The American Scripture

Chapter 1063: Life blooms like a flower

The night on Wilshire Avenue is still full of brilliance. There are some pedestrians, but not many. Most of them are tourists who come from other states and other countries. Anyway, various languages ​​are intertwined on this street. This makes people feel like they are in a strange place. ∷∷,

"Zhen, I am worried about Thomas..." Annie said softly to Zhen Fan, "I am worried that he will use Claire to do some bad things, and...Although he said he missed Claire, but... Do you know? He doesn't care about Claire at all. After he got the money, he just wanted to leave quickly. He became impossible for me to recognize him. Is this Thomas? God... Zhen, how should I choose? "

"It's okay, it's okay." Zhen Fan turned his head and kissed Annie's forehead, then smiled, "I have everything."

This sentence is enough. Although Annie’s attitude was very clear just now, her heart was too soft. So seeing Thomas's miserable appearance, she couldn't help feeling pity and gave him a $50,000 sheet without hesitation. You know, this is half of her savings.

Annie's usual expenses are mainly for Claire's education. Because Claire learns to dance, it costs a lot. Although the salary of the clinic is very high for Annie, she has also saved $120,000 in recent years.

"Thank you, Zhen, thank you for being with me all the time." Annie was very moved. Indeed, if Zhen Fan had not been with her all the time, she didn't know what to do, life might have been a mess.

The three people walked on the street for a while, and it felt like a family walking on the street. Annie enjoys this time very much, and Claire holds Zhen Fan even more peacefully. And the sound of Claire's breath and gentle breathing came from Zhen Fan's ear. It was a little heavy, it turned out that the little girl fell asleep.

"Go back!" Zhen Fan hugged Claire tightly. Then he smiled at Annie, "I thought it was a very difficult thing. But I didn't expect to pass it so easily." He was referring to Claire. Claire and Annie have similar personalities, and she is also a kind little girl.

After the three of them returned, everyone in the villa was basically asleep. The lights in the hall were emitting a soft light. Zhen Fan cautiously went upstairs, put Claire on the bed, and then went downstairs and looked at sitting on the sofa. Annie on, walked over and sat next to her. Turn your body sideways to her.

"Why? Can't you sleep now? They are all asleep!" Zhen Fan said softly, "In this world, you are not alone. Don't take the pressure alone. Don't do it now or not in the future, okay? You have Claire, there is me, and Christine and the others. You have a family. We are a big family!"

"I know, I know!" Annie burst into tears, and her emotions were indeed agitated today, and she couldn't help it. She hooked her hands and hooked Zhen Fan's neck and hugged him tightly. This is the first time that the two have been so close. There have been hugs before. But that is courtesy, that is, the arms touch each other gently. But this hug really hugs each other.

Feeling the warmth and softness of the whole body, Zhen Fan's open hands were finally gently placed on Annie's waist. The other hand passed through her shoulder and hugged her upper body. Both of them are relatively thin clothes, and Zhen Fan clearly feels the softness and firmness of the side set on his right side.

At this time, it was when Annie was emotionally unstable. Zhen Fan should give her comfort instead of having a physical reaction. But when he touched Annie's body, he actually had a physical reaction. He wanted to break Annie's hand, but Annie hugged him tightly and didn't mean to let go.

"Annie!" Zhen Fan didn't think about anything at all, and the hands around Annie's waist tightened again.

"Zhen, don't talk, let me give a good hug." Annie's voice has a heavy snort, and it is obvious that Zhen Fan can feel her heart seems to be a little messed up, her sniff makes a strand of hair light. He lifted up, and then landed between Zhen Fan's neck, feeling a little itchy.

Zhen Fan hugged Annie motionlessly. Both of them seemed to want to go further, but it seemed that both of them were embarrassed to take a step forward, so they hugged them tightly, motionless, each other a little bit. Satisfied, but a bit unwilling.

Annie's feelings for Zhen Fan are a gradual process, from the first kind of concern from neighbors, to the later kind of care like family members, and then to the attachment after Zhen Fan's selfless help to her. Attachment has slowly developed into a deep nostalgia after several years, a kind of love that yearns for further intimacy. This kind of love lies between love and family affection, and is more like a helpless woman attached to a man who can make her lean on a very stable shore.

