The Alterra Project
Chapter 36 - Freebies
Gray returned home somewhat confused from the earlier mishap with Caleb messaging him to meet up then the whole thing suddenly just disappearing. The day before the official launch Gray's team, the Steel Wolves (in case you forgot their name), met up at the same time in the morning as planned. Everyone was glad to see that Yurika and Gray were back to normal without even any scars.
Gray lifted up his sleeve and looked at the spot that was punctured straight through and you couldn't even tell that it happened. "The advantages of virtual reality" Gray thought.
Gray questioned Caleb a few times about what last night was about, but every single time Caleb denied that he sent Gray any messages regarding wanting to meet.
At around noon, every player received a system message that all players need to meet up at their designated base's classroom later that day. Gray and the rest mindlessly grinded in matchmaking until the designated time and then headed for the classroom.
All twelve of the original Diamond Tier players were accounted for in the classroom and chatting among themselves. The door to the classroom opened up forcefully at the designated time that was stated and Major Valen walked in carrying a stack of papers.
Without missing a beat, Major Valen bellowed "Congratulations maggots! You've all survived your first week! Even you ingrates that took the soldier mission didn't get yourselves killed. That mission was meant to be completed with a large squad or two smaller squads."
"Major Valen, sir!" Gray stood up "How were we to know that it was meant for that many people?"
"The mission profile clearly stated that 12 players were recommended for this mission! Did you not read it or are you expecting Big Daddy Valen to hold your hand?" barked Major Valen
"I wish he wouldn't call himself that." thought Gray, he then opened up the mission profile from his completed missions log and still couldn't see where Major Valen said that it recommended 12 players. "Sir, I do not see where it is mentioned..."
Gray took a screenshot of his log and showed it to Major Valen who then compared it to his own file. Indeed it did not say that 12 people were recommended, but Major Valen's mission profile said that he was to advise any players that took this mission to bring at least 12 players. Major Valen remained expressionless to hide the fact that he was actually supposed to advise them about it then countered with "Of course it doesn't! You baby chicks were supposed to come talk to the big hen around here and get guidance instead of taking it on your own initiative!"
Not everyone was convinced of this, but given that Major Valen had a clipboard in his hand, they recalled the first day when two people got them broken over their heads and didn't say a word.
"Ahem..." Major Valen cleared his throat "You babies are the first batch of players, today you can consider yourselves no longer babies but toddlers! We're not going to ask you to hand hold the new players coming tomorrow, but as Diamond-Tier know that you will be looked up to and have slightly elevated status. Because of said status, you will be the first groups to learn why this game was developed."
This caused a stir among the 12 players in the base as everyone assumed it was just for fun. Games are supposed to be fun. Major Valen handed the stack of papers to the player in the front to pass back to everyone else. Everyone was extremely curious what was on the paper since just about everything now was digital and paper was not only rare but could be considered almost precious given the limited amount of trees in the domed cities. Most of the paper was from recycled sources as cutting down a few trees could upset the delicate ecosystem balance inside the dome.
"For your own sake, this is a Non-Disclosure Agreement, after signing it we will be able to disclose the truth of Alterra Online to you players, but you can't play any other future full dive VR games. If you choose not to sign, you can continue to play but you will lose your Diamond-tier status. If you sign and break the NDA, you will be forbidden from playing Alterra Online and any other future full dive Virtual Reality games."
A few of the players became upset thinking that Alterra Online's developer would be able to prevent them from playing ANY full dive VR games, one player yelled "Screw that! You can't prevent us from playing another company's game in the real world!"
"If you sign, you will understand! You have until tomorrow morning oh nine hundred hours to sign. This is 3 hours before the general release of Alterra Online. You are dismissed until then!" Major Valen said and walked out of the room leaving the players a little shocked and confused.
