The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 482 - My New Normal (Part II)



Courtesy to the real artist of the song mentioned below.

Miss You Much by Janet Jackson


Since her return to her normal life, Melody was surrounded with body guards and monitored by group of hunters.

To ensure her protection and safety.

President Tony assigned a group of experienced hunters in protecting Melody.

Ben was tasked in taking over the position left by Selene.

While Melody returned to her celebrity life.

Different engagements and appointments were scheduled for Melody to attend to.

Keeping herself busy was the only way for Melody to cope her longing for Selene.

And someone she did not expect to care for.

She did not expect for her to grow fond of him.

Melody could not shake off the bond that has been established between her and Lucas.

It kept lingering within her.

His smiles …

His constant caring for her that no man did for her …

Unlike her father, Lucas was more present and a better listener.

She could sense Lucas was really listening to her whenever Melody shared something.

Whatever it was, Melody realized the efforts of Lucas to make her feel that she was the most important woman in his world.

"Are you alright, Miss Melody?" the stage director asked Melody.

Instantly, Melody returned to her senses after being distracted with her own thoughts.

"Oh, sorry! Where were we?" Melody recomposed herself.

Ben was nearby watching over Melody's surroundings.

Making sure of her security so that no surprises and no threats to come near Melody.

"We will start in a minute. Once you hear the intro number, there will be countdown and you will be asked to appear after that." The stage director informed Melody of her entrance.

The loud cheers of the audience could be heard outside.

Excited to see Melody perform and hear her great voice.

Melody went to her designated area for her to wait.




Drums and musical instruments could be heard despite the noise of the crowd.

Back-up singers started singing their part.

# Ohh!! Ohh!! #

And her cue was given.

Melody jumped off from under the stage and appeared suddenly in the middle of the artificial fog.

# Shot!! Like an arrow through my heart! #

# That's the pain I feel #

# I feel whenever we're apart … #

People were clapping along with Melody.

Dancers were starting to dance with Melody as well.

# Not to say I am in love with you! But who's to say that I am not! #

The memory of Lucas flashed into the mind of Melody while performing in front of her fans.

# I just know that it feels so wrong. When I'm away too long. It makes my body hot! #

Touching her own body and removing half of her costume.

Which revealed her second attire for her performance.

Her sensuality has become more hypnotizing.

Embracing her alluring features.

This made the other members of the Vitre Family wonder.

Including Ben.

"Aren't you noticing something different with our president's daughter? She has become more …" one of the hunters talked behind Ben.

"Sultry and seductive … is that what you mean?" another hunter replied.

"Go back to your work! And focus in securing the area!" Ben reprimanded the other hunters.

Melody's manager approached Ben.

"Dude, what happened to her?" 

"What do you mean?" Ben was clueless with the question raised by the manager of Melody.

"Since you returned from wherever the hell you went, there has been a huge change on Melody. Her aura is more … appealing and addictive to the masses every time she sings and perform. The way I am seeing it … Melody will become more popular than she ever did before."

He continued to tell Ben while smoking his cigarette.


Ben started worrying if something was happening to Melody which they were not aware of.

# So let me tell you baby! #

# I'm not the kinda girl who likes to be alone! #

# I miss you muuccch!! Oh baby! #

Imagining the touch of Lucas around her.

# Boy, oh … I … miss you much!! #

When her performance ended, Melody walked her way to her dressing room.


She continued complaining, "Can someone install an AC in the building. MY GOD!"

Others were astonished that she was the only one complaining.

For them, it was cool enough behind the stage. Especially inside her dressing room since she requested for a colder ambiance.


For the first time, organizing committee and staff members were witnessing Melody scream loudly and agitated.

Ben made them all leave the dressing room except for Melody.

"We need to talk! You are going through something and you must be aware of it …" Ben informed Melody about his own observation about her.


[-In the Crimson Pack-]

Alpha Berrick and Lucas were in a sparring match. 

Giving the warriors of Alpha Maximo a scene to watch for.

Both, father and son shifted in their mighty wolf form.

But Alpha Berrick easily over powered his son.

Pinning him down.

Before they shifted back to their human form.

Sweaty …

And full of bruises.

Like it was nothing.

"The winner, ALPHA BERRICK!" Alpha Maximo acted as the referee of the two.

Alpha Berrick helped his son get up.

They saw Selene amongst the audience covering her eyes.


She started covering her eyes when she started to realize that both her brother and father were about to shift back in their human form.

"I wonder how your fur looks like as well. Is it silver like your brother or a maroon like your father? I heard his fur changes once he goes to his monstrous form." The mate of the Beta of Alpha Maximo wondered while seated next to Selene.

Alpha Berrick heard the conversation at the side of Selene which made him curious as well.

"What's the color of your sister's fur?" Alpha Berrick asked Lucas in curiosity.

Lucas hesitated at first before answering his father.

"Ummm … she lost her spirit wolf when she tried to save me." Lucas answered his father with sorrow.

"Save you from what?"

"Viktor and I were in a battle. I tried to take revenge for you and mom but he almost got me killed. He was too strong and powerful for me. If it wasn't for Selene, I may have died from my wounds." Lucas sounded defeated and regretful.

"THAT BASTARD!" Alpha Berrick clenched his fist at the mention of Viktor almost killing his son.

Suddenly, a commotion took place from the audience.

"Miss Selene? Miss Selene?"

Out of nowhere Selene passed out from her seat.

Immediately, both the father and brother rushed to Selene's side.




Check my -Wall of Appreciation- dedicated for my readers! It changes time to time. I am planning to include some new things to show my appreciation for my readers. Just always check my -Wall of Appreciation- that is located on the {-auxiliary volume-} right before {-Chapter 1-}.

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