[-In The Royal Palace-]

Immediately after the serious discussion between Laura and Selene… 

Laura was escorted back to her private chamber.

The royal guards had no idea what was discussed.

No one could even spy between the two ladies.

Selene surrounded the pavilion with a bubble of concealing barrier.

A barrier that prevents anyone to eavesdrop their conversation.

Princess Shiveena who was tasked in monitoring Laura became curious as well.

Only silence and deep contemplation were Laura's reaction after her private talk with Selene.

Contemplating on the things been agreed upon between her and Selene.

Deep inside, it made her more frustrated because she expected Selene to be angry at her or make her feel worse about the horrible things she did.

Instead, she was promised that her child will be the heir to the throne of the werewolf kingdom and both her siblings will be pardoned from all crimes, including Laura.

As long as she cooperates and supports Selene in her claim for supreme rulership in the entire supernatural world.

And will help her convince the opposition to accept the enthronement of Selene as the next queen of the werewolf kingdom.

Setting aside their differences.

Tempting as it was, Laura was not able to give Selene an absolute answer.

She asked for more time to think about it. 

Giving her the time to ponder on her decision for the future.

This made her realize how truly different Selene was compared to her.

Sensing the sincerity of Selene in making peace with her which annoyed Laura more deep inside because it made her feel inferior to Selene.

'Your unborn child is a true royalty. I can promise you… that your child will have everything as the heir to the throne.' 

'We must focus on what's more important right now than fighting amongst ourselves. The werewolf kingdom will fall if we continue like this. Stabbing each other at the back and scheming for more power and influence.'

'A queen at heart would know what's best for her people. And I know you want the best for your people.'

Selene's words ringing within Laura's mind as she made her way back to her private chamber.

On the other hand, the Alpha King was informed that Selene made it impossible to spy on her private talk with Laura.

[-In The Throne Room-]

Only the executive officers of King Alcyd was allowed in the throne room.

While Chloe and Prince Alarick were spending more time together.

Trying to figure out how to remove the demonic cursed seal of Prince Alarick.

King Alcyd slammed the arm of his golden throne.

"What did they talk about?"

He continued to wonder and asked his executive officers.

But just like him, they were clueless as well.

"Just have faith in Selene! I guess her priorities right now is geared towards the war. Especially, Magdeline has returned from her travel from the other kingdoms." 

Beta Garrett tried to convince their Alpha King to divert his attention in preparing their army for the upcoming clash with the Legion of Vampires and their allies.

Now, that more creatures have pledged allegiance to the vampire king.


If Laura was on her way back to her private chambers.

Selene went to see Magdeline after her private talk with Laura.

All staff members and royal guards were at awe of the presence of Selene.

Heads were turning towards her direction as she walked her way to see Magdeline.

[-In The Witches Ground-]

Within the royal palace, a large room was designed and created for the witches.

A place where the right hand witch of the reigning Alpha King would do her meetings and experiments with her own circle of witches.

The moment Selene entered the -Witches Ground- and told others if she could have a moment with Magdeline.

Without any delays, Magdeline gave a signal to others.

Letting the -Grand White Witch- have a privacy with Selene.

"You really don't want to waste time, don't you?" Magdeline directly told Selene.

She added, "I can see that your platinum silver hair looks more like a snow white right now."

"I already feel better. And preparations for the war must be made already."

Selene continued, "Thank you for helping Melody as well. I checked on her before I went to see Laura. You were a great help in keeping her human form. And saving both of our lives."

"Chloe saved your life. She took charge in saving you. I focused in helping your friend. Though, from what I heard… you are the one to thank for! You are the one who risked your life to save her from committing a great mistake in taking away innocent lives."

Magdeline noticed Selene wanted to talk about the request she made before they parted ways.

"Going to straight to the things you want to know. We are in trouble. The war against the vampire king doesn't look favorable upon us."

From the chosen words and tone of Magdeline, Selene immediately understood what the powerful witch meant by her words.

"So, our best option in having a chance in this war is uniting this kingdom. For all werewolves to unite and fight together as one."

"Yes! If we want to have a fighting chance against King Lionel and his Legion of Vampires."

"Then I must become the queen of the werewolf kingdom as soon as possible."

"Would Laura support you? Do you think she will accept your offer?" Magdeline asked Selene.

Selene sat on one of the desks inside the spacious room before responding Magdeline's question.

"If she wants to live and for her siblings to survive. I hope Laura chooses the right decision."

"Because right now… I just handed her an olive branch and her best option for her future… For her unborn child's sake."

Magdeline furthered, "And if she chooses the wrong decision?"

"Then she will leave me no choice…"




At the courtyard of King Lionel's castle.

While King Lionel stood looking at the sky, a familiar presence emerged from the shadows.

Former Alpha King Viktor appeared, revealing himself to King Lionel.

"Well! Well! Well! What do we have here?" King Lionel uttered at the unexpected visit from a former ally.

"A true royalty amongst the werewolves. Or should I say... the cursed dark lycan?" 

Growling at the chosen words of King Lionel.



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