The Alterra Project
Chapter 86 - Falling for it
Gray would be considered highly intelligent, maybe not a genius, but definitely extremely intelligent. Sadly, he was also impulsive, and when he got an idea in his head he felt almost compelled to follow through with it even if his intelligence was screaming that it was a very bad idea. Part of him probably just wanted to see how bad it would end up. His current idea would never have popped up if he hadn't seen the movie '40 year-old virgin'.
Gray skulked silently over to his nightstand and opened the drawer. He was going to take out all of the condoms, open them up, and spread them out on the bed like they had been used. As soon as he opened the box though, he heard several footsteps coming down the hall followed by a loud knocking on a door.
Outside in the hall, he heard a female soldier yell "Did you take her?!? We're searching your room! You others check the other male dorms!" followed by several shouts of affirmative.
"What the heck is going on at this hour?" Gray thought to himself. He was reminded of the time that Lilly, Miss Maven's little sister, had snuck aboard his truck and wanted to escape to their base out of boredom.
"I wonder if she somehow made it here." Gray thought to himself.
A loud knocking came from Gray's door and this was apparently enough to wake up Yurika who groggily said "Go… away… to… early…"
Gray ended up saying nothing as when he was about to say something, his door was kicked in and a few female soldiers came in with shock batons ready and flipped on the lights.
"We found her!" one of the female soldiers yelled.
"What? Found who?" Gray asked perplexed.
"Silence you criminal pervert!" shouted one of the women angrily.
Gray didn't dare move as these women looked to be about to try and shock him to death.
"We caught him just as he was about to finish the act!" another woman shouted while pointing at what Gray was holding.
Gray's face turned white as he realized he was holding a box of condoms. The female soldier's looked around in shock at what they saw. Yurika's jumpsuit, shirt, and bra were thrown about the room with 2 empty bottles of liquor in the mix and Gray standing at the edge of the bed with a box of condoms in his hand. Gray suddenly realized how bad this actually looked and immediately tried to explain.
"No no no! This isn't what it looks like! She was drunk and I trie_"
Apparently Gray wasn't fast enough with his words as he only remembers the feelings of being shocked repeatedly by the 3 women followed by more women entering his room. Two women went to take Yurika off his bed while the others started encouraging the 3 women with shock batons to shock Gray more.
"WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON!?!" A loud booming voice suddenly yelled out through everyone else.
"Major Valen, sir! We caught a pervert kidnapping one of our fellow women and are rescuing her, sir!" One of the female soldiers replied while saluting.
Major Valen looked at the room and then looked at who was getting shocked. "Corporal Wilhelm? Care to explain yourself?"
The women stopped shocking Gray as Major Valen had directed his questions at him. "S-Sir, Major Valen, sir… I was carrying my friend back to her room… but her room was locked… I didn't want to wake anyone up so I brought her back to my room and_"
Gray got shocked again when one of the women shot out "And then stripped her and were about to take advantage of her!"
Major Valen seemed to wait longer than was necessary to intervene as Gray was getting shocked again then finally said "Let him finish!"
"And… and… I put her on my bed and went to sleep on the couch…" Gray managed to barely say.
"Liar! You got her drunk, stripped her, and then were just about to take advantage of her!" One woman said angrily.
Gray curled up as he was expecting to get shocked again and yelled out "She stripped herself! I don't know where she had the bottles but she threw them at me in her sleep just like her clothes!"
"What about those things in your hand then?"
"I… I was going to play a prank on her as revenge for hitting me in the face with those two bottles."
"By taking advantage of her?!?" Another women said fuming with rage causing Gray to get shocked more.
"Ladies, please allow Corporal Wilhelm to finish, wake the lady up and ask her when you can. If he truly tried to take advantage of her, you can shock him as long as you want." Major Valen interjected
"Did any of you ever see the movie '40 year-old Virgin?" Gray said timidly
Everyone looked at each other and all shook their heads. Sadly this kind of movie seemed to be more popular with the male demographic.
"Just look up the 'Condom Trouble' scene from that movie and you'll get it…"
One of the women pulled out a tablet and looked up the clip, Major Valen watched over her shoulder. After the scene everyone looked questionably at Gray.
"And you thought this would be funny son!?!" Major Valen said harshly
"Y-Yes! I mean… No! I mean… Sir, I'm an idiot, sir!"
"Well, you got that part right at least… ladies, please wake up the girl…" Major Valen finally got to see that the girl was Yurika and said "Corporal Winchester? Hmmm, I'm pretty sure it is as Gray, I mean Corporal Wilhelm, says it is if it is this woman. Still, we can't wait around all night, dump some cold water on her!"