Gray looked at Caleb who didn't seem outraged nor very surprised. What also surprised Gray was that Caleb had already signed the NDA, then turned it over so others wouldn't see that he signed it already. Geoff was furrowing his eyebrows while reading it, but Gray was sure he would sign it. Stacia and Yurika looked at each other and then both looked at Gray at the same time.
"We'll follow your choice" said Stacia.
Hearing Stacia said this, Geoff looked at Stacia, shrugged his shoulders and looked at Gray and said "Sounds like a plan to me. Sound good Caleb?"
Caleb was not paying attention to the conversation, but upon hearing his name he regained his focus and said "What... oh, yeah, that sounds good." Caleb looked down at his turned over signed paper and put his hand on it to hide the ink shadow that might've been visible.
Everyone looked at Caleb as this was very out of character for him and Stacia asked "Are you alright?"
"Ahem, yes, given the implications of signing a NDA for a game and the penalties mentioned for breaking said NDA, a lot of assumptions about what the truth could be is draining my mental faculties." said Caleb.
"Dude, just say you're tired next time..." said Geoff
All twelve players in room continued to discuss what to do for another hour or so. The 7 other players Gray was unfamiliar with were apparently going to just say screw it and sign since this is the only full dive Virtual Reality game that isn't just a simple social networking game. Still, Gray wanted to think about it because it felt like something much greater was about to unfold and that he would be swept away in it if he learned the truth.
Gray logged out and wasn't in the mood to play for once, it wasn't too late so Gray decided to walk over to GameGo and see if Spoon, or even Carly, were there. He wasn't particularly close to either of them, but he could hear Jono saying in his head "Sign the stupid paper you twit!" so he thought it best to not ask Jono about it.
As Gray was approaching the GameGo, a large truck was parked in front of it and the various items in the store were being loaded into it. Outside, Spoon, Carly, and a few others in the traditional black GameGo shirt were loading up the truck.
Gray walked over, waved to Spoon, then said "Spoon! What's going on?"
"Gray! Schweet, you're jusht in time!" exclaimed Spoon
"Time for what?" said Gray.
"Alterra Corporation hash bought GameGo, all our shtuff ish being moved to their corporate shtores!" said Spoon
"Uhhh, doesn't that mean you just lost your job?" said Gray
"No, that ish what ish schweet! We got a new job! They shaid we can become permanent Alterra Online playersh wiff a VR bed included ash needed. We jusht have to play at leasht 16 hoursh per day!"
Gray wanted to say that's a little much, but if he could make a living playing a video game he totally would do it too!
"GET BACK TO WORK BUTT MUNCH!" a boorish voice yelled from the store. Carly came walking out carrying a fairly large box by herself, an identical box in front of her was being carried by two employees at the same time. Spoon let out a 'Eeep!' and went back to helping load.
Carly put the box down in the truck and the truck visibly bounced a little with the additional weight, Gray thought "I didn't realize W****r W***n was so short..." as Spoon seemed to be struggling with what appeared to only be a small box of figurines.
"GRAY! You lucky fish head!" yelled Carly.
Gray was about to question the fish head name but instead yelped in surprise as a box was dropped on his feet.
"These are for you! I couldn't fit myself in a box, but I know you've been looking at these every time you're in the store!" Carly said proudly with a smile.
"Itsh not that schee can't fit, nobody could lift it wiff all her muschle and giant b_" Spoon begin to say when Carly grabbed his neck and dragged him over to large empty box.
"Oh look, we forgot to pack this life size butt-face action figure!" said Carly as she tossed Spoon into the box then taped it up.
Gray wondered why Carly was able to give him a box of freebies, but seeing the fear in the other employee's eyes he started to understand. It's not that Spoon wasn't afraid of her, but Gray had a feeling Spoon actually liked her and was just an idiot at telling her that.
