The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 449 - Meeting With The President (Part IV)

One werewolf after another lunged at the hunters nearest to them.

Some of the anti-magic weapon wielders were about to strike at the werewolves.

Fortunately, Selene and Chloe were quick enough with their spells.

A barrier surrounded each hunters.

Protecting them from any attacks of werewolves around them.

While large roots appearing from the ground, constricting around the wrists of each anti-magic weapon wielders.

Preventing them from attacking any werewolves.

Their anti-magic weapon may pierce through any magic but it becomes useless when the wielder cannot make any movements.

"Boss Emil … give orders to your men to stand down. We are not here to fight." President Tony requested from the boss of the Rogers Family.

Then the Alpha King gave his warriors the order to back off.

"But they hurt my grandson and this wolves appeared out of nowhere …" Boss Emil complained.

Selene threw a deadly glares at Jane and the other two executive officers.

Instantly, the three of them kneeled apologetically.

"Boss Emil … your grandson is alive. You can check his pulse. And for the werewolves, they will all receive punishment for putting each hunter at risk." Selene reassured the old man.

She continued, "We apologize for the inconvenience."

The werewolves whimpered at the mention of Selene of punishment for all those werewolves who made such carelessness.

"Warriors, make a formation and standby! On your ground!" Beta Garrett took charge for the formation of the werewolves.

'Explain yourselves … you three!!!' Selene demanded answers from the three through the mind-link.

"It's Jane's idea!" both Oliver and Galvin pointed at Jane together.

Oliver added, "I tried to stop her but she insisted doing her prank on the hunters."

Jane became nervous.

"I just couldn't take their rudeness towards you. If they were in our territory, only their death would be the right thing to do." She reasoned out and justified her actions.

"But we are not in our territory! That's why I chose this location to reassure their safety and keep the Golden Moon Pack safe as well from any unnecessary risks." Selene reprimanded Jane.

Tess and the rest of the hunters were surprised at the authority of Selene and the reverence being displayed towards her.

Including President Tony and the other officials of the Hunter Association.

Boss Emil had no time to listen with the lecture of Selene towards the executive officers.

He checked the pulse of Booth and confirmed that his grandson was still alive.

"Oh, thank God!" Boss Emil was relieved. "I don't know how I will face your parents in hereafter if something happened to you!"

A genuine concern and worry of the grandfather of Booth.

He quipped at Selene, "Then why is he unconscious? What did you do to him?"

"Forgive me Boss Emil for the scare caused by my friends. But your grandson had to be sedated and kept unconscious because he won't cooperate with me. He kept insisting of staying." Selene explained to the grandfather of Booth.

King Alcyd did not like the thought of Booth insisting to stay. 

Showing such hint as more than friends through his treatment towards Selene.

'Alcyd, I can sense you're getting triggered. This is not the time for you to lose your cool.' Beta Garrett reminded his best friend.

Boss Emil made a gesture for his men to carry Booth back to their respective vehicle.

"Well, that sort things out. I guess we can begin our meeting?" President Tony initiated the start of the meeting.

Melody remained at the side of her father.

At the same time, Lucas took a glance on her.

Both exchanged glances at one another. 

Selene and the Alpha King sat at the opposite side of the hunters.

"Thank you, President Tony! For accepting my request for a meeting." Selene expressed her gratitude to the man she once treated as her own father when she had her memory loss.

"Do not get me wrong, Malia … or Selene if I remember it correctly from your message. We are still upset for your failure during the raid. Many lives were lost from your leadership." President Tony clarified with Selene.

"I am sorry for my shortcoming … and lack of preparation during the recent raid I was tasked." Selene admitted her mistakes.

"Pft! What should we expect from a woman like you? It was expected for you to fail. Of course, you have no real parents or any mentor that can teach you. Your foster father was the only one who took chances with you. He was foolish to do so!" Boss Emil gave a snide comment.

He scoffed and sneered towards the direction of Selene.

Growls could be heard from the werewolves on the corner.

This did not go well with the other members of the Golden Moon Pack.

Especially with King Alcyd and her older brother, Lucas.

"Alcyd! Lucas! I don't need you both stepping in without my permission. There is much more at stake here than our measly pride." Selene maintained her cool and stopped the two from going after the old man.

Both returned to their position after standing up.

Prompting to hurt the old man.

When President Tony was about to reproach Boss Emil, Selene's face became more serious while maintaining her cool.

"Boss Emil … I have already expressed my apology and admitted to my failures. It was indeed a very unfortunate turn of events. But, right now … I am planning to take action and exact such retribution for the losses of the Hunters Association."

Selene continued, "Unfortunately as well, your opinion does not matter to me. I requested for the meeting with the president."

"And not with some … old man who failed to secure the position of the president. I just want to remind you."

"YOU . ARE . JUST . A . SPECTATOR . HERE! Nothing else."

Unbelievable insults were thrown towards Boss Emil.

Right before Boss Emil and his hunters could react.

The weather changed drastically and the wind became unstable.

"Oh, I forgot … you are all just guests. And keep in mind …"





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