Some of the women looked surprised at Major Valen, one even questioned him and said "We can't do that! We should be gentle with her!"
Another woman chimed in "Isn't this just a game, how long does this passed out affect last?"
"It's a simulation so I think it all depends upon how much alcohol was consumed." Another woman added.
"Well, it's just a game, it's not like we're throwing water on her in real life!" With that in mind, a woman grabbed a glass and filled it with water from Gray's sink and dumped it on Yurika.
"Woman overboard! Save my wife!" Yurika said loudly after getting water dumped on her.
Everyone looked at Yurika with an odd expression before one of the women finally asked her "Corporal Winchester, can you tell us what happened? We believe this scum here kidnapped you, stripped you and was about to take advantage of you!" while pointing at Gray.
Yurika cocked her head to one side like a dog that wasn't quite sure what it was hearing then looked at Gray as he was surrounded by the women with shock batons. "Huh? Him? I wish! A bunch of us were out drinking and he was a designated driver."
"Yeah! Then why are you almost naked?" One of the women asked.
"Why wouldn't I be? I always sleep naked." Yurika plainly stated.
"But you were passed out, how did your clothes come off?"
"I'll always take them off even unconsciously, I get to warm in bed otherwise."
"And the bottles?"
Yurika blushed a little bit and shyly said "I thought they were full… I 'borrowed' them from the bar to try and get Gray drunk."
The girls were now looking at Yurika like she was an even bigger pervert/criminal than Gray.
"Well, ok, but then we found him holding a box of condoms while standing next to the bed that you were passed out on."
Yurika looked at Gray and said "Gray, you better wait until I'm not passed out next time!"
"So… so in other words… you weren't kidnapped and he never did anything to you?"
"Of course not, he's going to be my wife and he wouldn't dare hurt me."
Gray rolled his eyes at this and said "Wife? What are you talking about?"
Yurika stuck her tongue out at Gray and said "Either way, I'd kick his ass if he tried anything without permission."
Gray nodded solemnly in agreement as he believed Yurika probably could kick his ass.
At this point the women and Major Valen gave up and instead just slowly filed out of Gray's room, the 3 women apologized to Gray for shocking him, but it was a very unenthusiastic apology.
Gray checked the time and now saw it was going on 4am and he hadn't slept yet so he was feeling depressed. Yurika didn't say anything else and just rolled back over to go to sleep in Gray's bed as if it were her own.
Gray realized that with Yurika's jumpsuit next to him he could now search the pockets for her keycard so he wasted no time in doing so.
"What are you doing?" Yurika asked Gray without turning to face him.
"I'm looking for your keycard, since you're using my bed, I was going to use your bed."
"… Hey…come here…" Yurika said softly
Gray didn't hear what she said so he moved closer to the bed. "What did you say?"
"I said come here! I demand cuddling!" Yurika said loudly.
Gray's mind went blank for a second, then he got really excited and started to take off his clothes hurriedly.
"Just the jumpsuit butt munch! I said cuddling, not… you know…" Yurika said in a shy voice that was unusual for her.
"Ok, but I don't wear a t-shirt under mine!"
"… Get your butt over here before I change my mind!"
Gray didn't say another word and climbed into bed with Yurika, she still smelled a bit like alcohol and his bed was wet from the water being dumped on Yurika but it was worth it to him.
"… You're not cuddling…" Yurika complained
"Sorry…" Gray apologized then got behind Yurika and wrapped one arm around her waist, not daring to move his hand up or down.
"Thank you… and I'm sorry for being selfish…" Yurika said softly. "I had a bad dream and just want to be held."
"As you wish princess." Gray said with a smile.
"I know but… it's not fair to you… I know you want more… and I even want more… but can you keep a secret?"
Gray's heart started to beat harder in anticipation "Of course."
"I am terrible with… well… people. When I heard that this game was actually reality it was a huge release for me because I was able to change my appearance and change who I am without anyone knowing better."
"You can act like someone else, but you can't fake your emotions Yurika, or are you saying you've faked everything you've felt with us?"
"No! Of course not! I've never enjoyed life this much before and I will do anything to keep life just like this… no killing… no fighting… just living!"
"Good, then just keep being you and that's all I can ask for…"
"Do you want me to put my hair back to its natural color and cut?"
"Do you like it better this way?" Gray asked with a smile
"Heck yes!"
"Then keep it!"
"Can I keep being loud and obnoxious?"
"As much as you want!"
"Can I keep being spoiled and selfish?"
"Wouldn't have it any other way…"
"…" Yurika went silent for a moment then said "Gray… close your eyes…"
"Closed" Gray closed his eyes and then heard Yurika roll over to face him, she then kissed Gray softly and gently on the lips, then bit on his lower lip causing it to bleed a little bit.
