The American Scripture

Chapter 1223: 1 night before Valentine's Day



   February 14 is Valentine's Day, a traditional Western holiday. {We don't write novels, we are just network text porters. -Valentine's Day is also called St. Valentine's Day or St. Valentine's Day. Flowers, chocolates, greeting cards, candlelight dinners, etc. are the main elements that make up this Valentine's Day. Perhaps placed on ordinary people, this festival is a private festival for two people. But this day is definitely a day for Zhen Fan to be more embarrassed and sad.


   Okay, but it's still February 13th, and tomorrow is Valentine's Day, so the tragic day has not yet come. So Zhen Fan is frowning. According to tradition, Bit will give the crew a day off. This is a rule. Of course, some crews don’t have to abide by this rule, but Bit’s crew must abide by it, because Bit will miss his wife and pass away on this day. Long time wife, this is the only time he misses her now.


   Yes, the only day of the year. For the rest of the time, Bite may hang out with those **** young beauties, but this day is absolutely not good. He will buy a bunch of flowers, and then he will be in front of his tombstone, and then quietly talk to his wife in the cemetery. , Mainly to talk about his life over the past year.


   Zhen Fan didn’t know about this. As a member of the eating and drinking group, it is shameful not to know such important things about the members of the same group. But Zhen Fan didn't think so, because Bit hadn't specifically talked to him about it. He knew Bit would tell him at the right time. But I didn't expect to tell myself first is Gary.


"Okay, guys, it's over, tomorrow... I wish you a very happy holiday tomorrow... Of course, if you don't have a girlfriend, then let God bless you, and tomorrow you will find your wishful woman..." Bit While talking, he was preparing to pack his own things.


"No, this film is fair, Director Jackson. What do we women do? Didn't you give us a blessing?" At this time, some female employees roared and joked like a bit. No one really cared about this. , But it does not prevent them from joking with Bit, because Bit is too serious when shooting. A bit afraid to be lively. Second, many of them have worked with Bit for many years, so they know that Bit is now alone. So I want to make a joke. Come to help him release his own inner distress. Their minds are pretty good.


"Well, if one of you doesn't have a boyfriend tomorrow, then... I can act once, of course, there can be no too many people, only one. If there is no one, you are all very attractive girls." Also laughed loudly, then waved goodbye to the staff. I am going to drive away alone.


   "Hey, Bit!" Zhen Fan walked towards him. He felt he had to talk to Bit, "Wait, Bit, tonight... let's talk? How about going to your house?"


"Are you going to spend Valentine's Day with me?" Bit chuckled, "I'm not gay, buddy. You found the wrong person, but... I still welcome you to make dinner at my house. To be honest, I really like what you make. Dinner, especially the last time. Your culinary skills have improved a lot. You have eaten it once and miss your whole life."


   "Stop teasing, go home and wash your **** and wait for me!" Zhen Fan smiled, and then drove away. Bit looked at Zhen Fan leaving, couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile. Also slowly got into his car. Everyone was almost finished leaving, and some subsequent staff members were packing up props.


   Zhen Fan talked to Christine and the others after returning home, saying that he was going to Bit's house. I can come back very late. Then he drove out. Yi Fei looked at Kristen and smiled: "He seems to have something wrong today. He is like that when he comes back from the set. Are you worried about the holiday tomorrow?


Christine also laughed: "If I were, I would be worried. That's why a man can only marry a wife. But let him worry about it, so that he won't be thinking about it anymore. What a terrible guy." He shook his head and said, "Let's go. Let's make dinner together. Maybe tomorrow is a pleasant surprise day!" He turned and walked towards the kitchen next to the hall.


Yi Fei also hurried to catch up. Her thoughts were very delicate, and she always felt that Zhen Fan was a bit wrong today. After thinking about it, she couldn't figure out the way, so she had to follow Christine to the kitchen and said as she walked: "Why? Don’t we make some dumplings for dinner? I’m good at it and can teach you.”


   "Haha—I like dumplings." At this time, Zoe, who had just walked down the stairs, heard him and shouted loudly, "I agree, I agree to raise your hand when eating dumplings." As he said, he raised his hand first. Then Yifei, Annie and Helena also raised their hands. The two little children, Maria and Claire, also raised their hands.


   It seems that the charm of dumplings is quite big. It's just that Helena obviously disagrees with Yi Fei's words: "You are wrong, Yi Fei, you are wrong, Mia is the best one to make dumplings. She is the master here. How about let's have a dumpling-making competition? But... let me explain first, whoever makes it, who eats it!"


