The American Scripture

Chapter 1238: Mixed red carpet

Jucai Rinko yelled at Zhen Fan, making Gilmer Todd who was sitting inside a little embarrassed. He coughed uncomfortably and walked over and said, "You're done? Then let's go first, right. Now, keep in touch..., no matter what the idiot Japanese woman said upset him, he must keep a friendly attitude towards Zhen Fan. After all, if there is a chance, the two will have a real chance to cooperate.

"I've never seen such a woman!" Ke Luo looked at the Juna Rinko, but she kept showing a look of contempt, "Is she familiar with you? Humph!" When the girl spoke, she added Two hums on it, expressing how dissatisfied I am with this Japanese woman.

"Let's go, let's try on the clothes." Zhen Fan was too lazy to be with this, and the three of them came out together. In fact, the shop is not too far away. It took about ten minutes to arrive. Because I had already called before I came, so Seeing three people coming in, the waiter took them directly to the VIP room.

This is not a place to rest, but a display area for high-end clothes. Zhen Fan wanted to go to the lounge again, but was dragged out by Emma and Kolo, and he was not allowed to be lazy, because he was asked to evaluate the clothes. I mainly want to see what his opinion is. However, it can be understood that women are the ones who please themselves, ancient and modern, China and foreign countries are no exceptions.

There was no way, Zhen Fan had to sit on a very comfortable stool next to him, watching the two women come out changing clothes from time to time, one after another, it was endless. Even if Zhen Fan said it was good-looking, they said that Zhen Fan was perfunctory and could not feel his sincerity at all. See for yourself. Every piece of clothing felt very satisfied from time to time, and it took about three hours in this place. Until Zhen Fan kept reminding the time. They just reluctantly chose the dress. Then Zhen Fan chose the dress.

The dress was adjusted in less than ten minutes. I took care of my hair by the way and it looked good. So the three of them temporarily changed their dresses, stored them here, and went out for dinner. One steak per person, with a little red wine, not much, mainly because two women want to polish their faces. Drinking some red wine, my face turned ruddy, much better.

After coming out. Emma called and asked the driver to bring the courtesy car over. After reporting the address, the three of them returned to the shop and checked the time, and it was almost time. When the three of them came out, they looked like golden virgins and jade girls, but there were two jade girls, one on the left and the other holding Zhen Fan's hand. Make the men in the shop jealous and the women envy. Yes, no matter who comes to Zhen Fan, I believe her life and career will instantly become better. This is a bit like a modern version of Cinderella and Prince, right? But there are really many girls who dream of such fairy tales.

The car has stopped on the side of the road and waited. The driver graciously opened the door for Emma and Kolo. Open the door for Zhen Fan again. Then trot to drive. This is a big deal, and Emma's advance payment for this uniform has increased by five thousand dollars. After doing it, the three people sat opposite each other. The seats have been adjusted to face each other. There was red wine in it, but none of the three touched it. Just drank a little ice water.

The car headed towards the location of the Oscars, which was held at the Grauman Chinese Theater. this day. This street has been semi-closed by the police, and the red carpet is very long, nearly ten meters longer than before. Many people watch the excitement by the side of the street. But most of them are reporters, and there are some fans. The reporters are in front, and the fans squeeze forward. The whole scene was lively and lively.

Bit has already entered. I don’t know if it’s a coincidence. In front of Zhen Fan, there is actually a Chinese female star named Huang Wuyi. If it weren't for the little girl Ke Luo reminded, Zhen Fan really didn't know. He got out of the car and walked onto the red carpet, and the woman in front, Zhen Fan, did have a bit of an impression, and she also knew her name and had seen her movie. So when I heard Ke Luo said, it was really her, but she was holding a foreigner now.

"Who is the person next to her?" Zhen Fan really didn't know this person, so she couldn't help asking Emma next to her.

Emma looked and smiled and said, "It's Joe Mantner, a very good actor. has always been so half-red and not popular. If you are lucky, you will cooperate with some big directors to win some fame and luck. If it's not good, it's the male protagonist of a second-rate Hollywood movie, so...this kind of people catch a lot of them!

"I didn't expect them to know each other!" Zhen Fan shook his head and smiled, and then said to Emma and Kolo: "You really plan to go up with the three of you, so you are not afraid of the reporters' topics?"