"Can you make one more promise for me Gray?"
"Of course."
"Can you promise never to fall in love with me?" Yurika said softly.
Gray skulked silently over to his nightstand and opened the drawer. He was going to take out all of the condoms, open them up, and spread them out on the bed like they had been used. As soon as he opened the box though, he heard several footsteps coming down the hall followed by a loud knocking on a door.
Outside in the hall, he heard a female soldier yell "Did you take her?!? We're searching your room! You others check the other male dorms!" followed by several shouts of affirmative.
"What the heck is going on at this hour?" Gray thought to himself. He was reminded of the time that Lilly, Miss Maven's little sister, had snuck aboard his truck and wanted to escape to their base out of boredom.
"I wonder if she somehow made it here." Gray thought to himself.
A loud knocking came from Gray's door and this was apparently enough to wake up Yurika who groggily said "Go… away… to… early…"
Gray ended up saying nothing as when he was about to say something, his door was kicked in and a few female soldiers came in with shock batons ready and flipped on the lights.
"We found her!" one of the female soldiers yelled.
"What? Found who?" Gray asked perplexed.
"Silence you criminal pervert!" shouted one of the women angrily.
Gray didn't dare move as these women looked to be about to try and shock him to death.
"We caught him just as he was about to finish the act!" another woman shouted while pointing at what Gray was holding.
Gray's face turned white as he realized he was holding a box of condoms. The female soldier's looked around in shock at what they saw. Yurika's jumpsuit, shirt, and bra were thrown about the room with 2 empty bottles of liquor in the mix and Gray standing at the edge of the bed with a box of condoms in his hand. Gray suddenly realized how bad this actually looked and immediately tried to explain.
"No no no! This isn't what it looks like! She was drunk and I trie_"
Apparently Gray wasn't fast enough with his words as he only remembers the feelings of being shocked repeatedly by the 3 women followed by more women entering his room. Two women went to take Yurika off his bed while the others started encouraging the 3 women with shock batons to shock Gray more.
"WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON!?!" A loud booming voice suddenly yelled out through everyone else.
"Major Valen, sir! We caught a pervert kidnapping one of our fellow women and are rescuing her, sir!" One of the female soldiers replied while saluting.
Major Valen looked at the room and then looked at who was getting shocked. "Corporal Wilhelm? Care to explain yourself?"
The women stopped shocking Gray as Major Valen had directed his questions at him. "S-Sir, Major Valen, sir… I was carrying my friend back to her room… but her room was locked… I didn't want to wake anyone up so I brought her back to my room and_"
Gray got shocked again when one of the women shot out "And then stripped her and were about to take advantage of her!"
Major Valen seemed to wait longer than was necessary to intervene as Gray was getting shocked again then finally said "Let him finish!"
"And… and… I put her on my bed and went to sleep on the couch…" Gray managed to barely say.
"Liar! You got her drunk, stripped her, and then were just about to take advantage of her!" One woman said angrily.
Gray curled up as he was expecting to get shocked again and yelled out "She stripped herself! I don't know where she had the bottles but she threw them at me in her sleep just like her clothes!"
"What about those things in your hand then?"
"I… I was going to play a prank on her as revenge for hitting me in the face with those two bottles."
"By taking advantage of her?!?" Another women said fuming with rage causing Gray to get shocked more.
"Ladies, please allow Corporal Wilhelm to finish, wake the lady up and ask her when you can. If he truly tried to take advantage of her, you can shock him as long as you want." Major Valen interjected
"Did any of you ever see the movie '40 year-old Virgin?" Gray said timidly
Everyone looked at each other and all shook their heads. Sadly this kind of movie seemed to be more popular with the male demographic.
"Just look up the 'Condom Trouble' scene from that movie and you'll get it…"
One of the women pulled out a tablet and looked up the clip, Major Valen watched over her shoulder. After the scene everyone looked questionably at Gray.
"And you thought this would be funny son!?!" Major Valen said harshly
"Y-Yes! I mean… No! I mean… Sir, I'm an idiot, sir!"
"Well, you got that part right at least… ladies, please wake up the girl…" Major Valen finally got to see that the girl was Yurika and said "Corporal Winchester? Hmmm, I'm pretty sure it is as Gray, I mean Corporal Wilhelm, says it is if it is this woman. Still, we can't wait around all night, dump some cold water on her!"
Some of the women looked surprised at Major Valen, one even questioned him and said "We can't do that! We should be gentle with her!"
Another woman chimed in "Isn't this just a game, how long does this passed out affect last?"
