The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 509 - Intensifying War Preparations

Far away from the werewolf kingdom…

The Kingdom of Elves was heavily guarded and closed off from outsiders and non-elves.

Unless they are invited by the king of elves himself.

During the rising chaos and turmoil around the supernatural world, the king of elves became more strict with the entry to their borders.

Not allowing any trade from outsiders nor extending help to any of their neighboring kingdoms.

A personal spy, employed by the princess of elves, reported to her about what happened to Princess Pearl in the Ever Garden.

As urgent as it was, she shared the information to Princess Magenta.

Shocking her for what Princess Magenta's eldest sister has done.

"I MUST LEAVE!" Princess Magenta told Princess Ivana.

She continued, "I need to seek help from someone powerful enough to save my sister and help the fairy kingdom from going worse."

"Where will you seek help?" Princes Ivana asked the fairy princess.

"Selene, the new chosen one will help me. She owes me a lot for saving her from her own darkness." Princess Magenta answered the query of the princess of elves.

She hurriedly packed her things and planned to set out to see Selene.


[-In The Werewolf Kingdom-]

Since the unexpected arrival of King Falcon, bringing bad news with him regarding the defeat of Gaiea and the claim of Mira to the throne.

Selene had no choice but to gear up quickly for war preparations.

Now, that the queen of the seven seas forcefully claimed the throne for supreme rulership.

Just to take control over the supernatural world.

The new chosen one must do something in putting an end to the growing chaos around the supernatural world.

Preventing for the chaos to reach all the way to the cities of humans.

All Alphas from different wolf packs and ministers gave their support on Selene's claim to the supreme throne and as the new queen of werewolves.

Even the opposition had no choice but to yield to Selene, the daughter of the new leader of the faction of opposition.

Especially, Laura had given her support as well to Selene's claims in exchange for the pardon for her siblings and the agreement of making her unborn child as the heir to the throne of King Alcyd.

The entire werewolf kingdom was in full alert and the tension was indeed high.

King Alcyd immediately declared a full scale high alert to all wolf pack territories, sending battalion of army for each wolf pack.

Sending extra provisions to all allied wolf packs for their survival.

Everyone was not only preparing for the war.

But they were also preparing for the upcoming coronation of Selene as the new queen of werewolves.

In the middle of a busy royal palace…

The bustling noise…

Rushing clicking sounds of footsteps…

Active patrol of royal guards around the premises of the royal palace…

The atmosphere around the royal palace could really tell how intense the war preparations has become.

Ever since their return in the royal palace, Athena was only focused on her twins.

If her mate, Beta Garrett was always accompanying their Alpha King.

Athena was completely occupied with looking after their twins.

While Athena was changing the tiny clothes of her twins, a knock was made on her door.

"Coming!" Athena made sure her twins was settled in their crib before checking on the door.

As she opened the door, Athena was surprised to see Selene.

"Oh, Luna!" Athena tried to regain her composure from her disgruntled look.

"Athena, drop the Luna and you know what to call me…" Selene entered and directly went to the twins.

Athena was reminded about Selene's preference to be called by her name.

"Forgive me, Lu-- … I mean Selene. I was not expecting your visit. Garrett told me that you are busy preparing for war." 

Selene played with Athena's infants.

For werewolf infants, their growth was not like the humans.

"Yeah, there are a lot of things to prepare. But before we start the coronation and the battle begins, I want something to be done first." Selene carried the twins while looking at Athena.

"What is it then?" Athena was curious at what Selene wanted.

"You and Garrett need to get married!"


Athena was shocked at the request of their soon to be queen.

She was completely astonished.

"We are in the middle of crisis and chaos, Selene! How can we think about that?"

Selene rolled her eyes at Athena's reaction.

"Look! You and Garrett are like a family to me now. We don't know what will happen to us in this war. But don't you want to get married with him before things go messy and chaotic? Don't you want to make your union to be official?"


"NO BUT's!! I have already prepared for it. Alcyd is on board with my plan!" Selene insisted.

She added, "Of course, your twins must be there! I will be carrying them both, the entire time! No need to worry!"

"First… we need to do your bride look, quickly!"

Selene instantly called for Prince Ivan and Chloe to help her in preparing Athena.


Chloe was nowhere to be found in the royal hospital nor around the royal palace.

The granddaughter of Magdeline became desperate in removing the demon curse on Prince Alarick.

Due to the thought of the possibility that Prince Alarick may die, Chloe became impatient and wanted to get rid of it as soon as possible.

[-In The Secret Cave-]

Laura surrendered the whereabouts to where they transferred Mia.

Chloe found out about it and had a thought of approaching her mother.

Secretly she took a visit to where Mia was chained and prisoned.

Upon entering the dark cave.

She used her light spell to clear her path.

The moment she walked further.

Deeper inside the cave…

Her presence was heard by her mother.

Seeing her completely emerging from the shadows.

Mia smirked at the sight of her daughter.



Immediately, by the look on Chloe's eyes… Mia knew that Chloe was in need of something… DESPERATELY!

Before Chloe could even speak, Mia expressed her own terms.

"The only way you can have me cooperate with your request is a promise…"




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