[-In The Royal Palace-]

As soon as the chaos dissipated, Princess Shiveena made the royal guards secure the perimeter around the royal palace.

Athena and the other medical officers were already on standby.

When the dark sphere appeared around the royal palace, the wife of Beta Garrett gathered a group of medical officers.

They waited for the dark sphere to disappear so they could help those who were in the royal palace.

Laura's siblings were completely devastated and were in tears.

Seeing their eldest sister… lifeless…

The woman whom they treated more than just a sister.

She was like a mother to them.

While they were like a hatchling to her. 

Laura devoted her life taking care of her siblings and helping them become the formidable force that they were today.

The royal guards tried to assist the siblings in regards to their sister.

On the other hand…

The queen of werewolves witnessed the dragon eggs of Gaeia hatched.

It was a wonder to behold.

For the dragon eggs to hatch and to witness the first cries of the new born hatchlings.

A low tone shrieks of hatchlings took over the senses of Selene.

The hatchlings immediately looked for their parent.

And it was only Selene who was around.

According to the fairy princess, the first image of anyone that the hatchlings recognize… will be considered as their own parent.

This is why… it is very crucial and important for the dragons to keep their dragon eggs at bay and within arm's length.

Because the hatchlings will assume that their parent would be the first creature they see.

At this moment, it was Selene.

The first living soul they saw.

Thinking that Selene was their mother.

All of the four hatchlings crawled their way to Selene.

After shaking off the egg shells covering their scale.

The other hatchlings were trying their best to relieve themselves from the egg shells around them.

While the silver blue scaled hatchling was the first one to approach Selene.



Cries of a baby dragon greeted Selene upon their hatching.

Selene was dumbstruck on what to do.

It was her first encounter of a dragon.

'What should I do?' Selene was mentally panicking.

Her spirit wolf was also at loss for any concrete ideas.

'Pft! Do not ask me! I did not ask for dragons to be my pup. Clearly, I am not the best one to seek for advice regarding dragons. If you could remember, I am a spirit wolf! Not a spirit dragon!' Sylvia directly told Selene.

Selene rolled her eyes at the sarcastic and useless response of her spirit wolf.

As she pondered on what to do next, Selene noticed the other hatchlings followed the silver blue scaled hatchling.

And noticed that the other hatchlings were smaller in length and built compared to the silver blue scaled hatchling. So, Selene considered the silver blue scaled hatchling as the eldest of the four.



Further cries of the hatchlings continued.

As if they were demanding for Selene's touch.

Without uttering such words of demand, Selene could not explain but there was something within her tells her to act in such a certain way.

To be warm and reach for the hatchling dragons.

Her instincts tells her to take the four dragons.

The moment she extended her hand towards the hatchlings, all four of them crawled towards her hand.

Racing towards her touch.

Wrestling each other just to get first to her.

It was something that made Selene smile.

Observing the actions of the hatchling dragons in front of her.

The silver blue hatchling overwhelmed the other three hatchling on its own.

Somehow, Selene could not explain… it made her worry for the other three.

"Shhhh… don't hurt your siblings…"

Selene told the silver blue hatchling.

Immediately, Selene tried to pet the other hatchlings.

But the silver blue scaled hatchling jumped and cling unto Selene's wrist.

And held unto her tightly.

Rubbing its scales against Selene's skin.

It seems that it was making itself familiar with Selene's warmth and scent.

The other three hatchlings felt envious of their eldest sibling.

Because they saw how comfortable and at ease their dragon sibling was on Selene's shoulder after it climbed from her wrist to her right shoulder.

Quickly, they chose their own spot and tried to cling unto Selene as well.

Selene could not help herself but enjoy the feeling of the four hatchlings getting comfortable around her.

One on her right shoulder.

One on her right thigh.

One on her left thigh.

And one on her left arm.

The hatchlings stopped shrieking.

Instead… they familiarized themselves with the warmth and scent of Selene.

Before Selene knew it, she was already enjoying the hold of the hatchlings to her.

Then the hatchling with the silver blue scales began to ask Selene for food.

Without necessarily speaking the exact words, the hatchling was clearly hungry.

Right after it demanded for food, the others followed in their own demand as well.

From that point on, Selene had an idea what they were asking for.

She immediately took the fresh meat that she placed nearby through her telekinetic ability.

A basket filled with meat was floating towards Selene.

It landed just in front of her.

There was an enchantment spell that preserved the quality and freshness of the meat.

The smell of the fresh meat took the attention of all the four hatchlings.

All of them looked at Selene for her to tell them what to do.

Gradually, Selene understood that the hatchlings were waiting for her to tell them to eat.

"I prepared those for all of you…"

"Go eat… have a feast!" 

Selene told the four hatchlings.

Rather than rushing towards the fresh meat prepared by Selene, all four hatchlings hesitated to let go of their hold on Selene.

So, Selene had no choice but to guide them.

Curiously, they sniffed and took a bite on the fresh meat but it was too raw for them.

They could not yet breathe out flames despite their attempts.

Thus, Selene used her flames subtly to grill the fresh meat.

It made them chew the fresh meat better.

Selene felt joy and delight in watching the four hatchlings eat their first meal.

"What a blessing you are!"

"Oh hatchlings of Gaeia!"

Her sudden adoration towards the hatchlings.

Unaware of the beginning of her attachment to the four hatchlings.



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