On their way back to the royal palace …

A convoy of vehicles with the Alpha King and the rest in it.

-Vehicle #1-

Driver: Galvin

Passengers: Jackson, Jane, and other warriors

-Vehicle #2-

Driver: Theo

Passengers: King Alcyd, Beta Garrett, and other warriors

-Vehicle #3- 

Driver: Rico, one of the orphan children

Passengers: Selene, Chloe, Lucas, Athena and her twins

The other 3 vehicles behind were filled with other Golden Moon Warriors.

Caleb, Lance and Scarlett had to remain in the Golden Moon Pack due to the pregnancy scare of Scarlett.

Due to her deteriorating health, Scarlett's pregnancy became more at risk. 

Compelling her to remain house arrest.

With her mates guarding her and shifting schedules for their pack responsibilities.

And Oliver must take charge while the rest will return to the royal palace.

It was recommended that Oliver will be more effective as command-in-charge compared to the elders of the Golden Moon Pack.

Since the war against King Lionel and his -Legion of Vampires- has started, the defenses and security of the Golden Moon Pack territory have been more important.

Focusing on the safety and protection of the entire member and residence within their territory.


[-Vehicle #1-]

"Jack, have you heard already? Our Luna is staying with Chloe and not with our Alpha. What do you think about it?" Galvin asked his senior executive officer.

Jackson is considered to be 5th in rank in terms of line of authority in the Golden Moon Pack.

(1)  King Alcyd & Luna Selene – who are tied in command

(2)  Beta Garrett & Athena – sharing the Beta command

(3)  Theo – Being the official Delta of the Golden Moon Pack

(4)  Caleb – Commander of the Golden Moon Army 

(5)  Jackson – Captain of Special Operations Unit and Tracking Unit of Golden Moon Pack

"It's something we shouldn't be surprised with. There will be unimaginable chaos within the royal palace if our Luna stays in the same building with the wife of the Alpha King." Jackson answered Galvin's query.

"But our Luna is still the mate of our Alpha King. That Laura bitch … must be the one who needs to adjust. A mate ranks higher than a wife. That's the custom in our kingdom." Jane defended the right of Selene.

Jane continued, "Remember, the late Queen Esmeralda had to live separately despite being married to the former king who shall not be named."

Ever since everyone found out about the true cause of death of the late Queen Esmeralda, the Alpha King gave an order not to mention the name of his father. 

Or else a punishment will be given.

"Hun … it's different. This time around, the wife carries the first child. Compared to the case of Persephone and the late Queen Esmeralda, Persephone may be the mate but she had Prince Alarick first. So, basically … she was given more right over the late Queen." Jackson elaborated in detail the difference between the two comparisons.

He continued,

"Persephone had less supporters and smaller faction in the royal court at that time. In order to maintain good relations with Golden Moon Pack, the former Alpha King had to marry and enthrone Esmeralda as the queen of the werewolves. To keep the peace within the court and the kingdom."

"Despite all that, the late Queen Esmeralda never stayed in the same building with Persephone. Meaning, it is an absolute custom that the woman with the first child of the Alpha King stays in the main building of the royal palace."

Galvin nodded along with the explanation of Jackson.

Understanding the dynamics and the importance of the decision of Selene in staying with Chloe instead of their Alpha King.

"Pft! I am still annoyed that our Luna has to do all these adjustments and be more considerate. Knowing what she went through. I feel bad for her." Jane showed sympathy for their Luna.

Jackson understood where Jane was coming from.

Her concern for their Luna was understandable. 

"Now, I understand why our Luna had to stay with Chloe. Aside from her estrange and complicated relationship with our Alpha King." Galvin told Jackson who was sitting just next to him.


[-Vehicle #2-]

Compared to all vehicles.

Inside the second vehicle had the most silent and most gloomy atmosphere.

Their Alpha King was sulking over the treatment of Selene towards him.

He keeps thinking of how much Selene hates his presence and not wanting to be with him.

Beta Garrett could sense the depressing mood of their Alpha King.

Theo worried for their Alpha King.

Prompting Beta Garrett to do something about it.

"Stop sulking already. At least you got her closer to you rather than having her miles away from you." Beta Garrett referring to Selene.

Trying to make his best friend see the better side of things.

But it wasn't enough.

King Alcyd remained depressed.

Staring at the blue sky.

Clearly distracted and thinking deeply.

Even his spirit wolf was depressed as well.

Kratos was feeling more depressed than King Alcyd.

Because he found out from Beta Garrett that Selene could no longer shift in her wolf form due to her desperate act to save her older brother.

Forcing herself to ascend in her mature witch nature.

Choosing both light and darkness.

Being the first-ever witch to ascend and have both natures.

Never in the history of witches, to have someone ascend in both natures.

Just like the Alpha King, Kratos was also depressed and had nothing to offer in consoling the Alpha King.

Instead, he joined the Alpha King in his depressed mood.

"ALCYD! Will you stop it already?!?!" Beta Garrett was clearly annoyed at the immature behavior of his best friend.

"It's easy for you to say because your mate loves you so much and you are not in my position to feel such way." King Alcyd sounded defeated.

Theo focused on his driving because there was a presumed argument coming next between the two.

Amongst all members and executive officers of the Golden Moon Pack, only Beta Garrett can talk with their Alpha King in the manner he was doing and had the guts to reprimand their Alpha King.

"Selene still loves you but she is still hurt and has not forgiven you. Why don't you just give it time for her to find within her the strength to forgive you? Soon enough ... when things get better and less stressful … then maybe she may turn around for good." Beta Garrett gave a valid point.

Unfortunately, the Alpha King refuses to believe.

"Nah! The look in her eyes. I can tell already. The love is gone! She doesn't look at me the same way as she did before. She hates my presence. If my death can only make her feel better, I already took my life but I can't because if I die now … she will only get hurt due to the mate bond and I will break my promise to her in becoming the right father for my child."

As time passes by, King Alcyd became more depressed.

His best friend could no longer endure the pitiful sight of him.

"Selene stayed by your side when you were wasted and had a fever due to the poisoning. I never see her worry that much for someone else. And when you passed out … she held you close to her and waited for us to transfer you to your bed." Beta Garrett revealed to his best friend.

King Alcyd was surprised to know what really happened.

Because he was told, Selene left him after he passed out.

Making him jealous when he saw Selene worry for Booth more when he woke up after being cured completely.

Beta Garrett continued in sharing the details of what really happened.

"Selene never left your side until your temperature went back to normal and the poison got completely taken out from your system. She still cares for you … A LOT!!! But she cannot show you because she doesn't want you to feel complacent and give you the wrong idea that she has granted you forgiveness."

"You just want to make me feel better. So stop it!" King Alcyd refused to believe it.

"No, I am not! You can ask Theo. He basically saw how Selene waited for you to get better. She stayed all night by your side and changed your clothes. And made sure you recovered completely." Beta Garrett emphasized the efforts of Selene.

Theo seconded and confirmed the story of Beta Garrett.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" King Alcyd was looking confused.

"She made me promise not to tell you!" 

A silver lining of hope was shed once more in his darkened days.

As they reach the mountainside route.

Suddenly, the ground shook.

A landslide and huge boulders fell from above.

"WATCH OUT!!!" Beta Garrett loudly warned Theo from the approaching danger.

He noticed the landslide and the boulders from above.




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