The American Scripture

Chapter 1009: Invite to naval base

As the yacht set off, everyone on the deck cheered loudly, as did the two children. The first day was sailing on the sea. Even in the evening, the yacht stopped during the day of the next day, and it was docked on the scattered islands in the Pacific, like pearls.

The voyage continued at night, but was intercepted by the US Navy while passing through San Clemente Island. The first to be discovered was the captain Maguire Nixon on the night shift. He had long discovered through radar that two US Perry-class cruise ships were approaching them quickly.

"We are the U.S. Navy, please stop for inspection!" The warship doubled toward the yacht one by one. Then a helicopter flew over the yacht. The people on the yacht were all awakened, and then Maguire Nixon notified everyone not to panic through the radio, it was an inspection by the US Navy.

"Stay in your own room, don't come out without asking!" Maguire Nixon continued to inform on the radio, and then asked the crew to signal the signal to indicate that he was willing to stop the ship for inspection. The engine also stalled. The helicopter hovered above and would illuminate the yacht.

Soon the ship approached, and five speedboats were discharged and approached. Every speedboat had soldiers with live ammunition. When I got to the side of the boat, I started to climb up the side of the boat and climbed up. The ship was besieged from all sides. The soldiers climbed onto the deck with live ammunition, headed by a Lieutenant Commander.

"I'm the captain ↙, .., sir! Maguire Nixon!" Maguire walked towards the major officer and said to him calmly, "We are traveling at sea. We passed by here. Islands. We have relevant legal procedures!"

The major officer glanced at Maguire Nixon, frowned and said, "Don't you know that the entire California is under martial law? Where did you start from?"

"It's from Los Angeles. Sir!" Maguire Nixon said, "We passed the checkpoint in Los Angeles. So... our sailing is legal." He said, shrugging his shoulders indifferently.

"Who are there? Let them all come to the deck!" The major still insisted on his opinion. "Whether you are legal or not, now is a special time. We have to be cautious. This... Captain Nixon, Hope you can understand us."

The major said, raised his hand and waved his finger. Let the soldiers prepare to rush into the cabin for inspection. At this moment, a person appeared on the deck, and he said to the major: "I'm sorry, major, I don't know what your name is, but I want to remind you not to be foolish."

Hearing this voice, the major was stunned, and the soldiers preparing to search were about to rush into the cabin. Then the major said in surprise: "Zhen, you are Mr. Zhen?" Then, with a wave of his hand, the soldiers stopped.

"It's me. I think Mr. Maguire has just explained that we have legal procedures. We have also reported our route to the relevant departments. So... if you insist on searching now, is it a bit difficult for you?" Zhen Fan said He's a little bit more polite, mainly because he really doesn't want these soldiers to disturb the ladies inside.

"Yes. I know, but..." What else the major wanted to say.

"Nothing but. Major, I don't know what your name is. But I know what your chief is called." Zhen Fan's tone became a little harsh.

"Well, Mr. Zhen, I respect your opinion, but I have to report to them first!" The major said, and then began to contact the naval base on San Clemente. There will be results soon. The major nodded to Zhen Fan and said, "You are right, Mr. Zhen. I apologize to you for my behavior!" He said and left in a hurry.

At the beginning, it was aggressive, but now it's gone so griefly, making the soldiers a little baffling. But they can't manage such things. At that time, the person wearing it was a little surprised. Even Bit Jackson was surprised. He only knew that Zhen Fan had contacts with some government officials in Los Angeles, but he did not expect to have contacts with the US military.

This incident was just an episode, but for the US Navy, it was a little commotion. Especially in this operation, the commander-in-chief Lieutenant General Campbell. Obviously, after the major's report arrived at the base, it quickly reached Campbell. I heard that it was the yacht of Zhen Fan who was intercepted. Lieutenant General Campbell let him go without thinking.

What does Zhen Fan want to do when he goes out? Lieutenant General Campbell did not believe that Zhen Fan really went to travel, but he could not understand why such people stayed. He was very strange about the disappearance of the four monsters, and even thought of Zhen Fan's body. So he was really very polite to Zhen Fan. This is all based on doubts about this matter. He even called the Department of Defense and the White House.

