed major crime." Another member of the fairy council shared her thoughts to the queen.

Unlike any other councils of other kingdoms.

The fairy council consists of powerful elemental fairies who holds great power within the kingdom.

This council of 5 members are the ones responsible of choosing their next queen.

"I am the most powerful fairy in this kingdom. There must only be one queen. She proved herself as a threat to my crown." Queen Venus' reply to the council member.

"But she is your sister!"

"She chose to oppose me, council member! What you do not understand? It is no longer our business to join war with others and pardon criminals. My sister will be punished accordingly to the crimes she has committed."

Ending her speech with …

"Tell her supporters, my sister's head will be displayed at the plaza if they continue to disobey my orders. Announce to everyone, any rebellion against my reign will result in my sister's death. So, if they want her alive … ALL MUST … FOLLOW!"

They trembled in the presence of Queen Venus.

A fairy once considered to be the most gentle of all …

But after the death of Emperor Odin … Queen Venus became the heartless fairy.


If there was tension within the kingdom of fairies.

In a secluded territory,

Alpha Berrick has found his choice of wolf pack, to begin with.



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