The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 494 - Mutual Interest

[-In Jade Pack Territory-]

Amber and the others were surprised at the uninvited presence of Alpha Berrick.

Holding Freya's throat with his claws threatening Amber.

"The Alpha King had strict orders of no other Alphas can enter our territory without his permission. How did you pass through the royal army assigned around our borders?" Amber reminded Alpha Berrick of the restrictions placed by the Alpha King.

"Now … Now … Don't tell me you have submitted yourselves to the Alpha King and admitted defeat?" Alpha Berrick chuckled.

"Let her go Alpha Berrick. We will listen to what you have to say." Amber promised Alpha Berrick.

As soon as Alpha Berrick released Freya, the resident witch of Jade Pack tried to attack Alpha Berrick sneakily. 

Unfortunately for her, Alpha Berrick's refelexes were too quick for her.

And he hit her abdomen with full might.

Sending her body flying few meters away.

Amber and Alpha Alister caught Freya mid-air.

They wanted to attack Alpha Berrick but he released his full Alpha Aura.

Intimidating those in front of him.

"I did not come here to kill you three. But if that's what you wish, I would gladly take your lives right now." 

"Then, why did you come here against the wishes of the Alpha King?" Amber asked Alpha Berrick.

"You did not answer my sister, how did you pass through the battalion of royal army assigned at our borders?" Alpha Alister asked him as well.

He casually took a seat before answering Amber and Alpha Alister.

All of them anticipated for his answer.

"I came here to offer you my alliance. And as for the battalion of royal army at your borders, my friends are keeping them all busy at the moment. You see … I have friends all over the kingdom but not as much as your wolf pack has. So, we staged a huge accident just by your borders to keep them all busy. Especially when it involves allies to the throne." Alpha Berrick disclosed to them.

Astonished at what they just heard.

"You are Selene's father! Why would you want to align with us?" Amber responded.

"We are already at the Alpha King's mercy. Why do you think we will work with you?" Freya added.

"First of all, let me correct you there. WHY WOULD I WANT YOU TO ALIGN WITH ME? IT'S THE OTHER WAY AROUND, MY DEAR!"

"You need me more ... than I need you. But I do not want to waste such a promising collaboration with your wolf pack." Alpha Berrick expounded his explanation.

"And you will work with me because I am different and far better than your eldest sister. The Alpha King's wife." Alpha Berrick's quick remark.

"Are you insulting my sister?" Alpha Alister did not like the tone of Alpha Berrick.

"I am not insulting your sister. I am merely stating facts." Alpha Berrick clarified to them.

He furthered, "You may have lost against the Alpha King but there is still hope to win against him."

Hearing this, Amber took a seat at the opposite side of Alpha Berrick.

Following her was Freya and her younger brother Alpha Alister.

"We do not want to worsen the plight of Laura." Amber pointed out.

"I know. I was the one who insisted for her to remain in the royal palace while being detained in her private chamber. As the mother of the unborn child of the Alpha King. And I prevented for her to be imprisoned after giving birth." Alpha Berrick reiterated the situation regarding Laura.

"Basically, you owe me for that! But that is just a sample of what I can do …" Alpha Berrick elaborated his capabilities as an opponent of the Alpha King.

"Why would you help us? Isn't your daughter the mate of the Alpha King?" Amber was a bit confused with the intentions of Alpha Berrick.

"I know! But who said I must be his ally just because of it. Should I remind you what the former Alpha King did to the Silver Aurora Pack and why I was separated with my children?"

He further explained, "Since we have mutual interest against the Alpha King, why not join forces with me. Let me finish what you cannot accomplish."

From that point on Amber and the others understood where Alpha Berrick truly stands.

"What do you want from us then? You seem to be more capable than us. Why would you need our help?" Amber was straightforward with Alpha Berrick.

"Tell your supporters to transfer their support to me and conduct massive trading with me instead. In exchange, I will reassure you … that your sister remains as the wife of the Alpha King. And I will keep her protected." 

A tempting offer was served.

"We will think about it!" Amber replied.

A glint of hope sparked within Alpha Alister's eyes.

His eagerness to take down the Alpha King was fueled once more.

"Promise us 50 percent from the profits and pursue for my sister's enthronement as the queen." Alpha Alister said to Alpha Berrick.

"ALISTER!" Amber tried to stop her younger brother.

"I am the Alpha of this wolf pack, sister! I have the authority to decide. I value your counsel and advice but this is something we cannot miss."

Alpha Berrick just chuckled at the eagerness of Alpha Alister.

"25 percent is the only thing I can tolerate and nothing else. As for your sister's enthronement, I believe that ship has sailed. She is no longer qualified to be the enthroned as the queen of werewolves."

Alpha Berrick continued in his speech, "But her unborn child with the Alpha King … I can help this child to be officiated as the official heir to the throne. The day after the birth … the werewolf kingdom will have an heir to the throne."

"Lastly, I will dethrone the Alpha King from his position."

Alpha Alister has decided, "As the Alpha of Jade Pack, you got a deal! I hope you can accomplish what we cannot."

"Trust me! My plans will succeed!" Alpha Berrick reassured the siblings.

"Before we part ways, if ever you succeed … who will take the reins to the throne. Laura's child is not yet of age if ever you succeed. Based on what you told us, we expect results sooner. And you intend to dethrone the Alpha King even before his heir reaches maturity." Amber stated significant point.

This made Alpha Berrick smirk at the sharpness of Amber.

He could not reveal to the siblings his intention to put Lucas as the new Alpha King once he dethrone King Alcyd.

So, he had to lie to the siblings.

"Your eldest sister … she will be recommended as the -Queen Regent- while we wait for the crown prince to reach his maturity age to take the throne. Would that suffice as an answer?" Alpha Berrick confidently lied to Amber.

Unlike Alister, Amber was hesitant in trusting Alpha Berrick.

Freya could sense the hesitation of Amber.

But they had to concede with Alister's decision to accept Alpha Berrick as their new ally.

Sharing with him such valued network and connections.

An unlikely alliance was finally formed between Alpha Berrick and the Jade Pack.

When King Alcyd thought he has settled the problem with the Jade Pack … 

Another chaos will soon arise …




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