The Alterra Project
Chapter 61 - Battle with Bertha
Gray barely managed to dodge the spear that came at his throat, instead the Amazonian warrior bashed him with her shield after missing with the spear. Gray was pushed back hard and slammed into a skyscraper.
Gray said with surprise "Huh? That didn't hurt at all..."
"Of course it doesn't, you can't get hurt or feel pain at all in this sandbox world, so why did you scream like a little girl." Ginro yelled at Gray while climbing to the top of a skyscraper and trying to jump on the giant butterfly.
Ginro used his nuclear powered breath attack to force the butterfly down and then pounced on it's back.
"Yeah! I'm going to turn you into silk pajamas!" Ginro said aggressively to the giant monster butterfly as he started to try and rake his claws across the back of the monster.
When Ginro jumped on the butterfly's back, the monster rolled around in the air and shook him off. Gray started to think that this simulated monster butterfly may have some bitter sort of relationship with Ginro as it appeared to actually taunt him back after it threw Ginro off of it.
Gray suddenly remembered he had his own 'monster' to worry about as a spear embedded itself in the building right above his left shoulder. Gray saw the amazon warrior rushing towards him once more, so Gray pulled out her spear and swung it at her like a bat. Apparently Gray had dramatically enhanced strength as when it smacked the warrior in the side she went flying into the skyscraper on her right side.
The amazon warrior pulled herself out of the debris and looked even angrier, but also uninjured.
"Uhhh, Ginro, can we kill these simulations or are they invincible too?"
"They will surrender after a certain amount of damage, you will also be declared the loser if you take enough damage as well. Consider it like a live-action fighting video game!"
"This... this isn't my idea of taking a break!" Gray exclaimed while he tries to use the spear against the amazon warrior.
"It's not meant to be relaxing to your body, it's meant to be relaxing to your brain." Ginro explained.
"... I should've asked what the different monsters were like before just picking next time."
The amazon warrior grabbed the spear after Gray tried to stab her with it and kicked him hard forcing Gray to let go of it. Gray managed to keep his balance and not fall down, but he was still weaponless against this warrior.
"Use your powers! You have the same powers as G**z***a!" Ginro shouted.
Gray forgot about those since it isn't natural for him, or any human, to have such powers. Gray furrowed his eyebrows while staring at the amazon warrior's chest and two laser beams shot from his eyes. The beams hit her square in the chest and burned away part of her armor until she managed to get the shield up to block the eye lasers.
"How does a Wooden shield block a laser?" Gray thought to himself, but considering that he was over 100 meters tall and shooting lasers from his eyes, he found it believable.
Normally Gray would have a hard time fighting a woman, but fortunately this 'woman' was just a simulated monster so he didn't have to give himself a gender equality pep talk before hand.
Seeing the lasers have no affect against the shield, he switched up to his breath attack. Gray opened his mouth and roared, trying to imitate a dinosaur, a blue electric fire streamed out from his mouth towards the amazon woman. Since the breath attack was slower than the laser attack she could get her shield up before it hit her, but considering the power of it she was only able to deflect the breath attack to the side. The deflected breath tore into the base of one of the taller skyscrapers causing the building to lean slightly to one side. Eventually the amazon warrior woman was pushed back against a building by Gray's continued breath attack and her shield started to finally disintegrate from the focused breath attack. The breath finally burned away her shield after she was unable to fall back any further when suddenly Ginro punched the giant butterfly and sent it flying into the skyscraper next to the amazon warrior.
The force of the collision and the weakened foundation from the previously deflected breath attack caused the building to lean and then fall over towards the amazon warrior. The amazon warrior woman dropped down on one knee and held her bare arms up to try and shield herself from the building since Gray had destroyed her shield and all of the armor on her arms.
For some reason Gray felt a pang of guilt, stopped his attack and dashed forward to shield the amazon warrior. The building fell on top of Gray and he was able to shield the amazon warrior completely due to the simulation giving him super powers in this sandbox world.
After the rubble stopped falling, Gray forced himself to stand up and the rubble on top of Gray and the amazon warrior was pushed off of them. Gray extended his hand to the amazon warrior woman and her face blushed as she looked shyly away and took his hand. Gray pulled to help her up, and then uppercut Gray in the family jewels... hard... Gray couldn't feel physical pain, but men share pain when they see another man get hit in the jewels, and just seeing his berries get uppercut was enough to cause mental anguish and pain to make him pass out momentarily.
Gray wasn't sure how long he had been out, but when he came too he saw a fire was built in a park in the city and that several pieces of meat were cooked and on plates all around him. His head felt like it was resting on something very comfortable and as he looked straight up he saw the tattooed face of the amazon warrior woman smiling at him. Gray panicked for a second and tried to get up, but he found his hands and feet we tied together.
"Ginro! What's going on!?!" Gray yelled slightly paniced.
"Interesting, looks like Bertha here wants to take care of you and probably have you be her wife." Ginro said while staring at the situation Gray was in without any hint of worry.