And Campbell's phone call went to Mr. President, but after getting there, there was no more news. Obviously, Mr. President suppressed this matter and issued an order that all information about Zhen Fan is top secret. Only the president can decrypt it himself.

Since there are secrets that he can't even know, Campbell is obviously more convinced that the disappearance of the four evil dragons has a certain relationship with Zhen Fan, so he is very smart to let Zhen Fan unconditionally. He is a politician and has a politician. Sensitive, so you can make correct judgments. This is why he continues to stay in this position even if he has suffered greater losses and mistakes than General von Kaser.

What happened at night was just an episode, but it also showed many people that Zhen Fan's strong network of connections. Because what Zhen Fan said yesterday was too tough, even the U.S. military, which has always been known for being tough, had to put aside their arrogance in front of Zhen Fan.

But this does not affect people's play. In the daytime, when they were about to pass San Clemente Island, suddenly another littoral combat ship came over. The semaphore they played this time turned out to be welcoming Zhen Fan. they. Maguire showed a surprised look at Zhen Fan.

"What does this mean?" Zhen Fan didn't understand the semaphore at all, so she had to ask Maguire Nixon next to him. After all, he was an old officer who had been in the US Coast Guard for many years and was very familiar with this.

"It means welcoming us. I don't know... Maybe they want to express that they are not hostile to us. Welcome... This should be a semaphore for friendly forces!" Maguire shook his head, "Do we need to go there? If I don’t pass, I’ll return to their flag and continue to sail normally!"

"Get close to them and see what they have to say!" Zhen Fan said to Maguire.

Soon, they sent a speedboat over, and the major was still boarding. He saluted Zhen Fan as soon as he came up, and then said with a smile: "What happened last night, I'm very sorry, now... I represent our fleet. The commander-in-chief of Lieutenant General Campbell invites you to visit our military base! It is a wonderful experience of your trip."

"Thank you very much. Since it is General Campbell's invitation, let's go!" Zhen Fan nodded to the major. He decided to go check it out anyway, since General Campbell invited him, then he could see what he was doing.

So the yacht followed the battleship to the military base on San Clemente Island. Then coming down from the dock, two salute soldiers held a welcoming ceremony with guns. This seemed to be a scene of welcoming the leaders of a certain country. Lieutenant General Campbell was at the end of the pier, watching Zhen Fan and his party disembark with solemn expression.

Zhen Fan came to the forefront. When he got off the ship, General Campbell held out his hands and held it. He said with emotion: "First of all, I have to say sorry to you. I apologize to you for what happened before. Fonka General Sai is right, I should cooperate with you, and it is a deep cooperation. And...I can only pay tribute to you in this way." As he let go of Zhen Fan's hand, he saluted him.

Obviously, this is a very high treatment. Seeing the gesture of General Campbell, Zhen Fan also nodded. He didn't have to get froze with him. Although he didn't like his way of doing things, it didn't prevent him from enjoying the speciality he brought to himself. Treatment.

After Zhen Fan shook his hand, he stood there and shook hands with the people who disembarked one by one, and then led them to board the car that had been waiting on the towards the military base. Drive past.

"What kind of person is Zhen?" Li Caiyan asked her husband, Che Mingzhe, who was sitting next to her quietly, "Why do the commanders of the US Navy respect him so much? No wonder they kill people like they kill chickens. The background is really...tsk, it’s amazing!"

"What nonsense? Shut up, don't talk nonsense, don't cause trouble for me and your daughter!" Cha Mingzhe was angry and afraid of his wife's unreasonable speculation, and said to him in a low voice. Fortunately, apart from a soldier at the base serving as the driver, there are only their family in this car.

"I just said, if our family's Yingxi can find such a good boyfriend, there is no need to be so scared along the way. Alas, it is a pity that Mr. Zhen has a girlfriend, but... after all, he is still not married. Yes, and he is also Asian, and Asians should have a good impression of Asians! Yingxi, have the opportunity to talk with Mr. Zhen more, I believe you young people will have common topics..."

"Mom" Che Yingxi glared at her mother, gritted her teeth and said, "Stop talking about these embarrassing things? I can't stand you anymore!" (To be continued...)

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