Carly walked over to Gray and said "Take care of me in the game Mister Diamond-Tier!" and then winked playfully at him and went back to loading the truck. A box in front of the truck was shaking vigorously while various noises could be heard from it and finally a small hole was broken through the side of the box. Gray didn't think anything of it and picked up the box Carly gave him and went back home, totally forgetting about why he came out there in the first place.
Gray lifted up his sleeve and looked at the spot that was punctured straight through and you couldn't even tell that it happened. "The advantages of virtual reality" Gray thought.
Gray questioned Caleb a few times about what last night was about, but every single time Caleb denied that he sent Gray any messages regarding wanting to meet.
At around noon, every player received a system message that all players need to meet up at their designated base's classroom later that day. Gray and the rest mindlessly grinded in matchmaking until the designated time and then headed for the classroom.
All twelve of the original Diamond Tier players were accounted for in the classroom and chatting among themselves. The door to the classroom opened up forcefully at the designated time that was stated and Major Valen walked in carrying a stack of papers.
Without missing a beat, Major Valen bellowed "Congratulations maggots! You've all survived your first week! Even you ingrates that took the soldier mission didn't get yourselves killed. That mission was meant to be completed with a large squad or two smaller squads."
"Major Valen, sir!" Gray stood up "How were we to know that it was meant for that many people?"
"The mission profile clearly stated that 12 players were recommended for this mission! Did you not read it or are you expecting Big Daddy Valen to hold your hand?" barked Major Valen
"I wish he wouldn't call himself that." thought Gray, he then opened up the mission profile from his completed missions log and still couldn't see where Major Valen said that it recommended 12 players. "Sir, I do not see where it is mentioned..."
Gray took a screenshot of his log and showed it to Major Valen who then compared it to his own file. Indeed it did not say that 12 people were recommended, but Major Valen's mission profile said that he was to advise any players that took this mission to bring at least 12 players. Major Valen remained expressionless to hide the fact that he was actually supposed to advise them about it then countered with "Of course it doesn't! You baby chicks were supposed to come talk to the big hen around here and get guidance instead of taking it on your own initiative!"
Not everyone was convinced of this, but given that Major Valen had a clipboard in his hand, they recalled the first day when two people got them broken over their heads and didn't say a word.
"Ahem..." Major Valen cleared his throat "You babies are the first batch of players, today you can consider yourselves no longer babies but toddlers! We're not going to ask you to hand hold the new players coming tomorrow, but as Diamond-Tier know that you will be looked up to and have slightly elevated status. Because of said status, you will be the first groups to learn why this game was developed."
This caused a stir among the 12 players in the base as everyone assumed it was just for fun. Games are supposed to be fun. Major Valen handed the stack of papers to the player in the front to pass back to everyone else. Everyone was extremely curious what was on the paper since just about everything now was digital and paper was not only rare but could be considered almost precious given the limited amount of trees in the domed cities. Most of the paper was from recycled sources as cutting down a few trees could upset the delicate ecosystem balance inside the dome.
"For your own sake, this is a Non-Disclosure Agreement, after signing it we will be able to disclose the truth of Alterra Online to you players, but you can't play any other future full dive VR games. If you choose not to sign, you can continue to play but you will lose your Diamond-tier status. If you sign and break the NDA, you will be forbidden from playing Alterra Online and any other future full dive Virtual Reality games."
A few of the players became upset thinking that Alterra Online's developer would be able to prevent them from playing ANY full dive VR games, one player yelled "Screw that! You can't prevent us from playing another company's game in the real world!"
"If you sign, you will understand! You have until tomorrow morning oh nine hundred hours to sign. This is 3 hours before the general release of Alterra Online. You are dismissed until then!" Major Valen said and walked out of the room leaving the players a little shocked and confused.
Gray looked at Caleb who didn't seem outraged nor very surprised. What also surprised Gray was that Caleb had already signed the NDA, then turned it over so others wouldn't see that he signed it already. Geoff was furrowing his eyebrows while reading it, but Gray was sure he would sign it. Stacia and Yurika looked at each other and then both looked at Gray at the same time.