"It's a simulation so I think it all depends upon how much alcohol was consumed." Another woman added.
"Well, it's just a game, it's not like we're throwing water on her in real life!" With that in mind, a woman grabbed a glass and filled it with water from Gray's sink and dumped it on Yurika.
"Woman overboard! Save my wife!" Yurika said loudly after getting water dumped on her.
Everyone looked at Yurika with an odd expression before one of the women finally asked her "Corporal Winchester, can you tell us what happened? We believe this scum here kidnapped you, stripped you and was about to take advantage of you!" while pointing at Gray.
Yurika cocked her head to one side like a dog that wasn't quite sure what it was hearing then looked at Gray as he was surrounded by the women with shock batons. "Huh? Him? I wish! A bunch of us were out drinking and he was a designated driver."
"Yeah! Then why are you almost naked?" One of the women asked.
"Why wouldn't I be? I always sleep naked." Yurika plainly stated.
"But you were passed out, how did your clothes come off?"
"I'll always take them off even unconsciously, I get to warm in bed otherwise."
"And the bottles?"
Yurika blushed a little bit and shyly said "I thought they were full… I 'borrowed' them from the bar to try and get Gray drunk."
The girls were now looking at Yurika like she was an even bigger pervert/criminal than Gray.
"Well, ok, but then we found him holding a box of condoms while standing next to the bed that you were passed out on."
Yurika looked at Gray and said "Gray, you better wait until I'm not passed out next time!"
"So… so in other words… you weren't kidnapped and he never did anything to you?"
"Of course not, he's going to be my wife and he wouldn't dare hurt me."
Gray rolled his eyes at this and said "Wife? What are you talking about?"
Yurika stuck her tongue out at Gray and said "Either way, I'd kick his ass if he tried anything without permission."
Gray nodded solemnly in agreement as he believed Yurika probably could kick his ass.
At this point the women and Major Valen gave up and instead just slowly filed out of Gray's room, the 3 women apologized to Gray for shocking him, but it was a very unenthusiastic apology.
Gray checked the time and now saw it was going on 4am and he hadn't slept yet so he was feeling depressed. Yurika didn't say anything else and just rolled back over to go to sleep in Gray's bed as if it were her own.
Gray realized that with Yurika's jumpsuit next to him he could now search the pockets for her keycard so he wasted no time in doing so.
"What are you doing?" Yurika asked Gray without turning to face him.
"I'm looking for your keycard, since you're using my bed, I was going to use your bed."
"… Hey…come here…" Yurika said softly
Gray didn't hear what she said so he moved closer to the bed. "What did you say?"
"I said come here! I demand cuddling!" Yurika said loudly.
Gray's mind went blank for a second, then he got really excited and started to take off his clothes hurriedly.
"Just the jumpsuit butt munch! I said cuddling, not… you know…" Yurika said in a shy voice that was unusual for her.
"Ok, but I don't wear a t-shirt under mine!"
"… Get your butt over here before I change my mind!"
Gray didn't say another word and climbed into bed with Yurika, she still smelled a bit like alcohol and his bed was wet from the water being dumped on Yurika but it was worth it to him.
"… You're not cuddling…" Yurika complained
"Sorry…" Gray apologized then got behind Yurika and wrapped one arm around her waist, not daring to move his hand up or down.
"Thank you… and I'm sorry for being selfish…" Yurika said softly. "I had a bad dream and just want to be held."
"As you wish princess." Gray said with a smile.
"I know but… it's not fair to you… I know you want more… and I even want more… but can you keep a secret?"
Gray's heart started to beat harder in anticipation "Of course."
"I am terrible with… well… people. When I heard that this game was actually reality it was a huge release for me because I was able to change my appearance and change who I am without anyone knowing better."
"You can act like someone else, but you can't fake your emotions Yurika, or are you saying you've faked everything you've felt with us?"
"No! Of course not! I've never enjoyed life this much before and I will do anything to keep life just like this… no killing… no fighting… just living!"
"Good, then just keep being you and that's all I can ask for…"
"Do you want me to put my hair back to its natural color and cut?"
"Do you like it better this way?" Gray asked with a smile
"Heck yes!"
"Then keep it!"
"Can I keep being loud and obnoxious?"
"As much as you want!"
"Can I keep being spoiled and selfish?"
"Wouldn't have it any other way…"
"…" Yurika went silent for a moment then said "Gray… close your eyes…"
"Closed" Gray closed his eyes and then heard Yurika roll over to face him, she then kissed Gray softly and gently on the lips, then bit on his lower lip causing it to bleed a little bit.
"Can you make one more promise for me Gray?"
"Of course."
"Can you promise never to fall in love with me?" Yurika said softly.
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