It caused a momentarily surprise for both Scarlett and Elaine to know that Selene is an orphan herself as well.

Information about Selene's personal life is indeed scarce for others to know. They do not have much idea about her aside from being the niece of Lady Sonja. So, to know that she is also an orphan gave a surprise not only to Elaine, the headmistress of the orphanage of the Golden Moon pack, but also to Scarlett.

A surprise look was apparent on Scarlett and Elaine's expression.

While others look at Selene, the spirit wolf of Selene appeared worried for Selene. Since her spirit wolf knows exactly how Selene feels.

Sylvia, the spirit wolf of Selene, can sense not only her thoughts but also her feelings.

'Are you feeling alright? Selene!'

'I feel dizzy Sylv! I do not know what is going on but I am feeling dizzy.' Confused tone of Selene in reply to her spirit wolf.

"Selene? Are you okay?" Scarlett worriedly asked Selene.

'It is Fluffy! You have kept him too long inside your shadow.' Sylvia informs Selene.

The spirit wolf of Selene, Sylvia, has also access to Selene's memories aside from her thoughts and feelings.

'Shoot -- !! I totally forgot to let him out last night. I was too pre-occupied thinking about the secret date with our mate and how it will go through. This is Prince Alcyd's fault!' replied by Selene towards her spirit wolf, Sylvia.

'Hey, now! Do not blame our mate for this! This is clearly not his fault. He does not even know you are hiding that feral wolf in your shadows. You should know that we cannot keep Fluffy for too long in your shadow since that enchanted thing above his paws absorbs your magic essence.'

'Then, who should I blame? Huh?' asked by Selene towards her spirit wolf.

'Who else idiot! Yourself!' retorted by Sylvia towards Selene.

'Oh, it is my fault now--?' before Selene could say more to her spirit wolf, the headmistress of the orphanage of the Golden Moon Pack approached Selene.

"Selene, are you alright?" Elaine, the headmistress of the orphanage of the Golden Moon Pack, rubbed Selene's back.

"Oh, I think I just need a minute in the comfort room. Where is the comfort room here?" quick excuse by Selene which everyone is convinced with.

"Misha, will you show Miss Selene the way?" Elaine instructs the youngest orphan.

Misha, the youngest amongst the orphans, gladly held Selene's left hand and guided her way to the comfort room.

Selene was convincingly looking not too bad but deep inside she is slowly being disoriented. Her spirit wolf, Sylvia, giving her extra strength to last longer.

While both, Selene and Misha, went their way to the comfort room. Elaine and Scarlett had more time to have their greetings and expectations with the other orphan kids. The discussion went with what the kids will expect and how will their new guests spend their time with the kids.

On the other side, while there is a discussion going on, Misha seems to notice that Selene is looking not alright as they walk together hand in hand.

"You know Miss Selene, you can rush to the comfort room if you want. It is just by the end of the hallway to your right. There is sign on the door." Said by Misha, the youngest orphan, with concern.

A smile was on Selene's face as hears the concern of the young girl. Then she tells her that they can run together and race it to the end of the hallway.

Both ran immediately as fast as they can but Selene was way faster than the orphan kid. Then she immediately entered the comfort room and released Fluffy from her shadow.

A big relief was released by Selene. She is on the floor gathering her own breath and trying to recollect herself while Fluffy was thrown off against the cubicle.

Fluffy was taken aback that he was thrown out of the shadow of Selene. He seems to be sleeping in Selene's shadow that is why he was not prepared to be thrown off. He tried to shake his own fur and approached Selene.

The feral wolf, Fluffy, tries to comfort Selene since he knows Selene got weakened by staying too long in her shadow.

So somehow Fluffy whimpers in guilt that he caused a bit trouble on Selene's side.

"It is okay Fluffy do not worry! I am okay! See I am feeling better now. So stop whimpering!" Selene patting and caressing Fluffy's fur like her own pet.

'I really do not understand how you understand that feral wolf. Do not get me wrong but come on, he is still a partly human who just became a feral wolf due to whatever reason that triggered that werewolf to choose to stay in his wolf form' pointed out suddenly by Sylvia, Selene's spirit wolf.

'Oh, do not be like that Sylv! Before there was you, Fluffy has been there for me and Lucas. So, he is not just a feral wolf nor just a pet, Fluffy is my first ever guardian and like a family already!' explained by Selene to her spirit wolf.

'Okay! I do not need to be reminded that Fluffy came first and more important to you than me.' Dejecting tone of Selene's spirit wolf, Sylvia.

'Sylv! I am not saying that he is more important. Both of you are equally important to me. So there should be no contest here in regards with my affection. Are you being jealous with the attention I give to Fluffy?' curiously asked by Selene towards her spirit wolf.

'Hell no! I am not. Anyways, I am out!' Sylvia suddenly disappeared in Selene's mind.

'Hey Sylv! Sylv!' Selene tries to call out Sylvia but it seems that the spirit wolf felt shy in regards to fact that Sylvia may have been feeling jealous on Selene's attention towards Fluffy.

"Fluffy hide to the other shadows for a while until I regain my complete strength again, okay? You can still protect me even you are not in my shadow." Explained by Selene to Fluffy.

The guardian wolf of Selene has been hiding in her shadows so that she could be protected more closely but Fluffy understood immediately why he needs to hide to the other shadow and not in Selene's.

So he immediately leaped and went inside to the nearest shadow.

Selene tries to gather herself and washed her face. She looks on to the mirror and sees that there is a shadow under the door,

'OH NO—'

A deep sigh was released by Selene and went to open the door.

After Selene opened the door, Misha fell down to the floor.

"Misha? Were you eavesdropping on me?" Selene asked the young girl.

"Hihihi! A little bit?" nervously replied by Misha but still looking adorable.

"What should I do with you, hmm?"

"I can keep a secret! I promise! Hehe …"

"Oh really now? Then, I will trust your word that you can keep this a secret. Whatever you found out?" Selene tells Misha.

"Yes, of course! So … since you trust me now.

Who is Fluffy…?" curiously asked by Misha.

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