The American Scripture

Chapter 1066: Sachanism

Using the tracking technique again, Zhen Fan quickly locked the direction, but this time the lock took a lot of Zhen Fan's mind, and the lock was only the direction, not the specific location. This made Zhen Fan a little alert. It seems that this time the matter is not only related to Thomas.

This is a very interesting thing, and it is also something that makes Zhen Fan a little angry. Using a little girl or hurting a little girl is intolerable for him, especially this little girl is still very concerned about it. So he hurried into the car, folded the clothes Claire wore into the shape of a bird, chanting the Taoist mantra, and suddenly a bird flew out of the car and flew over. In the sky, circle on top of Zhen Fan.

Anne and Caroline who came later did not see this scene, and pulled the door to get into the car. Zhen Fan suddenly turned to Caroline, who was sitting in the back of the car, and said, "This matter is between me and Annie. Wait here for our news."

Caroline was taken aback, and then the expression on her face became a little stiff. She said to Zhen Fan, "I'm sorry, Zhen, I just... I just want to do my part, let me go, otherwise I will be better than here. It's more uncomfortable to wait. I like Claire just like you like Claire, okay?"

Annie thought for a while, and said to Zhen Fan, "Let her go, she is Claire's teacher, and Claire likes her very much."

"You have to be prepared, this time things are likely to be dangerous." Zhen Fan looked at Caroline, "I know you are a kind and good girl, but there is no need to kill yourself for this. , I feel that this time... I am not very sure!"

When Zhen Fan said so, Annie's hand suddenly tightened. She was frightened by Zhen Fan. But Caroline shook her head indifferently and said: "This is my choice, Zhen, I won't regret it. Let me go, please!" She looked at Zhen Fan with firm eyes. Obviously, she really wanted to help.

"Okay. Let's go!" Zhen Fan shook her head towards her, and then moved the car. At this moment, there was a bird's song in the sky, and the bird that flew out of the car began to fly in the sky. Fan drove the car and followed quickly, keeping track of the birds' flight.

"Why are we following this bird?" Caroline finally discovered that Zhen Fan was driving with the bird. The girl was very careful. So after discovering. She frowned, as if she couldn't figure out anything. After all, she had relatively little knowledge of Zhen Fan's methods.

"Because this bird knows where Claire is!" Before Zhen Fan spoke, Annie, who was sitting in the co-pilot, turned her head and looked at Caroline and said, "This is an ancient heritage of Zhen, so ...We are the most hopeful of finding Claire by following the bird."

Caroline nodded understandingly. Annie didn't have the intention to popularize her Taoist knowledge. One was because she didn't have the intention, and the other was because she couldn't understand it herself, and she didn't want to influence Zhen Fan, because Zhen Fan had a serious face during the whole process.

The bird flew out of the city. Fly to the outskirts again, Zhen Fan drove the car steadily following, the bird quickly stopped in a desert. Then he began to fly in the sky constantly, losing his direction. Zhen Fan stopped the car, and then sensed the surrounding environment. The Qi machine here had been destroyed, and it appeared very chaotic, which made the bird lose its direction. It seems that someone really has laid out here.

Zhen Fan sneered, then waved, the bird flew down with a whistle, and fell into Zhen Fan's hand. It became a piece of clothing, Caroline was a little dumbfounded. But it can also be seen that it was Claire's changed clothes, and he couldn't help but look at Zhen Fan. Looked at Annie again.

"Have you found it?" Annie knew that she hadn't found it yet when she saw the birds flying around, but she still asked Zhen Fan with a glimmer of hope, "Is Claire right here?"

Zhen Fan patted her hand, then nodded and said, "The approximate location should be right here, but someone here deliberately concealed Claire's breath, so the tracking technique can only track down here. It seems that someone is here There is no formation here, maybe I have met someone in the same way.

The fellows obviously mean that this person also has the ability to disturb the secrets of heaven. If Thomas is related to it, then it should be the person who changed Thomas' fate again. It seems that the one who can change his luck, Zhen Fan wants to come besides Taoism, is Buddhism. It's just that there are not many Taoists and Buddhists in the United States.

"Can we...can still find her?" Annie looked at Zhen Fan anxiously. The more serious Zhen Fan's face, the higher her heart, because she had never seen Zhen Fan's solemn expression. Yes, I used to smile more confidently. When I saw a smile, I felt very peaceful, and there would be a strong dependence.

