The weekend passed by and Selene was able to successfully implement her plans for the orphanage of the Golden Moon Pack.

At first Prince Alcyd was not inclined or in favor with Selene's plans for the orphanage of the Golden Moon Pack but due to Selene's fervent passion and conviction for her proposition, Prince Alcyd gave in and approved the plans of Selene in regards for the welfare of the children and orphans of the Golden Moon Pack.

There has been a tedious and substantive plans for the social welfare of the children and orphans of the Golden Moon Pack.

The entire members of the Executive Officers of Prince Alcyd, including Lady Sonja and Elaine, are impressed with the plans and concerns of Selene for the younger generation of Golden Moon Pack.

Lady Sonja and the other Executive Officers of Prince Alcyd are happy that Selene, their future Luna, is starting to act like a true Luna of Golden Moon Pack.

A well-deserved admiration towards Selene has developed among the members of the Golden Moon Pack.

Meanwhile, Selene has started to wear the lace given by Prince Alcyd to tie her platinum hair as she goes to the Golden Moon Academy.

Every student that passes by as Selene walks her way through to the class is looking at her new look. Since it is their first time to see her tying her hair into pony-tail.

Despite the hair of Selene being tied back into pony-tail, every student still sees Selene as a radiant beauty walking through the hall way of the Golden Moon Academy.

As Selene enters her class, she sees Freddie and Chloe chatting from their own respective seats despite the gap.

Scarlett looks at Selene enters the class. She kept thinking how admirable the concern that Selene shows for the orphan kids and the children in the daycare which surprised her a lot.

Aside from the tough and badass exterior that Selene has showed to others so far, the softer side of Selene that she was able to see during their task in the orphanage is indeed remarkable for Scarlett.

It is something that caused for Scarlett to start admiring Selene as someone whom she could look up to.

On the other hand, Lance looks at Selene enters her class from a distance while standing on his own locker.

Beside his locker is Georgie's locker. So, after Selene enters, he looks at Georgie and interrupted Georgie's own personal time.

"Sup, Chicken legs!" sudden interjected of Lance towards Georgie.

Georgie was taken aback by the sudden interest of Lance towards his presence.

Both Lance and Georgie are in the same year and same class. But Lance has never taken interest in talking with Georgie ever since the rogue brothers started studying at Golden Moon Academy.

So imagine the surprise and how unusual for Lance to suddenly talk to Georgie.

Georgie was looking around if Lance was referring to him and not someone else. Then he pointed at himself which figuratively pointing out if it is really him that Lance wanted to talk to.

"Yes you! Chicken legs!" annoyed tone of Lance.

"O-okay. What do you want? What with this sudden interest in talking to me?" curiously asked by Georgie.

"I just want to ask something…"

"Okay sure. What you want to ask?" Replied by Georgie.

"It is about Selene. How close are you with Selene? Lady Sonja's niece." Directly asked by Lance.

"Hmm… We are tight close!"

"How come? How did you know her? Both of you are new around." further asked by Lance.

Then Georgie suddenly remembered that Selene told him not to mention anything about their mercenary days. He also remembered that he was told to keep the fact they knew each other before hand.

So Georgie has to keep a low-key reasoning that they became friends because they deliver vegetables to Lady Sonja as part of their part-time job while they are in Golden Moon Pack.

Both the rogue brothers have become part-time employees in the market which was part of the set-up given by Prince Alcyd for both rogue brothers. They were given a secret task of Prince Alcyd to look out for every movement of Selene as part of the conditions of Prince Alcyd for sparing their life.

Georgie was against this but they had no choice because they were both threatened by Prince Alcyd that if they tell anyone about it, both will be rendered a death sentence.

Even Selene does not know about this part of their deal with Prince Alcyd.

"Well, our part-time job allowed us to spend a lot of time with Selene when we deliver certain vegetables to the mansion's kitchen when Lady Sonja had no time to drop by to the town. Plus, Freddie and Selene are in the same class so usually we talk a lot." Bluntly lied by Georgie.

Lance looks at Georgie suspiciously.

"hmmm… If what you are saying to me is true, what proof that you became really close with her in just short time?" Lance interrogates Georgie.

Georgie gulped in an attempt to prove his statement earlier, "Well, she tried to defend me when you humiliated and bullied me during our first day. Why would she do that if we were not that close?"

Lance nodded in agreement and got convinced by the quick justification of Georgie.

"Then will you tell me her likes and dislikes? Like what are her interests and the things that she does not like."

"What? Why are you interested to know? Are you crushing on her? You like her, don't you?" sudden remark of Georgie towards Lance.

Lance got nervous and flustered.

"Nope! I am just asking 'coz … I admire her as a remarkable person! Does it necessarily mean that a person would like someone just because they asked for their interest? Can't it be just a spur of curiosity?" reasoned out by Lance to Georgie.

"Hmm… Admiration you mean? Spur of curiosity?"

"Yeah! Admiration! Spur of curiosity!" exclaimed by Lance.

"I do not buy it! Your expression and heartbeat right now is proving to me completely that it is not just admiration…

"YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON SELENE!" blatantly stated by Georgie.


Additional Note from the Author:

If we achieve 500 and above subscriptions (unlocking of locked chapters) a day in a week,

[First] 3 extra chapters per day.

[Second] 10 Chaps of Mass Release every end of the month.

[Third] Increased Tier for privilege chapters, meaning more stockpiled chapters.


Author's Extended Note:

Please! subscribe for the privilege feature of my story even if it is tier 1. It will help me qualify for feature rewards and additional exposure in Webnovel Official social platforms. I humbly request for your fantastic support since it will help me and my story a lot.

I beg of you, my dear readers! Let us aim for 1,000 privilege subscribers for my story.

If we achieve by the end of the month:

100 Privilege subscribers = (2x) 5 chapters mass release at the end of next month.

500 Privilege subscribers = (2x) 5 chapters mass release at the end of next month.

= (2x) daily chapters release for the entire next month.

1,000 Privilege subscribers = (3x) 5 chapters mass release at the end of next month.

= (3x) daily chapters release for the entire next month.

= One special Chapter will be released earlier which will reveal the SECOND VOLUME...

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