The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 562 - Siren's Link

Without holding back, Selene and Prince Damien were exchanging powerful attacks.

One destructive attack after another was being released.

The prince of darkness used all of the possible attacks he could but Selene either deflects or evades it. And the same thing with Selene.

She did not expect Prince Damien to keep up with her. But there was one from many things he still doesn't know about her, Selene was full of surprises.

The silver platinum-haired tribrid can command all elements at once and make more destructive attacks.

At the same time, Selene could use the majestic spear against Prince Damien.

"Can you still keep up, hmm?" Selene was trying to provoke her opponent.

Hearing Selene's words undermining him was starting to frustrate the prince of darkness. He clenched his fist in fury and his veins were popping out in his anger.

She further pointed out, "How does it feel now to lose someone special? Or was the vampire king really special at all to you?"

Prince Damien began to get more agitated and infuriated towards Selene.

"I will take your heart once I am done with you and hang you on a pike! And I will drink your blood dry…" Prince Damien was too infuriated and enraged to notice how Selene was actually predicting his moves.

And suddenly, Selene appeared in front of him while her claws at his throat.

Then, an unbearable pain seethed through his system. 

An ancient seals and symbols appeared below.

Gleaming brightly from the attempt of Selene, a huge circle of seals appeared beneath them.

"So, any last words before I take your powers away from you? Send my regards to your father for showing me how blood magic can be performed by a powerful vampire like me. I hope you enjoy hell where you belong," Selene tightened her grip around Prince Damien's neck.

The pure blooded vampire prince clawed Selene's arm in his retaliation from stealing his powers. Flickering red lights were signifying the beginning of Selene's attempt.

On the other hand…

Queen Mira wanted to clear her suspicion about the siren ally of Selene.


Using a telepath wave that can only be applicable amongst sirens. Without necessarily teleporting or moving to another place, a projectile of their physical feature can be seen.

"Looking for me?" Queen Mira uttered from behind.

The Alpha King and Booth seemed to stop from moving.

"How is this happening?" Melody showed her astonishment from the attempt of the queen of sirens.

This made Queen Mira more surprised because a siren link was a common ability amongst sirens. Meaning, seeing a siren bewildered from the display of this ability makes it evident that Melody was not knowledgeable about her own nature.

"You don't know siren link? And you call yourself a siren?" Queen Mira's imagery projectile was floating around Melody.

"Tell me… why are you helping the new chosen one? Why did you betray your queen?"

"How could you choose them over your own kind?"

The queen of sirens and the seven seas was clearly upset with Melody. Trying to interrogate her.

"Selene is my family! She was there when I needed someone to take care of me. And I don't care if you are the queen of sirens. You threaten the life of those I care for," Melody responded Queen Mira's remarks.

Melody displayed unwavering courage and feistiness. 

Despite her intimidating force and power, Melody seemed to be unaffected of her.

'Could she be?' Queen Mira thought.

"Who are your parents?" Queen Mira asked.

In the middle of chaos and war, a question that Melody did not expect to hear.

"What? Why would you even care? You are my enemy!" Melody told the queen of sirens.

"Because I know each and all of my sirens. As the queen of sirens, I know each one of my subjects. So, tell me… who is your mother? And I will know who to blame for why such an insolent fool sided with our enemy," Queen Mira's tone was serious enough for Melody to know that she was not being asked but rather being compelled to answer.

At first, Melody hesitated to answer the questions of Queen Mira not only because she was the enemy, but also she doesn't know the answer to it.

"I… I also don't know…" 

She added, "Since you are the queen of sirens, why don't you tell me who's my mother and father? As you said, you know all your subjects because you are the queen…" Melody's reply to Queen Mira.

Queen Mira's projectile image surrounded Melody and circled around her as she made an attempt to find out the truth.

As the queen of sirens, she has the ability to find out everything about her subjects.

After moments of singing and circling around Melody, she placed her forehead against Melody's.

And there it was.

Everything about Melody was shared to Queen Mira.

From the day she was born until her journey to the present day.

A shocking revelation to the queen of sirens and the seven seas that the child she was looking for… was in front of her.

Years of hating humans for the abuse the sirens have received and the most unforgivable sin of the humans was her separation from her own offspring.

But now, her own child was standing right in front of her. A reflection of beauty and innocence.

Even though Melody was doubtful about Queen Mira, there was a connection that she could not explain. 

Something with Queen Mira that seemed to be pulling her.

From a terrifying siren monster, Queen Mira instantly transformed into an enchanting beauty.

"I have been looking for you… I have searched far and wide… And now… here you are…" Queen Mira held Melody's face.

Melody was completely puzzled and clueless at what was happening. She wondered why the sudden transformation of the siren queen and her gentleness towards her.

A longing for her own child.

"My dear child…" Queen Mira's tears began to fall, "I am your mother."

The words of Queen Mira shocked Melody's entire being.



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