And Zhen Fan's feeling is a bit strange. At the very least, he didn't have this idea for Annie at first, just a kind-hearted, beautiful and a little **** neighbor. Never thought of taking it for yourself. But Annie's kindness always made him feel that this woman looked very comfortable.

Later, when Thomas firmly divorced Anne, Zhen Fan began to take care of Anne's mother and daughter intentionally or unconsciously because of Claire's relationship. In this kind of care, the feelings between each other become closer and closer. When Claire and Annie were in danger, Zhen Fan stepped forward to help, which made this closeness grow stronger. Until the end, Annie and Claire moved to Zhen Fan's villa.

It was almost as silent as a sound, and the long-lasting affection spread between the two people, which caused a trace of ambiguity between the two people. However, based on Annie's instinctive shame and conservativeness, the two have never had any behavior beyond friendship, even though it all happened.

"Annie--" Zhen Fan's voice came gently from the side of Annie's ears. The warm breath made Annie continue to be confused and infatuated. That kind of fermented in her heart and spread to her body. Her whole body was getting a little hot, which made her feel like she wanted to get rid of and hurry up.

"Hot--" Annie rang in Zhen Fan's ear with a thick nasal voice, she couldn't help it, and said to Zhen Fan, "We...can't do this...bye, Zhen--"

I couldn’t say it later, she could only make a soft "Woo" sound, because her lips had been blocked by Zhen Fan, and then Zhen Fan’s tongue easily opened her teeth and drilled. Go in.

Annie suddenly felt as if she had been hit, her body stiffened suddenly, and then as Zhen Fan's hand moved further, that hateful hand actually went from her waist to her back. The buckle of the bra was unbuttoned lightly. Please, the two soft and firm **** bound together are separated by a thin silky shirt, rubbing against Zhen Fan's chest, and his chest Seems to have...

God, when his chest was already, Annie was dizzy, and the two spheres swayed, rubbing against Zhen Fan's chest from time to time. This kind of stimulation made them both careless. Zhen Fan hugged Annie, and the two pressed closely together, staring at each other.

"Annie, give you to me, I am Claire's father, I will be a good father!" Zhen Fan said, staring at Annie with both eyes. Under Zhen Fan's gaze, Annie drooped her eyes somewhat embarrassingly.

Without waiting for any reaction from Annie, Zhen Fan kissed again. The two kissed again. This time Annie took the initiative. The two kissed, and then they fell on the sofa. Zhen Fan tried Take off Annie's shirt, and Annie has tried to untie Zhen Fan's belt.

Just as the two were about to be completely relieved, Annie suddenly said: "Don't, don't be here, they will..."

"They are already asleep, and no one cares if we are here." Zhen Fan said, and while moving, he quietly coaxed her, "I have set up a formation here, no one can see us. Not even Mia, don't worry!"

Maybe it was Zhen Fan's words that worked, and Annie loosened her whole body, and her entire limbs sank softly in the sofa, allowing Zhen Fan to continue to explore and develop her body. The bra came off, and the buttons of the shirt were unbuttoned one by one. Zhen Fan was very slow to untie as if to open a long-awaited artwork.

And Zhen Fan’s solemn action made Annie feel that Zhen Fan cherishes herself, which made her heart satisfied, and she even wanted to give her all to Zhen Fan’s awareness. So when she took off her body from the shirt, she couldn't help but push her chest up, letting the bright red bud stiffen up in the air, and then fell into a pair of big hands...

"Mmm—" Annie made a long groan like a sigh, as if it was the spring breeze blowing flowers in spring, so Zhen Fan couldn't help but opened her mouth, and easily touched the bud with her tongue. , Hovering above. And this action made both of them feel the ultimate happiness.

"No, no—ah—" Annie sighed long, and her whole body twitched like a spasm, and she was sent to the highest peak by Zhen Fan. And Zhen Fan was also teased by Annie's most beautiful form, and his whole body became hot, but he felt that he could not worry. He wanted to use Taoist mentality to make Annie feel another beauty in this world, so Annie's twitching , But made Zhen Fan cherish her even more.

Maybe Anne was too sensitive, maybe because the quiet passion was ignited by Zhen Fan at this moment. Life is blooming like a flower... (To be continued...) u

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