The American Scripture

Chapter 1041: Inside the barbecue restaurant

The last shot of the helicopter is not practiced, but even so, the shot of running on the top of the tower and turning over and sliding inside is thrilling enough, after all, there is no protective measure. △The novel, although there is no shot of jumping into the helicopter, it is enough to make people scream, not to mention that when it is officially filmed, it is much more thrilling than this, because there are still rubber bullets in it, and the risk factor is greatly enhanced.

After Zhen Fan made the contact, he received a lot of calls. This time even Feng Daran called and asked if Zhen Fan was crazy. Why not work so hard! Fei Bingbing is also one of the people most concerned about. Of course, there are also two women in Japan. They don't know Zhen Fan's abilities, and they are very flustered.

"Don't worry!" Zhen Fan just persuaded Michi Kikuko not to worry, when Hashimoto Garden's call came in, and she even sobbed on the phone.

"I... can I come and see you?"

"No, you have your own business, don't worry about me, I'm fine, so be it, goodbye!" Zhen Fan was too lazy to say, so he hung up the phone. To be honest, he really didn't know what it was about this Japanese woman. Whatever it feels like, it was said that it was a transaction, but this kind of transaction felt a little bit of trading in, which made him a little unhappy. Even the feeling of Hashimoto Garden is not as good as that of Miike Kikuko, after all, Miike Kikuko is quite simple.

But this also shows that there are really many people who care about Zhen Fan. However, Zhen Fan explained patiently, saying that everything was under his control, and he would not do anything unsure.

After finally answering the calls of these people, Zhen Fan had to go to the platform specially built for him in the afternoon for training. The platform is about ten meters high, and there is a lever higher than the platform from the platform. This is built to imitate the crossbar of the landing gear of a helicopter in order to imitate the shot of Zhen Fan jumping towards the helicopter.

of course. Romain Gibson will not let go of such training. She now follows Zhen Fan almost all the way, except for taking a bath and sleeping at night. So Roman Gibson broadcasted Zhen Fan’s thrilling shooting while on the other hand, he was shooting Zhen Fan’s daily training life in order to edit it into a film and then broadcast it before the most thrilling live broadcast.

The afternoon training still attracted a lot of people's onlookers. Most of the people here know Zhen Fan. After all, his status in Asia is not comparable to those of Hollywood stars in the United States. So this training venue gathered a lot of people. Bit didn't specifically clear the field, but instead opened the training camp. Put some tourists or locals and reporters to take pictures.

Zhen Fan's several movements were very effective. He jumped from the built platform and hung directly on the crossbar. The distance was relatively close at first, and then gradually moved further. The final distance even exceeds the distance between the tower and the helicopter at the time of the actual shooting, so as to avoid problems.

After the training was completed in the afternoon, Bit announced on the spot that the training would last three days. So many tourists are very excited. They hope to see Zhen Fan’s shooting scenes, which are more enjoyable than watching the scenery. So after the end of twos and threes, many tourist groups from abroad temporarily added this place as one of the scenic spots they visited.

When Zhen Fan went to bath. This time Roman Gibson didn't follow, and she knew it was for nothing to follow. Then Ma Zhanshan in Riyadh called Zhen Fan and said that she wanted to invite Zhen Fan to drink. Go ahead. Anyway, these few days Zhen Fan has nothing else but training. Because Johnny and Robles didn't follow, Zhen Fan couldn't find a good drinker here. Gary wants to make a movie. He doesn't drink much, which shows that he is very dedicated.

Ma Zhanshan came by taxi. The two of them strolled through the streets of Riyadh, and then they walked to a beach. Originally, Ma Zhanshan was looking for a better steak house, but Zhen Fan insisted on having a barbecue on the beach. Ma Zhanshan understood that this was to save him. The money, without saying much, came over.

The barbecue restaurant is run by Koreans. The boss is a relatively small man in his thirties, his face is a little dark, regardless of his wife, who will be pretty at the time, Mo is about thirty years old. Although he serves barbecue in the shop, he is fair and beautiful. There was also a teenage girl in the shop, lying there, as if she was writing homework or something.

"Welcome!" Seeing someone coming in, the wife hurriedly walked over, bowed to Zhen Fan and Ma Zhanshan, gestured very enthusiastically, and then she saw Zhen Fan and she couldn't help but open her mouth. An "o" shape was created. Then quickly talk about Zhen Fan and lead them to a quieter place to sit down.

