When the intimate dinner of Prince Alcyd and Selene ended, it was clear that Prince Alcyd wanted to spend more time with Selene but they have to end the night because it may create some suspicion around the guards to what is taking place at the garden.

As far as everyone knows, there is a preparation and rehearsals being made for certain guests from other allied wolf packs due to the planning for the war against rogue werewolves.

Prince Alcyd, the Executive Officers and Lady Sonja had to arrange the whole set-up to avoid any unnecessary suspicions. They have to make sure that the identity of Selene as the future Luna of the Golden Moon Pack and the mate of their Alpha Prince is kept hidden while Selene has not completely embraced the fact that she is the future Luna of Golden Moon Pack.

Vulnerability of any mate of an Alpha of a wolf pack is well-known to all.

When the mate of an Alpha is not yet marked or officially mated, the mate of an Alpha are the usual first target of any enemies of an Alpha werewolf. This is something that Prince Alcyd is trying to avoid.

Protecting Selene from a more dangerous situation or be vulnerable from their enemies in the time of war is a priority for Prince Alcyd at the moment. While they are not yet officially mated, Selene's identity will remain as the niece of Lady Sonja.

Right after the secret date, Selene went ahead to her own room near the maid chambers.

A heavy sigh was released by Selene and went to her bed hugging the soft pillow.

Fluffy went out from the shadows and checked on Selene who is clearly snuggling on the pillow. The feral wolf who became a pet-like guardian of Selene is curiously watching Selene giggling and snuggling the soft pillow within her arms.

'Looks like someone is feeling exhilarated and acting like she is in cloud-nine.' Teased by the spirit wolf of Selene.

'Sylv, will you stop it? I just fulfilled my promise to you. Did I not tell you that I will enjoy the night without ruining it for both of us?' clarified by Selene to her spirit wolf.

'Stop using me as your excuse, PUHLEASE! If I know it better, you enjoyed it yourself! See, it's not that bad to enjoy our time once in a while. At last, we are finally over with mercenary life and now we can just focus on getting to know our mate.'

'I know Sylvia that you waited for this moment for a long time but please do not forget that we have to find my older brother first and find out about our origins which Laquisha mentioned before she died. We cannot completely forget our main objectives here.'

'You know our mate will do that for us. Our mate, Prince Alcyd, has more connection than us and has a lot of resources at his disposal so rest assured he will find your older brother who left you on your own and prove to you that he is someone that we can rely on.'

'I really hope so, Sylv!'

'Anyways, did you not notice how handsome our mate is!'

'I must admit, I felt like drowning looking at his eyes which looked so gallant and stallion-like …'

Before Selene could finish her last statement, her spirit wolf interjected her statement.

'EXCUSE ME! Stallion-like? I do not mind the -GALLANT- word but you are comparing our PERFECT MATE's eyes to a cheap stallion?' interjected by Sylvia, the spirit wolf of Selene.

'Calm down! Stallions are not cheap. What I meant about stallion-like is the qualities behind it, the nobility and high spirited which was so vibrant in his eyes.' Explained further by Selene to her spirit wolf who is reacting passionately from her previous statement.

'Then girl, say noble and high spirited! Do not use cheap words and associate it to our mate. Our mate is perfect! I could not ask for more in a mate because he has it all. He was so unbelievably perfect.'

'Stop patronizing him too much!' reminder of Selene for her own spirit wolf.

Sylvia, the spirit wolf of Selene, argued, 'Oh, keeping things to yourself and not being honest with your feelings will only do no good. It is the worst form of torture to yourself. Unlike me, I keep it simple and honest. No wonder you are always in a bad mood because you keep everything inside. Stop resisting what you truly feel about our mate.

Just admit it that you are starting to like him too, personally.'

There was a silence from Selene after Sylvia conveyed the hard truth on Selene.

Selene knew that her spirit wolf was only speaking the truth. She has been torturing herself by trying to resist her own feelings towards their mate.

A sudden thought started to bombard her mind.

~~ Is Selene really falling deeply already for their mate, Prince Alcyd?

~~ Can Selene let herself fall into the unknown?

These thoughts would not let Selene rest for the entire night … And with her spirit wolf who is still over-joyed from their secret date.


Meanwhile, in the large room of Caleb, his younger brother Lance is waiting for him on the couch.

Every room has soundproof on it which gives privacy to each room. The room of Caleb is located around the quarters of the Executive Officers' wing of the mansion.

There are specific wing or parts of the mansion that are assigned separately from the Executive Officers and the staff members like Lady Sonja.

While Lance is thinking about the statement of Georgie regarding his hidden feelings for Selene, the entrance of his older brother could be heard.

"Hey, Caleb! What took you so long? What is the fuss about the preparation on the garden? Why does the Alpha Prince want to renovate and decorate the garden so much?" asked by Lance.

While Caleb hanging his things to the cabinet, he replied to his younger brother,

"It is just for the future guests of the Alpha." Reasoned out by Caleb to his younger brother.

"Okay!" Lance went back laying down on the couch.

The red haired boy continued his contemplation regarding the words of Georgie.

*** -- Flash back -- ***

[In the hallway of the Golden Moon Academy]

"Are you crushing on Selene? You like her, don't you?" sudden remark of Georgie towards Lance.

Lance got nervous and flustered.

"Nope! I am just asking 'coz … I admire her as a remarkable person! Does it necessarily mean that a person would like someone just because they asked for their interest? Can't it be just a spur of curiosity?" reasoned out by Lance to Georgie.

"Hmm… Admiration you mean? Spur of curiosity?"

"Yeah! Admiration! Spur of curiosity!" exclaimed by Lance.

"I do not buy it! Your expression and heartbeat right now is proving to me completely that it is not just admiration…

YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON SELENE!" blatantly stated by Georgie.

*** -- End of Flash back -- ***

Lance pondered on his true feelings towards Selene.

Is it just plainly a crush or has he already fallen deeply for Selene?

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