The American Scripture

Chapter 1058: Pregnancy and infancy

The changes that took place in Christine amazed the women at home, except for Mia and Helena. ∈↗, the two of them have passed this period long ago. Zhen Fan didn't speak, she just looked at Christine and smiled, and Mia just said a word, which made Christine suddenly surprised.

"Congratulations, Christine, you are now in the gestational period. This is a very important stage. It indicates that your body will begin to grow again. You are like a gestating baby. Everything is growing. This It is the so-called Taoist birth in the Taoist family. If you carefully explore your dantian, you will feel something different."

Dantian? This Christine knows it. She has been studying Chinese medicine for a period of time, and has a very thorough understanding of some knowledge of Chinese medicine. So as soon as Mia said, she really started to explore the dantian, feeling as if the dantian suddenly became clear, and she felt very transparent.

Zhen Fan also said at this time: "Three years of baby-raising, this is the way to go to the Taoist family. There are three stages in total. The first stage is your current pregnancy and infancy. Your current dantian seems to be A fertilized egg begins to split and slowly becomes an embryo. This is a pregnant baby. Then the embryo grows slowly and becomes the second infancy. At this time, your Dantian will feel like a baby was born. Can perceive many things in the surrounding world, and the final stage is the meta-infant stage. At this time, the perception of the outside world will become more acute."

"So...what good is it for me?" Kristen pursed her mouth, feeling very excited, and she is constantly exploring some Taoist cultivation paths. Although Mia usually gives advice, but because of her own practice, there is no foundation. So it was a little difficult. I didn't expect to enter the pregnancy and infant period suddenly. This is a kind of confusion, but also a kind of expectation, expectation of one's own future. So she desperately wants to know what state she has reached and what state she will enter in the future.

"There are many benefits. One is that your body will undergo bizarre changes like a baby, becoming more delicate, and once again experiencing your own youth. One is that you are more sensitive to the outside world. You used to rely on it. Your eyes, ears, nose, and some touches of your skin can perceive the world. Now, you can perceive the world with your dantian, which means... you can see the world in front of you clearly when you close your eyes. "

"Really?" Christine called out in surprise.

"Why don't you try? But you are only now in the gestation period, so the range of perception is limited, and the time of perception is also limited. Try it, turn the corner, close your eyes, and see if you can get out Outside the house!" Zhen said, patted his hands at Christine. "Be brave, girl!"

"Of course, I will!" Christine really turned around as he said, then slowly closed his eyes. But to be on the safe side, she said to the restaurant, "Hey. Annie, help me find a silk scarf. Blind my eyes, I want to try it."

Annie smiled and walked over. Then Christine was bound by the silky thing behind her eyes: "Well, Christine, you can try it now!" Annie patted Christine on the shoulder, and then smiled and pushed her. Shoulders, let her walk outside.

Christine just walked away, and he mentioned the stool, and he couldn't help but yelled "Ah", and some complained, "Why do I feel the darkness in front of me? It's useless at all, Is it a mistake, I can't see anything, how could this be?"

"Experience the changes in your dantian with your heart, Christine, you have to focus all your attention and will on your dantian, so that it will be effective!" Mia reminded Christine from the side, "Don't worry, slow down. Slowly, you will get used to it. This feeling is amazing, you will like this!"

"Okay, I hope you are right!" Christine said, touching his hands, and finally got himself a little firmer, and began to perceive the world with her dantian slowly, as Mia said. Then I felt that everything seemed to be changing, and slowly felt that the surroundings were very clear, as if I had seen it with my eyes.

"It's amazing, my God, I saw it, as if I saw it with my eyes, this... Zhen, I saw you too, why... why is this? Why did I suddenly have it This kind of ability? Am I a character from Weiman? I love you so much!" Kristen suddenly turned to face Zhen Fan, and then ran over together, kissing Zhen Fan wildly. stand up.

"Calm down, calm down!" Feeling Christine's enthusiasm, Zhen Fan slowly stretched out her hand, hugged Christine, and smiled at her, "Don't be impulsive, you are my fiancee, for you I should do this too!" Zhen Fan leaned her head on Christine's shoulder and whispered softly in her ear.

