The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 473 - Allies And Enemies (Part I)

[-In King Lionel's Den-]

Slaves were hanging lifeless due to the tortures they received from the vampire king.

Blood dripping on the floor.

The stench of death surrounded the entire den of King Lionel.

No other vampire wanted to see how their king does his torture due to the extreme lengths he take.

Sometimes, the king of vampires does it for his own pleasure.

When King Lionel realized that his slaves were no longer breathing, he wore his robe to cover himself and went to take his seat.

"Your Highness?" a knock was heard from the door of King Lionel.

"What is it?" King Lionel's response to his henchman.

"A message from the king of warlocks." 

"You may enter!"

The henchmen guarding the entrance of King Lionel's den let the vampire enter with the message from King Magnus.

Upon his entry, the vampire was nervous after seeing the things around the vampire king's den.

"U-umm, y-your Highness! T-The m-message from K-King Magnus!" the vampire stammered with his words.

King Lionel reached for the letter while remaining on his seat.

Opening the letter, a magical hologram appeared above the sealed letter.

"Greetings, King Lionel! We are currently in the castle of northern fortress. We have successfully reclaimed your northern fortress as part of your requests …"

The vampire king was elated to hear that his northern fortress has been reclaimed.

But his smile disappeared when the message from King Magnus continued.

"Unfortunately, we have failed to capture the Grand Vampire Elder, Amelia! She proved to be elusive and difficult to capture. Do not worry, I have sent some of my warlocks to track her down while I wait for your men to reclaim your northern fortress." Mentioned by the recorded appearance of King Magnus in the hologram.

Without finishing the entire message, an invisible dark energy destroyed the magical letter of King Magnus.

Fearing for his own life, the vampire slowly moved backwards. 

Away from the king of vampires, but unfortunately, he was still killed by King Lionel.

Venting his own anger, King Lionel killed the vampire who relayed the message of King Magnus

"Y-Yooouuurr H-HHiiggghneesss!" 

Gritting his teeth in anger.

"They are testing my patience!" King Lionel uttered in anger.

He called for his henchmen.


Together they replied.

Knowing that their king was not in the mood.

"Where is Antoin? Why is he not with you? Isn't he supposed to lead you all?"

Antoin was tasked as the captain of the guards of King Lionel but in some reason … he was not around.

The three henchmen assigned as King Lionel's guard were hesitating if they should disclose the whereabouts of their captain.

"SHOULD I REPEAT MYSELF AGAIN?" King Lionel threatened the henchmen guarding his den.

From that point on they knew how dangerous it is for them to keep the information from their king.

One of them gave in from their own fear.

"H-He went to the cell of Ingrid. He visited Ingrid assuming that his Highness will be occupied with his private time here in the den." Immediate confession of one the henchmen.

King Lionel clenched his fist in anger.

He stormed out from his den and intended to find Antoin.

The other henchmen were relieved to keep their life intact from King Lionel's wrath.

"What do you think will happen with Antoin?"

"I really don't care! It is his fault if something happens to him."

"I do agree with you because it was clear that Ingrid has fallen off from the grace of our king. I cannot believe that a member of the -HARBINGERS- would betray our king and work along with the traitors. After what the king has done for her, treating her like a daughter …"

"Don't you think others would have inclination in supporting the Grand Elder and Ingrid?"

"For their sake, I hope not!"

Worrying for the future of their fellow vampires.


Meanwhile …

In the dungeons of the castle, Antoin visited Ingrid who was greatly weakened by the punishment of King Lionel.

Chained …

Thirsty from blood …

And looking distressed from all the sufferings she went through.

Making Antoin worry for Ingrid, whom he has treated like a real older sister.

"Ingrid!" Antoin approached the cell of Ingrid.

Due to her weakened state and thirst, Ingrid's throat was too dry.

It was too difficult for her to speak or even greet Antoin.

Only a forced smile she could do.

At least the sight of Antoin being okay helped her have some hope.

She feared that King Lionel would hurt him after her act of treason against King Lionel.

"Damn it, ANTOIN! Why won't you listen to me? King Lionel will be furious once he finds out you're here visiting a traitor!" Petro complained at Antoin.

Though, Antoin did not care for the complaints of Petro.

"Enough, Petro! Can't you see … Ingrid is suffering! I am not doing anything wrong."

"What do you mean … nothing's wrong? King Lionel was clear with his orders. NO VISITATIONS!" 

"She helped us many times and treated us well. Ingrid was more than a mentor to us. She is like a sister we never had! We lost all our families in war and famine. The cruel reality of being a human is fragility. And during those days of almost dying. Ingrid was there!"

"I owe my life to our king! NOT INGRID!"

"BUT INGRID took care of us. NOT KING LIONEL!"

Both Petro and Antoin looked young in their teens. 

But they were centuries old.

Aside from Ingrid, Petro was the next closest to Ingrid due to their same year of turning into a vampire.

Growing together as vampires and sharing new experiences together brought them closer compared to other younger vampires.

Belonging to the few early members of the legion of King Lionel and his henchmen.

"This is absurd, Antoin. Not worth our lives and getting in trouble with King Lionel."

Ingrid wanted to tell Antoin to leave and let her be.

Because she knew what kind of trouble Antoin will be put in. 

If he disobeys or violates any of the commands of King Lionel.

Suddenly a dark raging presence could be felt approaching them.

"Oh no!" Petro realized who it was.

Antoin turned around and was choked against the wall.

"YOUR HIGHNESS!" Petro uttered in fear.

King Lionel's eyes were raging red fury.

While Antoin struggled in the hands of their beloved king.




Check my -Wall of Appreciation- dedicated for my readers! It changes time to time. I am planning to include some new things to show my appreciation for my readers. Just always check my -Wall of Appreciation- that is located on the {-auxiliary volume-} right before {-Chapter 1-}.

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