"Don't worry, you will find it!" Zhen Fan said. Suddenly a wooden sword appeared in his hand. With a sudden wave of the chaotic space in front of the air, the wooden sword suddenly rose into the sky and suspended in Zhen. Fan's front, pointing straight ahead, Zhen Fan was not idle, his hands were sealed, his handprints were constantly changing, and he said in his mouth, "All those who are facing soldiers will march forward in array." Suddenly, the wooden sword radiated a brilliance. Immediately split the chaotic miracle into a clear stream. The world is clear.

Zhen Fan collected the wooden sword and hit the dress on his arm. Then he said: "Go--" The dress suddenly swelled up, flew into the air, and turned over gorgeously in the air. It turned into a bird, screamed, and flew forward.

The bird flew so fast that it disappeared within a few breaths. Zhen Fan held the wooden sword, and when he threw it in the air, he saw the wooden sword emit a light. Annie and Caroline instinctively covered their eyes. When they opened them, they saw a huge wooden sword. Suspended in the air. The shock in Caroline's heart could not be compounded.

"Don't let go for a while." Zhen Fan suddenly held the hands of Annie and Caroline, and suddenly jumped up. Annie and Caroline felt like they were flying in the air, waiting for her to feel under her feet. When he was standing firm, he saw that he was stepping on the wooden sword that was suspended in the air just now.

"Zhen...what's the matter? We are standing on a wooden sword..." Caroline yelled at Zhen Fan. She was a little panicked. If she fell, she would be crippled without falling to death.

"Remember, grab my hand and don't let it go." After Zhen Fan repeatedly told him, he once again chanted the Taoist mantra, and shouted: "Hurry as a law--I'm sick!" The wooden sword turned into a brilliance and disappeared in place. Caroline and Annie just felt the wind in their ears and wanted to open their eyes, but they couldn't open them at all because the speed was too fast. Fortunately, she was holding Zhen Fan's hand, and Zhen Fan blessed them with a bodyguard Dao Qi, so that they would not cause fatal injuries due to their excessive speed. Because the acceleration of the human body is limited.

It was just a moment. The bird stopped at the foot of a rocky mountain. Zhen Fan's wooden sword stopped here. When Annie and Caroline opened their eyes, they were already standing on the ground. Caroline's mouth opened but never closed.

She was naturally shocked and almost doubted whether she was living in a mythical world. But soon she woke up, because Zhen Fan had already walked to a car. Then slowly searching for something in the car. The bird in his hand suddenly flew up and landed gently in the passenger cabin.

"Claire came in this car!" Zhen Fan looked at the passenger seat, the bird had turned into a piece of clothing again, and it had found the same information as itself. Completed his mission.

"Where will she be?" Annie didn't mind feeling the shock that Zhen Fan brought to her when she was flying. She looked around. Except for the mountain here, the rest of the place was very empty, and then she stayed at the mine at the foot of the mountain. hole. The mine was like a huge mouth shining with gloom, wanting to swallow everything.

Zhen Fan also walked slowly toward the entrance of the cave, and then frowned. He had already felt a very strong energy breath at the entrance of the cave. This breath came from the inheritance of Taoism, but it was not the same as the inheritance of Taoism. The most important thing was that there was no Taoism's righteousness and peace. On the contrary, there is something more hostile and tyrannical in it. It is also mixed with a **** smell that is intolerable.

Zhen Fan suddenly realized that this is another branch of Taoism. It is an alternative. It is different from the various branches of China, and it is not the Maoshan Taoist or Siamese descending head art. This kind of branch is almost submerged in the long history of Taoism ~ ~ appeared very short-lived.

Zhen Fan knew what it was, and he knew it very clearly from his arrangement and perception of the entrance of the cave. In the inheritance of the cheap third uncle’s inheritance, Zhen Fan looked through almost all of the third uncle’s Taoist classics, and also saw a handwritten copy of the third uncle’s, in the form of notes, like a diary, recording him Views and perceptions of this branch.

The Sa Zhan sect, this Taoist sect that hardly appears in the "Tao Zang" books, actually recorded it, and it also recorded it in more detail, including the characteristics of their exercises and some key points of the exercises, and also recorded Some experience and skills to restrain these exercises and so on.

Unexpectedly, Zhen Fan met today, and he seemed to be a very powerful opponent. Even now Zhen Fan has some doubts, whether the sudden death of the third uncle is also related to this Sa Zhan faction. If this is the case, then today may be a day to come back with interest.

"You are waiting outside!" Zhen Fan said solemnly to Annie and Caroline, "If I haven't come out within three hours, you should leave here immediately, don't look back, and go back to the villa. Including Caroline, where is the feng shui array that I arranged. And let Mia and others return to the villa, do not leave anywhere, and be fully alert!" (to be continued)

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