"We'll follow your choice" said Stacia.
Hearing Stacia said this, Geoff looked at Stacia, shrugged his shoulders and looked at Gray and said "Sounds like a plan to me. Sound good Caleb?"
Caleb was not paying attention to the conversation, but upon hearing his name he regained his focus and said "What... oh, yeah, that sounds good." Caleb looked down at his turned over signed paper and put his hand on it to hide the ink shadow that might've been visible.
Everyone looked at Caleb as this was very out of character for him and Stacia asked "Are you alright?"
"Ahem, yes, given the implications of signing a NDA for a game and the penalties mentioned for breaking said NDA, a lot of assumptions about what the truth could be is draining my mental faculties." said Caleb.
"Dude, just say you're tired next time..." said Geoff
All twelve players in room continued to discuss what to do for another hour or so. The 7 other players Gray was unfamiliar with were apparently going to just say screw it and sign since this is the only full dive Virtual Reality game that isn't just a simple social networking game. Still, Gray wanted to think about it because it felt like something much greater was about to unfold and that he would be swept away in it if he learned the truth.
Gray logged out and wasn't in the mood to play for once, it wasn't too late so Gray decided to walk over to GameGo and see if Spoon, or even Carly, were there. He wasn't particularly close to either of them, but he could hear Jono saying in his head "Sign the stupid paper you twit!" so he thought it best to not ask Jono about it.
As Gray was approaching the GameGo, a large truck was parked in front of it and the various items in the store were being loaded into it. Outside, Spoon, Carly, and a few others in the traditional black GameGo shirt were loading up the truck.
Gray walked over, waved to Spoon, then said "Spoon! What's going on?"
"Gray! Schweet, you're jusht in time!" exclaimed Spoon
"Time for what?" said Gray.
"Alterra Corporation hash bought GameGo, all our shtuff ish being moved to their corporate shtores!" said Spoon
"Uhhh, doesn't that mean you just lost your job?" said Gray
"No, that ish what ish schweet! We got a new job! They shaid we can become permanent Alterra Online playersh wiff a VR bed included ash needed. We jusht have to play at leasht 16 hoursh per day!"
Gray wanted to say that's a little much, but if he could make a living playing a video game he totally would do it too!
"GET BACK TO WORK BUTT MUNCH!" a boorish voice yelled from the store. Carly came walking out carrying a fairly large box by herself, an identical box in front of her was being carried by two employees at the same time. Spoon let out a 'Eeep!' and went back to helping load.
Carly put the box down in the truck and the truck visibly bounced a little with the additional weight, Gray thought "I didn't realize W****r W***n was so short..." as Spoon seemed to be struggling with what appeared to only be a small box of figurines.
"GRAY! You lucky fish head!" yelled Carly.
Gray was about to question the fish head name but instead yelped in surprise as a box was dropped on his feet.
"These are for you! I couldn't fit myself in a box, but I know you've been looking at these every time you're in the store!" Carly said proudly with a smile.
"Itsh not that schee can't fit, nobody could lift it wiff all her muschle and giant b_" Spoon begin to say when Carly grabbed his neck and dragged him over to large empty box.
"Oh look, we forgot to pack this life size butt-face action figure!" said Carly as she tossed Spoon into the box then taped it up.
Gray wondered why Carly was able to give him a box of freebies, but seeing the fear in the other employee's eyes he started to understand. It's not that Spoon wasn't afraid of her, but Gray had a feeling Spoon actually liked her and was just an idiot at telling her that.
Carly walked over to Gray and said "Take care of me in the game Mister Diamond-Tier!" and then winked playfully at him and went back to loading the truck. A box in front of the truck was shaking vigorously while various noises could be heard from it and finally a small hole was broken through the side of the box. Gray didn't think anything of it and picked up the box Carly gave him and went back home, totally forgetting about why he came out there in the first place.
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