This feeling made Kristen very comfortable. She hugged Zhen Fan and kept saying: "Thank you, thank you, my love, really, you let me experience another kind of wonder in this world. I like the feeling, really, just like I like everything about you. And... I promise, I don’t make mistakes, I’m very sorry for the previous things, my dear, never leave me, Don't leave me, okay?"

"Of course, why did you leave you?" Zhen Fan said and kissed Christine's forehead, then smiled, "Everything will get better and better, and I can tell you that when your cultivation At higher heights, this ability will be stronger, and you will see farther and broader!"

"I know, I know, but... honey, what do they do?" Kristen bit Zhen Fan's ear. "There are also Zoe, Sarah, Yi Fei and Annie, by the way... and Lei Chel, Rachel in a small town in Montana, don’t you? Don’t think I can’t tell, they should be treated like that by you, otherwise... it’s unfair, I know this is the result of our **** ?"

Christine, whose body has undergone a qualitative change, suddenly seems to be generous. Yes, she also mentioned these women, and these women formally have some intimate relationships with Zhen Fan.

Zhen Fan looked at Kristen in amazement and said, " still know Rachel? I'm sorry, I didn't intend to hide it, I just...just..."

"I know, you just want to find a more suitable time to talk to me about these, right?" Christine said with a smile, "I know, don't worry about these, compared with the ones you gave me, it's really not What's the matter, and...I talked to them about these things, and we all understand that you...should not be monopolized by one person, that would be very selfish..." Kristen really said the truth, although he was The influence of Christianity and the Western-style education that she has received is very much influenced, but... after being exposed to Taoism, especially after knowing the dual cultivation method of Taoism, she felt that her ideology was slowly taking place. Variety.

Everything is changing towards traditional Chinese thinking, which Zhen Fan hadn't thought of before, but this change is definitely helpful for Zhen Fan to solve his own troubles, which is too much trouble for women.

"Okay, okay, they are looking at us." Zhen Fan smiled and patted Kristen on the shoulder, then stretched out a hand to remove the silk scarf from her eyes, and threw it towards Annie. Although it was a silk scarf, it was accurately thrown into Annie's hands.

"Hey, you guys...really nauseous!" I don't know when, Zoe appeared next to them and smiled at the two of them, "You are in the crowd like this... I think it's so awkward. It's incredible. Zhen, I want to have such a hug, right here!" He really opened his arms as he said.

"Okay, a hug, no problem!" Zhen Fan said, opening his arms, holding Zoe in his arms, and then kissing her forehead with a smile, and finally letting go of her and facing the others The woman opened her arms and said, "Who else wants to hug? Come here and I will satisfy you!"

"I'm going to clean up!" Annie blushed and went into the kitchen. She is still so introverted, to be honest, a mature woman like Annie, with the shyness of a really made Zhen Fan very tempted. He couldn't help but glanced twice and was caught by Christine. He came over again and whispered in Zhen Fan's ear, "For Annie, your debt is the biggest!"

When these words were spoken, Zhen Fan's heart trembled suddenly. Yes, for Anne, Zhen Fan always lacked a statement about her. This statement could be to go to bed and directly declare her sovereignty, or it could be a promise that Anne would I let go of my uncertainty, but Zhen Fan hasn't done it yet.

"I will tell her!" Zhen Fan touched his nose, a little embarrassed. Talking about another woman in front of his fiancée seems to make Zhen Fan not so shameless.

"Well, I look forward to you very much, Annie... Actually very poor. I heard... No, I saw it. Recently, she has been in a kind of anxiety. I don't know why. , a moment, why don't you ask? Maybe she will tell you her troubles!" Christine said to Zhen Fan, and then said to Zoe. "Why don't we find something to do?" He said, walking upstairs.

Watching the two leave, then the people in the hall left one after another, including the nanny and tutor, and even Zhen Peng was carried upstairs by Yi Fei. And brought the two children upstairs together. (To be continued...) u

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