The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 79 - Second Part Of Rank Event

"The Second Part of the Rank Event is… the Scavenge Hunt!

Where only 50 will be chosen to pass through the final part of the Rank Event!" announced by Prince Alcyd.​​

"For this second part of the Rank Event,

Each warrior are given a list of items that can be found in 4 different locations. All of you have the same list and the same location where to find it. But all of you will differ in speed and time.

There are only 2 rules for this round,

[1] All items in the list must be acquired and submitted while stepping in this red mat in front of the monitor to confirm your locked-in time.

[2]Thus, the first person to step on this red mat will be entertained first.

The staff members will start handing out now the list of items and the map to locate the items for your Scavenger Hunt…

Your locked-in time will determine the points reduced in your current point status. 20 points per minute.

So the top 50 warriors with the fastest record will qualify for the final part of the Rank Event. While those other 50 warriors will be eliminated from the Rank Event and will no longer qualify to represent the Golden Moon Pack." Announced by Kassandra to the participating warriors.

After the announcement of Kassandra, there is a 1 minute time to go over the list and map before the second part of Rank Event to officially begin.

A huge timer is shown in the monitor. Counting down the start for the second part of the Rank Event.

"Hmmm… what a complicated second round! So you mean, as long as we are amongst the top 50 fastest warrior to submit then we qualify for the final part of Rank Event and reassure ourselves with the slot to represent Golden Moon Pack." Scarlett trying to ask for clarification towards Selene.

"Most likely, that is the case so it is important that you are amongst the top 50 fastest warriors to submit. What makes it difficult is that the items are scattered in four opposite locations. 1 item on the east, west, north, and south. Thus, this is truly a difficult part since the items are scattered but I have a plan." Explained by Selene.

"Since it is not stated that shifting into our wolf form is not allowed, then it means everyone could shift into their wolf form so it will be quicker for us to do the task. Am I right?" Georgie pointed out.

But he was too loud that other warriors were able to hear Georgie's point.

Other participating warriors looked at their direction which confirmed that they heard Georgie's point of clarification.

Freddie smacked the back of Georgie's head.

"Ow!" exclaimed by Georgie after getting hit by his older brother.

"Freddie, it's okay! I have a plan. Since this was not pointed out by the rules as prohibited. I have a plan …" Selene further explained and shared to the rogue brothers, Scarlett and Lance.

Selene gathered her friends and she elaborated to them discreetly through sign language and pointed each of them then pointing to a location shown in the map. Which her friends immediately understood what she wanted to happen.

"Does everyone understand?" Selene asking her friends reaffirmation of her strategy.

Each of her friends smiled and replied, "Yes, Understood!"

While Selene and her group are discussing, Jane approached Oliver.

"What do you plan by now? I could not take a rogue werewolf to rank better than me! And have heard that Prince Alcyd would appreciate it more if we do something about Selene." Jane sharing her own thoughts to Oliver.

"I think Selene will stick with the rogue brothers. She knows that others may tank other rogue werewolves for this round and she may expect that others will just avoid her since she showed such impressive performance in the first part. But I have something planned for them." Oliver stares at the direction of Selene and her group.

"I can't wait! I will assist you." Jane informs Oliver.

Then by the sound of alarm signifying the start of the Second Part of the Rank Event,

Each warrior started shifting into their wolf form and leaped through different direction.

Including Selene and her friends went into different directions as well, except for the rogue brothers who went in the same direction with Selene while Scarlett and Lance went different ways.

Prince Ranku and his older brother, Prince Alcyd, noticed such action from Selene and her friends.

As Selene shifted into her wolf form, the enchanted bracelet adjusted to her shifting and exhibited a brown fur of her wolf form.

Many of the audience were fascinated in witnessing for the first time, the shifting of Selene into her wolf form.

Despite hiding the true color of her fur, many were still mesmerized by the grace and size of the wolf form of Selene.

What more if they found out that the true color of her fur is silver.

This made Prince Alcyd remember all the things that Magdeline warned him about.

Even though he does not want to believe the accusations and some of the things she said, it could not prevent him to worry if it does happen. How will he act upon it?

"Hey! Why are you fidgeting there? What is bothering you? You seem to be worrying about something serious." Prince Ranku curiously asked his older brother.

"Oh! Do not worry, it's nothing! I am just thinking how the others will fare this round." Lied directly and reasoned out by Prince Alcyd to his younger brother.

Prince Ranku chuckled at the reply of his older brother and reassured him,

"Selene and the Executive Officers are definitely will top this round as well. I am pretty sure that they will be amongst the Top 10 again but I am just curious why the rogue brothers went along with Selene instead of going their own way." Curiously pointed out by Prince Ranku.

"It is simple Ranku. From this point on, the pride of other warriors of the Golden Moon Pack will rule over their decision in stopping or even entrapping the other werewolves. Imagine what will happen to the rogue werewolves. They will be ganged up by others just to make sure they get delayed or will lose their own item…" Prince Alcyd explained to Prince Ranku.

Then the Alpha Prince is interjected by his younger brother.

"Since it is not stated in the rules. So it is allowed to steal or delay someone else in getting their own item. Woah! In other words, it is not the rogue brothers accompanying Selene but Selene is actually the one accompanying the rogue brothers to ensure their safety. While Scarlett and Lance get to have their own way …" sudden realization of Prince Ranku.

"Yes, since Selene is likened and feared by the most due to her current ranking. Others would most likely avoid engaging with her.

But my worry though, if Selene has taken into consideration that Oliver is a strategist and may have even prepared a difficult trap laid specially for her and the rogue brothers. Since, she is leading in the current standing." Prince Alcyd pointed out to his younger brother.

"So you mean, the Executive Officers may try working together against Selene? Oh my!" Prince Ranku expressed his worry for Selene.

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