The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 467 - The Crimson Pack (Part II)

[-In the Crimson Packhouse-]

After stating the last part of his plan, which was to dethrone the current Alpha King and push for his son to replace the Alpha King.

Everyone went silent.

Trying to register what they just heard.

Including the kids and the Beta couple of the Crimson Pack became silent momentarily.

Shocked at what he uttered.

It took a while for them to comprehend what they just heard.

Members of the Crimson Pack got used to keeping low-key profile.

And hearing such plans made it difficult for them to actualize within their minds.

If it will be even possible.

"Y-You are not serious right?" Alpha Maximo clarified to his old friend.

"No … I am dead serious about it!" Alpha Berrick reiterated his intention to dethrone the current Alpha King.

Instantly, everyone was in a state of disbelief and worry.

"Father!" Lucas exclaimed in contrast from his father's plans.

While others expressed their own opposition about it.

"Oh, loco! I thought my husband was insane …" Luna Zavy took another sip from her hot citron tea.

"Wait! Wait! Be realistic here! How can we even dethrone the current Alpha King? We have limited connections and scarce resources. Those are the basic stuff!" Alpha Maximo elaborated to Alpha Berrick.

"Have you considered that the Alpha King is currently married to the richest and most influential individual in the kingdom? The royal family alone has the largest army of their own … all over the kingdom. And take note … the strongest too!" Luna Zavy supported her husband in making Alpha Berrick realize the gravity and weight of his plans.

She added, "You are powerful being, yes! But you will not win when the entire kingdom is against you. You may be immortal but NOT INDESTRUCTIBLE! YOU ARE NOT GOD!" 

"I do understand your concern …" Alpha Berrick wanted to explain further.

But Luna Zavy noticed something.

"Uh-oh! I know that look … that is the look of someone who has decided completely. Unrelenting conviction! Arguing with him will be useless from this point on." Luna Zavy told her husband.

Alpha Berrick smiled after hearing the words of Luna Zavy.

"I know it may seem impossible but we can do it." Alpha Berrick sounded positive.

He continued,

"In terms of manpower and connections, we can gain more connection and expand our network … even your territory! Once we increase your resources and gain more wealth."

"I am surprised that you have not become the richest wolf pack yet." Alpha Berrick explained.

Suddenly, Alpha Maximo became nervous.


While Luna Zavy was confused.


"I think we don't need to go further in details with that part." Alpha Maximo making eye signals to stop discussing about being richest wolf pack.

But it was too late because Luna Zavy demanded answers.

"TELL US! Why would you think so?" Luna Zavy pointed out.

"Haven't Max told you? Before the Silver Aurora Pack got annihilated, my wife and her best friend discovered that this hill has a mine of rare diamonds. Which they found out through the vision of the previous Grand Seer at that time. Thus, Crimson Pack is currently sitting on a rare diamond mine!" Alpha Berrick divulged to everyone.

"We informed Max about it in a letter. So, why haven't you took the chance in utilizing such opportunity?" He added.

"How will we know if my husband … NEVER TOLD US!!!" Luna Zavy immediately stood and started hitting her husband.

No one dared to stop the Luna because she was extremely upset about the new revelation.

"Let me explain, hun!" 




"MY GOD!!!"

After venting out her anger on her husband, she went back to her seat and poured another round of hot citron tea.

"EXPLAIN!" Luna Zavy demanded from her husband.

"W-Well … when the news about the annihilation of the Silver Aurora Pack broke out. I heard rumors because you became a threat to the Alpha King's political control in the royal court. So, there were rumors about him issuing the annihilation and not the vampires. But other Alphas could not speak about it openly and outwardly." he stammered in his explanation.

Alpha Maximo continued, "So, I thought … if we gain so much attention or become a possible threat due to what we have currently within our territory. The former Alpha King or the other Alphas would take an interest in stealing it from us. And put my own wolf pack in danger."

"Greed can fuel the evil within. And I prefer to keep a low-key for my wolf pack! Keep them safe and alive. Away from any danger!" Alpha Maximo shared his own reason for keeping the information from the other members of Crimson Pack.



