The American Scripture

Chapter 1002: Invite to join

About going to sea, basically settled, Zhen Fan asked Christina to call Captain Maguire Nixon. ◇↓, let him prepare in advance and don't need to drive the boat to Los Angeles, because it is still under martial law, just at the dock where it originally docked. Just before going to sea, Zhen Fan received calls from some friends.

Most of them are worried about Zhen Fan after seeing some news in the United States. Zhen Fan comforted one by one. Li Xingguo even asked Zhen Fan to return to the capital immediately and avoid him for a while. Even Sister An, who was far away in Shanghai, called with worry. She usually doesn't take the initiative to contact Zhen Fan, but it is really rare to take the initiative to call.

Zhen Fan had to explain to them one by one that the danger had been lifted and that it was safe. This allowed them to dispel their doubts. Finally, Zhen Fan asked Christina to send a text message to everyone who was familiar with. Only to appease this greeting.

But he is also very grateful to these friends. After all, those who can care about you so much when you are in trouble are true friends. However, just after comforting these people, Zhen Fan's villa welcomed two people who came to comfort themselves, these two were Fei Bingbing and Chenghu. They have been in Los Angeles recently.

Because it wasn't out of the city, and there was Chenghu's star face as a pass along the way, until there was no embarrassment, I came here smoothly. Seeing Zhen Fan greeted by the door, Chenghu laughed and hugged Zhen Fan. The two of them really hugged each other hard and patted each other's shoulders hard.

"It feels like a rebirth!" Cheng Hu and Zhen Fan said with emotion, "It feels like it's the end of the world. These scenes used to be seen when filming, but now I can see them. Really. ...It's unimaginable, it's in Mr. Bit Jackson's movie."

Zhen Fan smiled: "This scares you? But you live far away from the base. What are you afraid of. I didn't expect you to be so courageous!" He opened his arms and embraced Fei Bingbing. Fei Bingbing also honestly gave Zhen Fan a big hug, Feng Ting's chest was not afraid of Zhen Fan's oiling, resisted, and pushed hard!

"I want to see Yi Fei go!" Although the hug was warm, Fei Bingbing didn't greet Zhen Fan, so he walked directly to the hall. Yi Fei, who had received the news, also trot out of the hall, spreading her arms, and the two sisters giggled. Hugged, and turned each other twice.

"It's really a long time for Mrs. Kuo. Take a look, take a look, I am a little struggling to hold your waist now. Pay attention to the figure, without a figure, there is no way for a man to keep his heart here. It's fundamental!" Yi Fei's face was sprayed as soon as Fei Bingbing spoke.

"Zhen is not such a person!" Yi Fei explained with a blush.

"It's not the problem, it's that you have to cultivate your own capital so that you can fight against those women. Otherwise, what capital do you use to compete for favor!" Fei Bingbing smiled very thiefly when he said this. Also deliberately lowered his voice. Yifei was a little embarrassed. Hastened her into the hall.

There are many people in the hall. But most of them didn't know Fei Bingbing very well, so after saying hello, they went on their own. Christine is the hostess. And I've seen Fei Bingbing several times, so I know it. So she stayed to talk to Fei Bingbing. In this chat, I talked about making movies.

Speaking of making movies. Christine was still a little envious. I quit the entertainment circle before, and I wanted to take care of Zhen Fan. Now it seems...but I think it's a little simpler. It's still a little bit disappointing to leave the career you like. So she was very envious of Fei Bingbing, speaking of these topics, but also invested a lot.

Yi Fei is also an actor. The three talked about common topics, so they talked a lot. For this, Christine has her own idea, and she has also talked to Zhen Fan before. I want to make my own movie. Now that the three of them were sitting together, she began to think of this plan.

"If...we...I still have you, we two together with Zhen, and make a movie together, what do you think of the plan?" Kristen suddenly looked at Yi Fei and said, "I know you too I really want to recapture my own business, and so am I, so we can form such a family combination."

She didn't say this to Fei Bingbing. Because it is impolite to invite people like this rashly. But Fei Bingbing asked on his own initiative: "What if... I join?"

"You... want to join?" Kristin looked at Fei Bingbing with an inquiring look, "I mean we make a movie of our own. Of course... we welcome you to join, I want to The same goes for Fei, you are her friend."

"Of course... I had already planned to make a movie of my own. You know the money comes from the proceeds of the lottery, but so much money... It’s really a waste of money... I don’t want to waste it. So... let's make a movie together and use that amount of money." Fei Bingbing looked at Christine and Yi Fei.

