Both Selene and Lady Sonja trying to figure out who would want to harm Selene and do such a thing against her.

"Oh Lady Sonja, I do not know as well who would even want to harm me. But it looks like someone knows exactly what to use against me since the rogue brothers are here and definitely I will not do something that may harm them. Especially knowing that they are not conscious of their own actions."

Selene showing so much concern for the rogue brothers.

But Lady Sonja trying to figure things out of who can it be and how long can Selene last in holding back the savage rogue werewolves from their ravaging attacks.

While Lady Sonja is pondering on certain thoughts, the spirit wolf of Selene became worried for her because Selene has been holding off for quite some time now. Each attack of a rogue werewolf has become more forceful and stronger.

Even Selene is surprised because the rogue werewolves and the rogue brothers became more savage and stronger in their attacks. They have been attacking altogether which is causing a stronger impact against her force field.

If Selene's worry a while ago was who schemed for this sudden attack, but now she is worrying if she would have enough energy left to even keep fluffy hidden within her shadows. It is becoming troublesome for her to manage her energy flow altogether.

Even though Selene is tempted to use her more powerful elemental abilities, her concern for the rogue brothers outweighs her inclination to do so. She has observed that the rogue werewolves have become twice stronger as soon as time goes by.

'Hey, Selene! Let me take over, it will grant your body extra energy level and we will be able to keep Fluffy at bay in your shadow longer.' The spirit wolf of Selene, Sylvia, is suggesting with urgency.

'Sylv! I cannot let you do it. You might harm the rogue brothers if I let you take over. I know how much those two brothers annoy you. So, how will I entrust you of not hurting them if I let you take over?' Selene is hesitating to agree with her spirit wolf's suggestion.

'I know I have openly expressed my dislike towards the two brothers but this is an important matter that we extend your control in keeping the feral wolf …'

'You mean Fluffy!' Selene correcting her spirit wolf.

'Fine, Fluffy! That we extend your control in keeping FLUFFY within your shadow. I know you are not ready yet to trust them about your pet…'

'You mean -Guardian- !' Selene correcting again her spirit wolf.

'Fine, GUARDIAN! You are not ready yet to trust them about your GUARDIAN feral werewolf. So allow me to take over and make things easier for you. TRUST ME!' Sylvia, the spirit wolf of Selene, trying to convince her.

'Okay. I will let you take over! PLEASE, I am trusting you on this one. PLEASE DO NOT HURT THE ROGUE BROTHERS!'

'I promise! Let me take over now and help you! We cannot waste another time.' Explained by Sylvia, the spirit wolf of Selene.

The moment that Selene allowed her spirit wolf, Sylvia, to take over her body, her eyes became bright and beastly. Her stance has become serious and excited for an intense battle. It has been quite long since the spirit wolf of Selene had control so this excites Sylvia to beat some rogue werewolf.

Lady Sonja noticed Selene's gesture became tensed and a bit serious.

"Selene?" asked by Lady Sonja.

"No. I am Sylvia, her spirit wolf. Just stay put and do not get on my way! Understood?" Selene's spirit wolf instructed Lady Sonja with a brazen tone.

Both, Sylvia and Selene, know that the rogue werewolves are after her and not Lady Sonja. This made Sylvia think to take the fight away from Lady Sonja so that she will not get involved.

As Sylvia started running to one side, the rogue werewolves chased after her. And now since the rogue werewolves are in their wolf form so it is clear that they could move faster than her. Sylvia got nowhere to run due to the werewolves surrounding her.

All Sylvia needs is one rogue werewolf to lunge at her. Then as Sylvia wanted to happen, a rogue werewolf lunged at her. She immediately dodged but grabbed at the tail of the rogue werewolf and threw to the direction of the rogue brothers which made a strong impact.

Georgie and Freddie are whimpering in pain from the strong impact of the rogue werewolf which was thrown hardly by the spirit wolf of Selene who has taken over her body.

'Sylvia! You promised!' Selene exclaimed at her spirit wolf.

Even the spirit wolf of Selene has taken over, Selene is still conscious of what is going on around her. The one who is in control of her movements is Sylvia, her spirit wolf, but Selene can still rationalize the things happening around.

'What! I did not hurt the rogue brothers. The rogue werewolf did!' reasoned out by the spirit wolf of Selene.

'Don't act clever on me, Sylv! You knew the rogue brothers will get hurt and you intentionally threw that rogue werewolf hard so that the rogue brothers will receive that impact. Plus, why throw it in their direction and not the other way? Tell me!' Selene nagging her spirit wolf who is in control of her actions.

'Shut it! Let me focus. Can't you see I am in the middle of a fight?' Sylvia, the spirit wolf of Selene, trying to dismiss Selene's nagging in her mind.

While Selene and her spirit wolf are distracted, a rogue werewolf sneaked silently behind and lunged a surprise attack on Selene. The spirit wolf of Selene realized it too late to dodge the surprise attack.

'Look out, behind you !!' Selene informing her spirit wolf who has currently taken over her body.

'Damn it! It is too late to dodge, even I dodge this one, the other rogue werewolf is on standby waiting for me as well. You distracted me, looks like we will get pounced at by this rogue werewolf.' Sylvia explaining to Selene the situation they are in.

Then when Selene and Sylvia prepared themselves to get attacked by the rogue werewolf, Prince Alcyd lunged at the rogue werewolf mid-air.

Prince Alcyd's wolf form is massively bigger than the rogue werewolves. His black fur has taken the attention of the spirit wolf of Selene. Sylvia is in awe once again with the presence and appearance of their mate.

After taking down the rogue werewolf, Prince Alcyd immediately looked around for Selene.

Finally, the Alpha Prince sees Selene but realizes that her spirit wolf has taken over.

'Alcyd! Let me take over too, I want to bond with our mate's spirit wolf. Let me! Let me!' Kratos sudden request to Prince Alcyd.

'No!' Prince Alcyd's reply to his spirit wolf but Kratos has become persistent.

Kratos desperately tries to force the <<< _takeover_ >>>,


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