   "Okay, okay!" The two children clapped their palms, jumping and laughing happily by the kitchen door. They are more enthusiastic about this. Feel new to all new things and always want to participate in it. So Mia began to prepare materials. These homes are equipped with materials and it is convenient to prepare.


   At this time, Fei Bingbing, who had changed clothes from upstairs, saw that so many people were busy working in the kitchen. It was obvious that the kitchen could no longer accommodate, so someone moved the battlefield to the dining room. Especially the two children, with their hands full of flour, and on their faces and noses, compare each other's beauty while making dumplings. After they have made dumplings in a satisfactory shape, they can't wait to show everyone.


But when you pack around, the two little guys just give me a little bit of whiteness on my face, and I give you a little bit of whiteness, and finally it becomes a scene where the two little guys are chasing after me around the dining table. It always seems very lively. Annie likes this kind of scene the most. She always feels that the happiness of the children is the most important thing. She always looks at the two children while making dumplings absently. However, they always do less, so the image of the package is always not good.


Fei Bingbing couldn't help but shook his head and smiled: "I didn't think that there are dumplings to eat before Valentine's Day. I thought it was an illusion. It was just after the Spring Festival. Why did you start making dumplings again? I'll join one too!" He rolled up his sleeves, washed his hands, and joined the ranks of making dumplings.


   In short, I am very busy. If the Valentine's Day process is like this, it is really a weird family in this American Western holiday. But when eating dumplings for dinner, although Yifei and Mia did not distinguish between the winners and losers, everyone had a great time eating, especially the two children, who found their own dumplings, not to mention eating more exciting.


   At this time, Zhen Fan was cooking dinner in Bit’s kitchen, but this time it was a coincidence. Zhen Fan also made dumplings for Bit because he bought some flour and lean meat in the supermarket while he was on the way. Then when I arrived at Bit's house, I saw several people there.


   are all members of their food and drink group. Fortunately, there are enough things to buy, so Zhen Fan is not worried about not eating enough. So the current situation is that the rest of the people are chatting and coffee on the outside terrace, watching the distant view of the sea, while Zhen Fan is making dumplings in the kitchen sadly.


   But Zhen Fan’s speed of making dumplings is really fast. After a while, he made two hundred dumplings and put them into the pot at 30 per person. The remaining fifty are put in the freezer and can be eaten tomorrow. They only finished a cup of coffee and the dumplings were cooked. There was no need to bring them to the restaurant. According to the meaning of the bit, it is placed outside.


   will be turned on, and the lights will be turned on at dusk. It is definitely a beautiful scene. Then the family brought a few cups, filled them with wine, one cup for each, and drank the wine while eating dumplings with the sauce. The taste of dumplings is indeed very good, especially after Zhen Fan's skill has increased greatly, the food made, no matter what it is, is influenced by a kind of Taoist energy, and the taste is naturally on the order.


   While eating dumplings, drinking and chatting. Zhen Fan tried to talk about Bit Valentine's Day several times, but was turned off by Bit several times. Obviously he didn't want to talk about it. Zhen Fan didn't force it anymore. So just drink and eat dumplings. However, the quantity of dumplings seems to be insufficient.


   After finishing eating, Lawrence touched his stomach, as if he was still unfinished. The others also looked at Zhen Fan blankly. So Zhen Fan made dumplings for everyone again. Fifty in the freezer did not move, leaving bits to eat tomorrow. So after another ten dumplings were eaten, everyone was satisfied.


   I am full and so I continue to chat. Talk about messy topics. From dumplings to food, from food to movies, from movies to vacations, etc., I also talked about the recent activities of the eating, drinking and playing group. When everyone thought about it, it seemed that there were fewer activities organized. So I discussed when to organize again.


When Zhen Fan was thinking about how to celebrate Valentine's Day for this large group of women tomorrow, Bit suddenly asked: "How do you plan to celebrate Valentine's Day tomorrow? You have so many women, you are always impartial. Otherwise, If you can't settle these women, you must know that women are emotional animals, and they will follow the mood of a certain day, not the decision of a certain life."


   This really makes a lot of sense. Zhen Fan looked at the crowd with a frown, shrugged his shoulders helplessly, and then spread his hands and said, "Well, you have asked about my difficulties. I'm worried about this now. To be honest, before... …I seem to have ignored this festival. They are very reasonable and didn’t say anything. But this year, I can’t be like this anymore. I want to make up for it, but I can’t favor the other..."


   "Is it good to say, then three, four or five people together, anyway, the bed is so wide!" Suddenly Lawrence smiled wryly and said something very ridiculous. (To be continued.)



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