", this won't work, we will figure out how to fund ourselves..." Christine refused, "I know you have the proceeds from the lottery, but this is your long-cherished wish. A movie. I become the absolute protagonist. But if the three of us join, do you think there is only one protagonist?"

Christine's words are correct, this must be taken into account, three women are involved, must score clear priorities. The main role must be Christine, but it doesn't mean that Yi Fei is just a second-rate supporting role. She also takes up a lot of scenes, so it is also a very important role.

"Is it possible to make a movie with three heroines?" Fei Bingbing offered his own suggestion, "like Natalie, Dylan and Alex?"

"Charlie's Angel (the name of the three Charlie Girls)?" Kristen couldn't help but laughed. "I like this movie. To be honest, I would also like to play a Kung Fu movie. We can also make a similar Movies, three outstanding women, three heroines!"

"Is this...really okay?" Yi Fei was also a little tempted, but she still hesitated and said, "This...but it's a bit different from your idea. What you want to make the most is not necessarily a kung fu movie. , I know you, I want to get an Oscar, this is your wish!"

"No, now I want to make a Kung Fu movie, and it's our Kung Fu movie together!" Fei Bingbing laughed, "Okay, let's do this. Let's find a famous person to write the script. For example, Parker Cowes, Hollywood’s gold medal screenwriter, he has a very good creative team. We can also convince him. It is said that when they create the script for a movie, 19 people start work at the same time, and they are responsible for the basics. Story frames, love scenes, action scenes, and **** scenes...Of course, the dialogue comes from different people, humorous, serious, and swear words!"

"I have seen the scene when they started work, it shocked me!" Fei Bingbing's expression was a bit exaggerated, and he raised his hands next to his face and made an explosive gesture.

This is because domestic screenwriters rarely have such a large-scale screenwriting team with a clear division of labor. Generally, one or two or three screenwriters can support a play. So sometimes there are many plots or other flaws in the movie. However, judging from their remuneration, the plot is worth it.

"Well, let me think about it again!" Yi Fei nodded after hearing Fei Bingbing's words.

"Don't think about it, let's just do it, we can come to a heroine movie, maybe it can make the men in Hollywood look at us again, not only men can act as heroes!" Christine set the tone in a sentence , "So... who is the man standing behind the heroine?"

"Of course he—" Fei Bingbing smiled and looked at Zhen Fan who was walking in with Chenghu, then turned his head and blinked at Christine and Yi Fei, "What about your opinions? Are they also like me? same?"

Yi Fei smiled without making a sound. Kristen laughed, then looked at Zhen Fan with an inexplicable face and said: "It came just right. We have one thing to tell you formally. Don’t say no, don’t be absent-minded, you You have to join in!"

"Say what?" Cheng Hu smiled and sat aside, "Do you need me to avoid it?"

"No, it's just right that you are here, we may also need you!" Kristen laughed, "Hollywood, you are the best Kung Fu star, so our movie needs you, just now... we have been talking about one The movie, I just talked to you, so...join in!"

"Movie? Don’t you have to wait until my film is finished?" Zhen Fan shrugged his shoulders and smiled, "Isn’t it too early to say now? By the way, Bingbing, aren’t you planning to make one yourself? Why are you interested in joining Christine’s movie? Do you have a schedule?"

"Of course... we just discussed it!" Fei Bingbing said, telling them what the three had discussed just At this moment, I heard a voice coming from the stairs. Bit who was chatting with Gary on the terrace also walked down, and couldn't help but interrupt when Fei Bingbing was talking about a movie.

"Guys, are you discussing a movie? Tell me, maybe I will give you some advice!" Bit Jackson said to Fei Bingbing, then came over and shook hands with her and Chenghu, "See You are so happy, in fact...I really hope that you and Zhen will work together once. I believe it must be wonderful!"

"Now there is a chance!" Christine smiled and blinked at Zhen Fan. "Then he said the plan of the three people again, and then solemnly said to Chenghu, "Now...I can solemnly Has invited you. You will join our film, won't you? "

In fact, this matter is still very beneficial to Chenghu. Because he is getting older now, there are no works published in Hollywood, and he spends more time mixing in China. If he can take the opportunity to regain his reputation in Hollywood, it will certainly only benefit him.

"Of course, why not?" Chenghu nodded, then frowned, " I a good person or a bad person? In the movie!" (To be continued...)

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