"What?!? No! Wait... wife?" Gray said perplexed.
"Well of course, clearly she is more of a man than you are if you passed out from a mental stimulus. What happened anyways?"
"She... she uppercut me..."
"Huh? That shouldn't have done anything aside from maybe lift you up and push you back but not hurt at all." Ginro said still confused at how Gray was knocked out.
"She uppercut me in the twins!" Gray exclaimed
Ginro's face went white and he instinctively covered his manhood while crouching slightly. "I see... now I understand."
The amazon warrior growled at Ginro when Gray yelled at him while she was still fondling his head and petting him like an animal.
"Well, I'll just leave you two be then, good luck and enjoy the bug meat!"
Ginro started to walk off as Gray finally realized that all of the meat had came from the giant monster butterfly Ginro was fighting earlier. The amazon warrior woman saw Gray looking at the cooked meat and thought he was hungry so she reached out and to some of the cooked meat.
"Peinás? Tróo!"
"Uhhh... what did she say?"
Ginro shrugged his shoulders and said "Beats me, Amazons speak Greek or ancient Iranian if memory serves me correctly."
Gray was force fed the bug meat by the Amazon woman, he found it to be surprisingly good, except for the weird slimy texture once he bit through the burned outer layer since this amazon warrior only seemed to think meat was done cooking when it was black on the outside.
"We need to get back to work Ginro!" Gray yelled frantically as the woman reached for another piece of meat to shove in to Gray's mouth.
"Oh fine... System, clear monster movie mode and reset workspace."
Gray saw the amazon warrior woman look down at him with a look of sadness as she disintegrated into a beam of light, the terrain around him appeared to grow suddenly as his body was shrunk back to normal size and the city was similarly disintegrated into several beams of light.
Gray did feel a little bad due to the last look she gave him, but it was only a simulation so it wasn't real anyways.
"When you summoned the Giant Amazon Warrior, it picks one at random. If you want to see her again, just use 'summon Amazon Warrior Bertha' and enjoy." Ginro said while elbowing Gray playfully. "You can just say 'summon Amazon Warrior' again and try your luck again with the random."
"Please... please can we get back to work... I want to go home..." Gray cried softly on the inside to himself remembering the trauma of having a muscle-bound woman pet him while he was tied up.
Gray pondered to himself as he thought about what he said that he wants to go home. Where was his home? He grew up in this virtual world for so long that he considered it his home, but now that he knows the truth, he can't really say that the virtual world is where his home was.
"I need to find out what happened to my actual family, they said we're not cloned, so that means I had to come from somewhere..."
Gray went back to work with Ginro while trying to piece together where his home actually could be based upon his memories.
Gray said with surprise "Huh? That didn't hurt at all..."
"Of course it doesn't, you can't get hurt or feel pain at all in this sandbox world, so why did you scream like a little girl." Ginro yelled at Gray while climbing to the top of a skyscraper and trying to jump on the giant butterfly.
Ginro used his nuclear powered breath attack to force the butterfly down and then pounced on it's back.
"Yeah! I'm going to turn you into silk pajamas!" Ginro said aggressively to the giant monster butterfly as he started to try and rake his claws across the back of the monster.
When Ginro jumped on the butterfly's back, the monster rolled around in the air and shook him off. Gray started to think that this simulated monster butterfly may have some bitter sort of relationship with Ginro as it appeared to actually taunt him back after it threw Ginro off of it.
Gray suddenly remembered he had his own 'monster' to worry about as a spear embedded itself in the building right above his left shoulder. Gray saw the amazon warrior rushing towards him once more, so Gray pulled out her spear and swung it at her like a bat. Apparently Gray had dramatically enhanced strength as when it smacked the warrior in the side she went flying into the skyscraper on her right side.
The amazon warrior pulled herself out of the debris and looked even angrier, but also uninjured.
"Uhhh, Ginro, can we kill these simulations or are they invincible too?"
"They will surrender after a certain amount of damage, you will also be declared the loser if you take enough damage as well. Consider it like a live-action fighting video game!"
"This... this isn't my idea of taking a break!" Gray exclaimed while he tries to use the spear against the amazon warrior.
"It's not meant to be relaxing to your body, it's meant to be relaxing to your brain." Ginro explained.
"... I should've asked what the different monsters were like before just picking next time."
The amazon warrior grabbed the spear after Gray tried to stab her with it and kicked him hard forcing Gray to let go of it. Gray managed to keep his balance and not fall down, but he was still weaponless against this warrior.
"Use your powers! You have the same powers as G**z***a!" Ginro shouted.
Gray forgot about those since it isn't natural for him, or any human, to have such powers. Gray furrowed his eyebrows while staring at the amazon warrior's chest and two laser beams shot from his eyes. The beams hit her square in the chest and burned away part of her armor until she managed to get the shield up to block the eye lasers.
"How does a Wooden shield block a laser?" Gray thought to himself, but considering that he was over 100 meters tall and shooting lasers from his eyes, he found it believable.
