The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 478 - Allies And Enemies (Part VI)


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In the middle of their intense tackle.

King Alcyd tried his best to keep his older brother away from him.

His shoulder began bleeding from the deep bite he received from his older brother.

Prince Alarick remained aggressive towards the Alpha King.

Target locked on his younger brother.

Due to the demonic curse seal, Prince Alarick lost all of his rationality.

Completely turning him into a savage beast.

Growling at his younger brother.

The Alpha King activated his own reserved power.

And his <<<_Ultimate Force_>>>

One of its ability to amplify their own strength and regenerating ability which varies on different levels.

Right exactly the moment when he activated his ability, King Alcyd was surrounded with powerful aura.

Amplifying his strength and regenerating abilities.

Kratos reminded him to be cautious.

'Hey! Be careful and don't get hurt again. Remember, once you allow yourself to get hurt … our mate will be suffering as well. Good thing that you realized sooner about the effects of our own injuries and wounds.' Reminder of the spirit wolf of King Alcyd.

'I know! I won't let it happen again!' King Alcyd reassured his spirit wolf.

Prince Alarick dashed his way towards King Alcyd and went for a full swing strike.

Using its own sharp claws.

The Alpha King swiftly evaded the attempt of his older brother.

He side stepped and tackled his older brother down from the side.

Loud roars could be heard.

Theo and Beta Garrett hurriedly checked if how their Alpha was doing.

Seeing him over powering the savage beast, they felt a bit of relief.

Unexpectedly, the demonic cursed seal gleamed brightly once more.

Granting Prince Alarick another batch of overwhelming power and strength.

Surging all over his body, Prince Alarick roared louder and pushed his younger brother away.

Taking him down easily with one push.

Both Theo and Beta Garrett made a surprise attack on Prince Alarick but the savage prince easily evaded their surprise attack.

Striking them both down in one hit.


Disoriented from the hit they received each, both went back on their feet.

This time around … the claws of Prince Alarick became purple.

Instantly, Kratos warned the Alpha King not get hit by the purple claws of Prince Alarick.

'Beware of his purple claws! Tell your guys to back off … and stay away from him! I can sense its fatal damage and its poisonous properties.' 

'Garrett! Theo! Back off! His claws are extremely dangerous and fatal.' King Alcyd warned his elite warriors through their mind-link.

When the savage prince tried to attack the two elite warriors of King Alcyd, the two swiftly evaded the attempts of the savage prince.

Though, his every strikes were so powerful that it causes the ground to crack and explode.



Prince Alarick has completely no control over his own actions.

Not even his own spirit wolf can help the prince. Because his spirit wolf was sealed away and a new demonic presence took over the wolf form of Prince Alarick.

King Alcyd began stepping away from his older brother.

'How are we going to defeat him?' King Alcyd asked his spirit wolf.

'It's your problem to figure out, not mine! I already handed you some extra strength and power to beat that monster!' Kratos replied.

As soon as the savage prince intended to go all out, King Alcyd focused all his might in observing his older brother's movements.

The moment Prince Alarick disappeared, King Alcyd disappeared as well.

In a blink of an eye Prince Alarick appeared right behind the two elite warriors undetected by the two.

Fortunately, King Alcyd moved quickly.

Stopping his older brother through slamming his body against his older brother.

Throwing him off to the side.

His elite warriors were surprised with the level of speed and strength displayed by their Alpha King and the savage prince.


King Alcyd's objective was draining his older brother with all of his strength.

According to his older brother, once he gets exhausted … a possibility of returning back to his usual self.

But the problem is … his older brother was far from exhausted.

Then suddenly …

A bright light and a powerful magic force surrounded Prince Alarick.

Causing him to wince in pain and lose his dark aura.

Slowly, Prince Alarick began to return in his normal form.

Naked …

And vulnerable …

The demonic curse seal began to transform back into a small symbol by his shoulder blade.

"I was only out for quite some time and the royal palace is in turmoil already? What would have happened if I haven't returned sooner?" Magdeline appeared from a distance.

At the same time … a group of individuals appeared from the opposite side.

Witnessing the prince transforming from a savage beast into his human form.

"You saw it right? Prince Alarick was feral and he lost control! He put everyone at risk and in danger!" Alpha Alister pointed out to all the Alphas and ministers behind him.

Everyone was shocked and in complete disbelief of what they were seeing in front of them.

"If you want to protect everyone from any danger. Apprehend that monster!" Alpha Alister told everyone.

Before anyone could make any step further.

King Alcyd blocked their path and released his powerful aura.

<<<_Alpha King's Aura_>>>



King Alcyd threatened everyone through his mind-link.

As the Alpha King, he was granted the ability to communicate with all werewolves through his mind-link.

No one dared to step any further when King Alcyd gave a threatening warning for all.

Growling at them.


[-In the Crimson Packhouse-]

Ever since the family reunion of the three, Alpha Berrick and Lucas kept reminiscing of their time in Silver Aurora Pack.

While Selene just listened to the two.

Telling her things that they wished for her to see.

But due to the annihilation of their wolf pack, it would be impossible now to show her.

Sharing stories and narrating things about their origins.

It made Alpha Berrick and Lucas more nostalgic.

Missing their own home.

Especially … Sylvanna, the late Luna of Silver Aurora Pack.

"Are you okay? You are so silent!" Lucas was curious at the silence of Selene.

"Yeah … I am okay! I am just trying to imagine the things you have been telling me. About our wolf pack and about … mom! I just wish, she was here … that's all! Laquisha would be happy to know that we are reunited with our own father." Selene was a bit sad in her tone.

"You are right! Too bad Fluffy isn't here as well …" Lucas mentioned about Fluffy.

"Who is fluffy?" Alpha Berrick asked his son.

"He is the former captain … Captain Randall!" Lucas answered.

"Oh! Captain Randall … he really did commit to his promise. Where is he now?"

"I sent him to guard my mate through her shadows."

"You have a mate? Why is she not with you?" Alpha Berrick became excited to hear his son having a mate of his own.

"Well … she is a daughter of the president of …" 

"President of an entertainment business! Half human … half siren!" Selene interjected.

'Don't mention to our father that your mate is a daughter of a hunter! Not now … we need to see how he will react about hunters first before you disclose it to him! You haven't seen his monstrous side. So if I were you … be careful mentioning your mate.'

Selene continued, 'Her safety depends on what you disclose to others!'


'YES EVEN TO HIM!' Selene answered through their mind-link.

She explained further, 'We need to make sure he is not against it.'

Unexpectedly, they were not aware that their father has the special ability to hack their own mind-link.

Discreetly, Alpha Berrick pretended and acted as if he was not aware of what he was hearing.

Giving a pretentious smile to his own children.

Trying his best not to make it obvious that he has heard them talk about Lucas' mate.

Despite their attempt to hide it through their mind-link.




Check my -Wall of Appreciation- dedicated for my readers! It changes time to time. I am planning to include some new things to show my appreciation for my readers. Just always check my -Wall of Appreciation- that is located on the {-auxiliary volume-} right before {-Chapter 1-}.

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