Others understood where Alpha Maximo was coming from. And his concerns.

Even Luna Zavy understood the fears of her husband.

"But now, I am here! We can keep you and your wolf pack protected." Alpha Berrick declared.


[-In Golden Moon Hospital-]

The ray of sun was shining bright upon the hospital room where Georgie was laying down.

Making it clear and radiant.

With flowers around from other members and residents of Golden Moon Pack.

They found out what happened to Georgie.

Compared to Freddie, his younger brother was well-loved and adored by many people.

Members of the Golden Moon Pack …

Rogue werewolves …

And the rest of the residents.

Georgie was known as a sweet and cheerful person in the Golden Moon Pack.

Unfortunately, he remained unconscious for days even after his successful operation.

So, Selene never left Georgie's side.

Blaming herself for being too distracted and forgetting those close to her.

"I should have been there for you! Forgive me …" Selene sat beside Georgie.

She instructed Headmistress Elaine not to mention to anyone that she was around the hospital.

Eventually, Oliver found out about through Lance who happened to be at the hospital for Scarlett's usual check-up.

Instantly, informing Oliver and their Alpha King.

It was impossible to hide Selene's presence if the Alpha King was looking for her. And regarding about the news of Georgie getting hurt spread amongst the members of Golden Moon Pack.

Freddie came inside alerting Selene about the other members of the Golden Moon Pack heading their way to the hospital room.

"It's okay! I guess there is no point in hiding it now. The only reason I did not want them to know in the first place because …"

She continued, "I just want some peace of mind and away from it all … even just for a moment! With all the things going on recently. There were too much to handle in one time."

Freddie nodded upon hearing Selene.

He found out at the same day of Georgie's operation about the return of Selene's father and what was going on between her and father.

Witnessing Selene and Lucas argue about their father.

"I understand …"

Then, Freddie could not help it but express his thoughts to Selene.

"I know it is not my place to comment anything about it. But … I think you have to face your father before it's too late." 

Right that moment, Selene's tears fell while avoiding Freddie's eyes.

"You don't know how it feels and frustrating it is … that the reason of my own nightmares and the guilt that kept haunting me for killing those innocent lives … was my own father. All my dreams of …" Selene wasn't able to finish her words.

Because Freddie interrupted her explanation.

"That's bullshit, Selene! You are just looking for someone to blame for your guilt. It already happened. Move on! Live with it! Repent and never succumb to darkness again. That's how you make it up for your sins. Do not blame for your father for it."

He further explained to Selene.

"We met you right after you lost Laquisha … You were a mess! Remember what you told us … at the first night we camped around?" 

Selene looked at Freddie.

"You told us, how you wished for your biological parents to be around you at that time. And now … you have that chance to be with your father and get to know him in personal level!"

"From what I have heard … he had to do what was necessary because he had no choice but to do it as well."

"Selene … you had company all those years. You were not alone. You had Laquisha, your older brother, Fluffy, and us. Later on, you met Alcyd and the members of the Golden Moon Pack. You were constantly getting surrounded by those who care for you."

"But … your father … he remained in the dark, for years! With no hint of warmth and hope. So, imagine getting offered by the vampire king to be reunited with his remaining loved one and getting fed of wrong information about his daughter's death. I think … you would understand … why he did those things." 

Tears fell, as Selene realized her own actions.

And the grip of Georgie on her hand tightened.

"Georgie?" Selene hugged Georgie.

"Ummm … don't hug me too tight. Ow!" Georgie uttered.

"This is the first time I heard my older brother speak like an adult and so wise."

Georgie joked further, "Am I still dreaming?"

"Idiot!" Freddie was glad to see his younger brother awake.

So, the three of them shared laughter.

While the sun shone brighter.

Selene pondered at that moment if it was time for her to go to her father ...

At the Crimson Pack!




Check my -Wall of Appreciation- dedicated for my readers! It changes time to time. I am planning to include some new things to show my appreciation for my readers. Just always check my -Wall of Appreciation- that is located on the {-auxiliary volume-} right before {-Chapter 1-}.

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