Normally Gray would have a hard time fighting a woman, but fortunately this 'woman' was just a simulated monster so he didn't have to give himself a gender equality pep talk before hand.
Seeing the lasers have no affect against the shield, he switched up to his breath attack. Gray opened his mouth and roared, trying to imitate a dinosaur, a blue electric fire streamed out from his mouth towards the amazon woman. Since the breath attack was slower than the laser attack she could get her shield up before it hit her, but considering the power of it she was only able to deflect the breath attack to the side. The deflected breath tore into the base of one of the taller skyscrapers causing the building to lean slightly to one side. Eventually the amazon warrior woman was pushed back against a building by Gray's continued breath attack and her shield started to finally disintegrate from the focused breath attack. The breath finally burned away her shield after she was unable to fall back any further when suddenly Ginro punched the giant butterfly and sent it flying into the skyscraper next to the amazon warrior.
The force of the collision and the weakened foundation from the previously deflected breath attack caused the building to lean and then fall over towards the amazon warrior. The amazon warrior woman dropped down on one knee and held her bare arms up to try and shield herself from the building since Gray had destroyed her shield and all of the armor on her arms.
For some reason Gray felt a pang of guilt, stopped his attack and dashed forward to shield the amazon warrior. The building fell on top of Gray and he was able to shield the amazon warrior completely due to the simulation giving him super powers in this sandbox world.
After the rubble stopped falling, Gray forced himself to stand up and the rubble on top of Gray and the amazon warrior was pushed off of them. Gray extended his hand to the amazon warrior woman and her face blushed as she looked shyly away and took his hand. Gray pulled to help her up, and then uppercut Gray in the family jewels... hard... Gray couldn't feel physical pain, but men share pain when they see another man get hit in the jewels, and just seeing his berries get uppercut was enough to cause mental anguish and pain to make him pass out momentarily.
Gray wasn't sure how long he had been out, but when he came too he saw a fire was built in a park in the city and that several pieces of meat were cooked and on plates all around him. His head felt like it was resting on something very comfortable and as he looked straight up he saw the tattooed face of the amazon warrior woman smiling at him. Gray panicked for a second and tried to get up, but he found his hands and feet we tied together.
"Ginro! What's going on!?!" Gray yelled slightly paniced.
"Interesting, looks like Bertha here wants to take care of you and probably have you be her wife." Ginro said while staring at the situation Gray was in without any hint of worry.
"What?!? No! Wait... wife?" Gray said perplexed.
"Well of course, clearly she is more of a man than you are if you passed out from a mental stimulus. What happened anyways?"
"She... she uppercut me..."
"Huh? That shouldn't have done anything aside from maybe lift you up and push you back but not hurt at all." Ginro said still confused at how Gray was knocked out.
"She uppercut me in the twins!" Gray exclaimed
Ginro's face went white and he instinctively covered his manhood while crouching slightly. "I see... now I understand."
The amazon warrior growled at Ginro when Gray yelled at him while she was still fondling his head and petting him like an animal.
"Well, I'll just leave you two be then, good luck and enjoy the bug meat!"
Ginro started to walk off as Gray finally realized that all of the meat had came from the giant monster butterfly Ginro was fighting earlier. The amazon warrior woman saw Gray looking at the cooked meat and thought he was hungry so she reached out and to some of the cooked meat.
"Peinás? Tróo!"
"Uhhh... what did she say?"
Ginro shrugged his shoulders and said "Beats me, Amazons speak Greek or ancient Iranian if memory serves me correctly."
Gray was force fed the bug meat by the Amazon woman, he found it to be surprisingly good, except for the weird slimy texture once he bit through the burned outer layer since this amazon warrior only seemed to think meat was done cooking when it was black on the outside.
"We need to get back to work Ginro!" Gray yelled frantically as the woman reached for another piece of meat to shove in to Gray's mouth.
"Oh fine... System, clear monster movie mode and reset workspace."
Gray saw the amazon warrior woman look down at him with a look of sadness as she disintegrated into a beam of light, the terrain around him appeared to grow suddenly as his body was shrunk back to normal size and the city was similarly disintegrated into several beams of light.
Gray did feel a little bad due to the last look she gave him, but it was only a simulation so it wasn't real anyways.
"When you summoned the Giant Amazon Warrior, it picks one at random. If you want to see her again, just use 'summon Amazon Warrior Bertha' and enjoy." Ginro said while elbowing Gray playfully. "You can just say 'summon Amazon Warrior' again and try your luck again with the random."
"Please... please can we get back to work... I want to go home..." Gray cried softly on the inside to himself remembering the trauma of having a muscle-bound woman pet him while he was tied up.
Gray pondered to himself as he thought about what he said that he wants to go home. Where was his home? He grew up in this virtual world for so long that he considered it his home, but now that he knows the truth, he can't really say that the virtual world is where his home was.
"I need to find out what happened to my actual family, they said we're not cloned, so that means I had to come from somewhere..."
Gray went back to work with Ginro while trying to piece together where his home actually could be based upon his memories.
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