"Why are you afraid? I'm still afraid that there is no topic!" Ko Luo said immediately, really a girl who is not afraid of fear. You know that in Hollywood, bad news can ruin a person's stardom. You don’t have to be in China. As long as you are famous in the entertainment industry, no matter what your name is, someone will come to you for filming and get high rewards. So there are often some weird actors who say weird things and do weird things, and then come out with weird names, but in the end they can make movies and get high rewards, but this doesn't work in Hollywood. It will ruin you and it will be difficult to stand up.

"Well, since it is so decided, then let's go!" Zhen Fan said, and walked towards the red carpet. When he came, he immediately received huge attention, not because the two beauties around him appeared at the same time, but because Zhen Fan was the most topical one in this year's Oscars. It was because his movie was nominated for the heavyweight class, but he failed. According to reason, he should be nominated.

So the flash and the camera moved towards him. Let Huang Wuyi, who was still on the red carpet, constantly swinging his posture to make reporters take pictures, felt strange. She couldn't help but look back and her eyes lit up. This is Zhen Fan, a Hollywood bull, and China. People are more famous than the guy next to him. There were two Hollywood beauties beside him. She knew one was the famous magical girl Emma. One is the lovely Loli Kolo Moritz from Hollywood. So she didn't worry about leaving, and stayed there absent-mindedly playing postures.

"Hey, my dear, we should go now, everyone in the back is here!" Joe Mantner frowned at Huang Wuyi who was still twisting his waist and posing, his tone was a little bit strange. I'm impatient. He paid for this woman to participate in the Oscar walk on the red carpet with him, and he despised her a bit, and he is still here for a while and he is a little impatient.

"Wait, I'll be fine soon!" Huang Wuyi nodded, and then saw Zhen Fan walking towards her. He couldn't help but stretched out his hand, waved at Zhen Fan, and yelled in English loudly, "Hey, Zhen , Zhen, I'm so happy to see you." He stretched out his hand, trying to shake hands with Zhen Fan.

But where could Zhen Fan be free, he had no choice but to smile at her and then walked past her. At that time, the camera had been chasing him, and once again ignored Huang Wuyi. But she didn't think there was much, but instead felt that she had found a gimmick that could be hyped.

"Let’s go, he has passed. I know what you think, woman, this is Hollywood, don’t stand for too long, we will be criticized, and you have to pay attention, don’t move forward, what you got is A media card, not an invited guest card. Otherwise, a security guard will drive you out. I hope you don’t do such a stupid thing.” With that, Joe Mantner walked forward, and Huang Wu Holding his hand, he had to walk forward with him, and finally entered the theater anyway.

After entering the theater, Joe Mantner said to Huang Wuyi: "I'm going to the front row. I am an invited guest. You stand at the back. You have your place. You can find your place slowly. Our transaction has been completed, I will bring you in, nothing more. Good luck, Huang Zhu walked straight ahead, without even looking at Huang Wuyi.

Huang Wuyi found his place, and many media people were sitting behind them. They set up long guns and short cannons, aimed at everyone who came in at the door, and then kept tracking the actors and stars who were full of topics. This is their job. But Huang Wuyi suddenly sat in the middle of them, making them a little surprised.

Yes, Huang Wuyi was wearing an evening gown alone among them, and there was nothing in his hands. So he looked at her in surprise, but in the end no one paid any attention to her. Huang Wuyi sat for a while, no one came to talk to her, so he walked forward again, and then stood on tiptoe and looked to try to find Zhen Fan.

This is a good opportunity for her to take it. With Zhen Fan participating, it's not easy to drive yourself away, right? Besides, Zhen Fan is a hot star in Hollywood. The organizing committee will definitely not let himself go away. It would be great if he could sit with him. Huang Wuyi thought, then looked forward hard.

But there were crowds everywhere, so she still couldn't find it, but she was a little unwilling. She walked forward, trying to get closer and look again. But he was politely said: "Are you looking for your position? Please take out your invitation card, and I will help you find your position." As he said, he stretched out his hand, obviously he It depends on her invitation card.

"I'm sorry... I'm looking for my friend... Zhen, Fan? Mr. Zhen, you should know him. When I came in just now, I got separated from him because I went to the bathroom, right... Can you Tell me where he is now? Please take me with him, thank you!" Huang Wuyi said, smiling charmingly at the little student.

The person was visibly stunned. Although he was a little skeptical, he still said, "If so... then please come with me! I will take you over!" Although he doubted, he did not dare to offend Zhen Fan's friend But the big man in Hollywood, the big man in Los Angeles as a whole, one of the most famous rich people in America! (To be continued...) u

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