"Whatever is the best in your store, just serve it. It's up to the two of us to have enough food. By the way...a few bottles of beer first!" Zhen Fan spoke to the sweetheart in English.

English is basically the common language used by foreigners here. So this woman understands that there is no problem, she even nods her head, and then something. Then the husband grew his mouth and couldn't close it for a long time, and finally came over with his wife, bowed to Zhen Fan and smiled, "You are Mr. Zhen Fanzhen, right?"

"It's me, you didn't admit the wrong person!" Zhen Fan smiled, the two couples are also too interesting.

"Great, welcome to our shop, we will offer you the best barbecue, please wait a moment, it will be done soon!" Husband smiled quickly, turned around and went into the barbecue kitchen , And the wife is pleased to take a photo with Zhen Fan. Zhen Fan was also satisfied, but when the woman was taking pictures with Zhen Fan, she almost nestled her whole body in Zhen Fan's arms, but the husband was still smiling while looking through the kitchen glass.

What a strange couple. But with their beginning, some customers in this store also slowly came over and asked for a photo with Zhen Fan. Most of them are tourists from abroad, including Westerners and Asians. There are also a few young Chinese, two boys and three girls, who also ran over to take pictures with Zhen Fan.

Especially the three girls, each of them actually "chirp" on Zhen Fan's face several times. A girl who was more courageous asked Zhen Fan: "Big star, are you really going to take that dangerous shot? I went to see it this morning. It's really dangerous, and I feel scared to see it!"

"Of course, I have already said it in front of audiences all over the world, do I have to eat my own words?" Zhen Fan smiled and said to the girl, "Dozens of people have asked me before you, but my answers are all it's the same."

"If I were as rich as you, I wouldn't risk it!" a boy muttered beside him. As a result, it attracted the fist of a girl next to him and hammered it on the boy's shoulder. The boy exaggerated "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhah

"It doesn't matter what money matters!" Zhen Fan laughed, and then said, "Let’s not talk like this, otherwise it will affect other people’s meals. If you don’t mind, we can sit together and eat and talk. Today I A treat, how?"

"Of course it's okay!" The girl who asked Zhen Fan loudly applauded, and then slapped her hands, "I'll take a few more photos later, and envy those guys, who told them not to come out with them."

As they were talking, the Korean couple personally brought out plates of barbecue and brought them to Zhen Fan. Beer came again, so there were seven people at the table, eating and drinking, talking and laughing, and it seemed very lively. The girl actually took these all into a video and posted it online.

Within a few minutes, her circle exploded, and then it was reposted by many entertainment media, and also reposted by some domestic celebrities. It suddenly became a big deal. She was out of luck. Even many stars came out to join in.

After the girl ate for a while, she was distracted by the constant "didi" sound inside, and then excitedly raised her phone to show off to the people present: "Look, what is overnight fame, That's how I am. I'm lucky!"

There are people who say that they are lucky. Zhen Fan also laughed dumbly, and at the same time marveled at the power of the domestic Internet. It is such a very simple thing that can turn an unknown girl into an Internet celebrity in such a short period of time. It is really powerful!

"It seems that your influence is really not normal!" Ma Zhanshan sighed there, "This can make a person famous so quickly, really... I can't understand it! Young people's world!"

"It's not that I have a big but people all over the world want to watch me fall to death, so... it created the illusion of my fame!" Zhen Fan couldn't help laughing." But... I can't give them this opportunity. I will definitely be able to accomplish that task very well."

"Yes, we believe in you." Another young boy also said to Zhen Fan, "Come, come, everyone raises their wine glasses to cheer for Brother Zhen, and wish Zhen Gema success and success! That's it!" He raised his beer glass and clinked with Zhen Fan. Naturally, other people did not dare to show weakness, and they all raised their glasses to meet each other.

"I will go back tomorrow, but unfortunately I can't watch the movie you made in person!" Ma Zhanshan drank and sat down and sighed, "I often can't meet you in China. If you say yes, you must contact me when you return home. Why I also recognized a rich and famous friend, I have to show off!"

"Haha, you must be contacted, by the way, what are you doing now?" Zhen Fan asked.

"You never ask me, and I don't bother to say it, but since you ask, let me tell you. I have been a policeman before, but I have been a policeman for more than ten years. I think the police are a little poorer, so I went to sea, and finally rolled around in the world. Now I have opened two car 4s shops. It’s okay. I don’t have much money, but I don’t have much trouble!" (To be continued...) u

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